Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Baghdadi vs. Zawahri: battle for global jihad
(Bruce Riedel, Al-Monitor)

Egyptian play tackles taboo of religion
(Asmaa al-Ghoul, Al-Monitor)

Indonesian women’s rights under siege
(Andreas Harsono, Al Jazeera)

Bolivia elimina el matrimonio religioso del nuevo Código de las Familias

Monday, 24 November 2014

Presidential vote, call to not use Pope for political aims
(Missionary International Service News Agency)

Sharia law guidelines abandoned as Law Society apologises
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Pakistani Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy files appeal
(Agence France-Presse)

Asia Bibi pins hopes for life on Supreme Court
(Mark Woods, Christian Today)

Stop the carnage in Syria, doctors plead: "The situation of civilians under siege by the Assad regime in Syria is even worse than under ISIS"
(Michael Cook, BioEdge)

Law Society withdraws practice note on sharia-compliant wills
(Frank Cranmer, Law and Religion UK)

Pope Francis and the extraordinary global marriage conference
(Sheila Liaugminas, MercatorNet)

"Kidnapping," forced conversion and collective punishment haunt Egypt's Copts
(Lauren Gunias, World Watch Monitor)

"What motivates European youth to join ISIS?": Translocal phenomenon's harms
(Loretta Bass, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

The factions of Kobani (Ayn al-Arab)
(Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

Jóvenes magrebíes piden clases de religión islámica en El Palmar
(La Verdad)

Margallo habla de libertad de expresión y transición en conferencia de prensa en Cuba
(Martí Noticias)

The Council of Europe refuses to oppose neonatal infanticides
(European Centre for Law and Justice)

Comisión Europea valora propuesta que ‘amenaza la libertad religiosa’

Hopes of anti-FGM campaigners dashed in Egypt
(Michael Cook, BioEdge)

Sunday morning inconvenient for church services ... says Church of England
(John Bingham, The Telegraph)

Can Jews and Muslims get along? 60 imams and rabbis meet in Washington to try
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

ISIL recruits, exploits children 'in systematic and organized manner'
(Hurriyet Daily News)

Russian priest suggests banning Wahhabism, Nazism and aggressive neo-paganism
(Interfax: Religion)

Kenya kills 100 Islamist militants who claimed responsibility for bus attack
(George Obulutsa, Christian Today)

Churches to serve as safe spaces after Ferguson grand jury announcement
(Lilly Fowler, Religion News Service)

Sorry, Mr. President. You’re wrong on Exodus and immigration (COMMENTARY)
(Mark Coppenger, Religion News Service)

World Council of Churches head represents faith-based groups at UN meeting
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Could Israel’s policies pave way for an intifada?
(Daoud Kuttab, Al-Monitor)

Understanding the attraction of Salafi and Wahhabi movements
(Saneya Arif, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies)

Karnataka, Hindu radicals attack a Pentecostal church: eight injured, two serious
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Hindu leaders against Christian missionaries: "They corrupt Indian culture"

Connecting religious and economic liberty
(Dylan Pahman, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Priests for life plans appeal to Supreme Court of latest contraception mandate ruling
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Suicide bomber kills 50 at Afghan volleyball match
(Christian Today)

Iraqi forces claim liberation of 2 towns from Islamic State control
(Saif Hameed, Christian Today)

Christian who says he went from gay to straight thanks to God is reportedly threatened with legal action by church
(Cath Martin, Christian Today)

British fear of Islamists and Saudi fears about atheists are two sides of the same coin
(Brian Whitaker, The Guardian)

Judicial Watch sues Internal Revenue Service for records about IRS monitoring of churches
(Press Release, Judicial Watch)

Conservative group seeks IRS communications with Freedom From Religion Foundation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

New Ten Commandments monument being built for Capitol lawn
( Oklahoma City)

Oklahoma legislator will replace destroyed 10 Commandments monument
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

SCOTUS Hobby Lobby decision implemented with narrow injunction
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Hobby Lobby Supreme Court ruling - recent developments in the courts
(The National Law Review)

Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox churches squeezed in Crimea
(Russia Religion News)

Church in the Donetsk Region shelled
(Interfax: Religion)

Facing Boko Haram, Nigerians 'storm the heavens with prayers'
(Catholic News Agency)

Rights groups blame Indonesia's blasphemy law for failing state of minorities
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

For many young British Muslims tug of peace is stronger than pull of war
(Ahmed Aboulenein, Reuters)

Relationship between Israel and Jordan grows warier amid tensions in Jerusalem
(William Booth and Taylor Luck, The Washington Post)

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people
(Peter Beaumont, The Guardian)

Muslim clerics meet in Iran to counter extremists
(Ali Akbar Dareini, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Waste water system pits environmental rules vs. Amish ways
(Pam Louwagie, Star Tribune)

Texas OKs most new history textbooks amid outcry
(Will Weissert, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

St. Louis pastors confronting race anew as grand jury meets
(Toluse Olorunnipa, Elizabeth Campbell and Mark Niquette, Bloomberg)

Catholic Church: religious freedom trumps civil rights
(Jay Michaelson, The Daily Beast)

Limits of Supreme Court ruling on public prayer tested in lawsuit against California district
(Jackie Wernz, JD Supra)

Long Island student fights for school club, religious expression
(Karen L. Willoughby, Christian Examiner)

Threats over religious freedom bill puts State Senator under DPS watch
(Ryan Poppe, Texas Public Radio)

Mississippi Supreme Court sets date to hear its first same-sex divorce case
(Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post)

16 North Carolina judges quit following state's legalization of gay marriage
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post)

'Tsunami of confusion' exists on religious liberty in military, argues panel
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post)

The Marriage Pledge – Its relevance in Europe
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Scripture-reading is set to mark Day of the Bible at Oklahoma Capitol
(Carla Hinton, News OK)

Religious freedom is a component driving peace, finds new study
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Understanding radicalisation: Expert interview with Dr Mark Sedgwick
(On Religion)

Understanding radicalisation: Expert interview with Dr Matthew Francis
(On Religion)

Magna Carta and its progeny
(David Hart QC, UK Human Rights Blog)

Opinion: Multiculturalism should not be misused to justify divisions
(Farid Rohani, Montreal Gazette)

PM proposes measures for Alