Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

How can most Alevis vote for the CHP?
(Özgür Korkmaz, Hürriyet Daily News)

Sectarianism comes back to bite Saudi Arabia
(Toby Matthiesen, Washington Post)

The bureaucratization of religion in Southeast Asia: expanding or restricting religious freedom?
(Tomas Larsson and Mirjam Künkler, Euro Seas)

St. Mary superintendent pledges to talk to principals about prayer in schools
(KATC (Louisiana))

USAC passes divestment resolution with 8-2-2 vote
(Kendal Mitchell and Joseph Vescera, Daily Bruin (UCLA))

Japan: A landmark court decision! Payment for attempted forceful change of religion
(Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers, Forum for Religious Freedom Europe)

Romania's ethnic Germans get their day in the spotlight
(Deutsche Welle)

Global Terrorism Index finds soaring rise in attacks; sees religious ideology links
(Henri Rose Cimatu, Ecumenical News)

The good left, the seedy left, and the Kurds
(Paul Berman, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

JCC shooting suspect admits he targeted Jews
(Stephanie Butnick, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Politics, law and race: the Netherlands, ‘Black Pete’ and Arts. 8 & 9 ECHR
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Iranian official Ayatollah Khamenei warns against Islamophobia
(Iran Review)

Anglicanism and women bishops: Hello ladies, goodbye Communion?
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus blog: Religion and Public Policy])

Death penalty for Pakistan woman turned on technicality
(Asif Aqeel, World Watch Monitor)

Pakistani Court plans to fix 'legal glitch' that led to Asia Bibi's death sentence
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Pakistan family sentenced to death over 'honor killing'
(Al Jazeera America)

Four sentenced to death for Pakistan 'honour killing'
(BBC News)

Pope Francis hosts high level conference on marriage
(Sheila Liaugminas, MercatorNet)

Muslim, Christian, Jewish leaders unite to condemn jihadi violence
(Michael Shields and Shadia Nasralla, Reuters)

Christians and Muslims have co-existed peacefully before and must do so again
(Fuad Nahdi, The Guardian)

Kenyan police arrest 109 at mosques, seize explosives
(Joseph Akwiri, Reuters)

Family, school spar in court in ‘under God’ suit
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

High school senior stands up for "under God" in pledge
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

‘I don’t': Conservative pastors vow not to officiate government marriages
(Jonathan Merritt, Religion News Service)

Public schools in US state removing religious holidays from calendar
(Henri Rose Cimatu, Ecumenical News)

Iraq's Arbaeen pilgrims walk new, safer path
(Wassim Bassem, trans. Pascale Menassa, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Vatican calls on United Nations to protect religious minorities in Iraq
(Vatican Radio)

Students denied right, again, to form Christian club at NY high school
(Bob Kellogg, One News Now)

Indonesia government under fire for treatment of religious minorities
(Ryan Dagur and Katharina R. Lestari, UCA News)

Hong Kong protests escalate as government building invaded
(James Pomfret, Christian Today)

Christian takes the helm in Jakarta despite Muslim hardliner protests
(Randy Fabi, Christian Today)

New Jakarta governor is Christian, but some Indonesian Muslims protest
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Indonesian capital gets a Christian governor
(Niniek Karmini, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Church offers sanctuary to illegal immigrant, claims 'all families are sacred'
(Daniel Kelley, Christian Today)

German town tricks neo-Nazis into raising thousands of euros for anti-extremist charity
(Elena Cresci, The Guardian)

In Jerusalem’s ‘war of neighbors,’ the differences are not negotiable
(Jodi Rudoren, The New York Times)

Right-to-die advocate's mom blasts Vatican remarks
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Vatican’s new tone gains a voice in Chicago as Blase Cupich becomes Archbishop
(Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times)

North Korea accuses South of aggravating tensions over Christmas tree
(Robert Lauler, The Guardian)

Indian ashram standoff leaves at least six dead
(The Guardian)

The European Court of Human Rights: anti-democratic or guardian of fundamental values? – Judge Robert Spano
(1 Crown Office Row, UK Human Rights Blog)

EVENT, 17-19 November 2014: An International Interreligious Colloquium on the Complementarity of Man and Woman - Day 3
(Program, Vatican City)

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Erdoğan vows to teach Turkish children Muslim discovery of Americas
(Hurriyet Daily News)

High schooler suspended after preaching claims religious persecution, sues
(Levi Pulkkinen, Seattle Post Intelligencer)

Jerusalem terror attack "strikes at soul" of Jews worldwide
(Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog)

Libertad religiosa en Brasil: Un país que lucha contra la discriminación religiosa

Religious Liberty after Hobby Lobby [YouTube Video]
(Kim Colby, William P. Marshall, Robin Fretwell Wilson, Diarmuid F. O'Scannlain, William L. Saunders, Federalist Society's Religious Liberties Practice Groups)

Tamil Nadu, 100 Hindu radicals attack a Christian community
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Global festival to recognise Jamaica's impressive religious freedom
(Jamaica Observer)

Freedom of association under Art. 11 ECHR: Islam-Ittihad v Azerbaijan
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

The patient body: Tending to one another
(Ann Neumann, The Revealer (NYU))

The Reformation will be televised: On ISIS, religious authority and the allure of textual simplicity
(Suzanne Schneider, The Revealer (NYU))

Undocumented immigrant seeks sanctuary in Philadelphia church
(Daniel Kelley, Reuters)

Guantanamo judge rules female guards cannot touch al Qaeda suspect
(Tom Ramstack, Reuters)

Palestinian attackers kill 5 at Jerusalem synagogue, including 3 Americans
(Ruth Eglash, Daniela Deane and Brian Murphy, Washington Post)

Deadly Jerusalem synagogue attack puts Israel close to brink
(Peter Beaumont, The Guardian)

Jerusalem on edge as Israel vows ‘harsh response’ to synagogue attack
(Al Jazeera)

Israel on edge after five are killed in attack on synagogue
(Jodi Rudoren and Isabel Kershner, The New York Times)

After attacks in Jerusalem, growing fears of religious war
(Ahmad Malhem, Al-Monitor: Palestine Pulse)

Jerusalem attacks unlikely to portend a third Palestinian intifada
(Dalia Hatuqa, Al Jazeera)

Michigan Attorney General says gay couples who married before ban was reimposed are not eligible for benefits
(Christian Today)

Suit challenges prayer and Bible readings at school board meetings
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Wrongfully convicted man freed after 15 years in prison: 'I was praying every day, asking God to shine down upon me'
(Christian Today)

Pope Francis confirms planned September U.S. visit
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Deep roots of religious persecution go beyond Maryland school district's holiday calendar mess
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

23 Christian families are stranded in the ISIS-controlled city of Raqqa
(Christian Today)

Group launches annual "Friend or Foe Christmas" campaign
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

16-year-old student takes action after she claims high school refused her request to start a Christian group
(Cath Martin, Christian Today)

Spanish lawmakers pass symbolic motion on eventual recognition of Palestine
(Julien Toyer, Reuters)

Church of Brethren has no right to property of break-away congregation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Police clash with Indian guru supporters; 190 hurt
(Nirmala George, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Moscow bishop challenges Ukrainian government's financial sanctions on rebel area
(Russia Religion News)

Iraqis show no sign of uniting in response to massacre of Sunni tribe
(Raheem Salman, Reuters)

Pope says children have a right to grow up in a family with a father and a mother
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

ECHR judgment in Jehova’s Witnesses case against Russia becomes final

Texas group vows suit if Wantagh school doesn't allow Christian group
(Bart Jones, Newsday)

Controversial Texas textbooks headed to classrooms
(Rick Jervis, USA Today)

Bail granted for pastors nearly mobbed for sharing their faith in Bangladesh
(Damaris Kremida, World Watch Monitor)

Fighting deportation order, she claims sanctuary
(Michael Matza, The Philadelphia Inquirer)

Does abortion trump religious liberty?
(Peter Kirsanow, National Review Online [The Corner Blog])

Policeman’s death raises synagogue attack death toll to 5

Azerbaijan: Imprisoned for pistol or prayer room?
(Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

South Carolina to seek to delay same-sex marriages
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

New lawsuit challenges Nebraska's ban on same-sex marriage
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

7 couples sue over Nebraska's gay marriage ban
(Zach Pluhacek, Sioux City Journal)

Legally married same-sex couples won’t be allowed to stay together at City Union Mission
(Eric Adler, The Kansas City Star)

Kansas Supreme Court discussing gay marriage case

Kansas has 105 counties, but only a handful are issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples
(Hunter Schwarz, The Washington Post)

Arizona wedding planner won’t work for same-sex couple, cites ‘religious freedom’
(Zack Ford, ThinkProgress)

'Jewish State' law up for approval
(Cynthia Blank, Israel National News)

Wait and see: Implementation of new AF policy on religious expression
(Chad Groening, One News Now)

Individual religious expression allowed in revised Air Force rules
(Stephen Losey, Military Times)

Fighting back! Student sues high school to get religious freedom restored during ‘free-time’ hours
(Joe Saunders, Bizpac Review)

Satanist coloring book prompts Florida school district to consider policy change
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Florida school district proposing to ban distribution of all religious material
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

BJC’s Brent Walker discusses the church-state landscape after Hobby Lobby
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Inverted equal protection: same-sex marriage at the Sixth Circuit (Part II, rational-basis review)
(Dale Carpenter, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Two more same-sex marriage cases reach the Supreme Court
(Dale Carpenter, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Global lawmakers sign charter for freedom of religion
(Henri Rose Cimatu, Ecumenical News)

Virginity tests on Indonesia police condemned
(Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera)

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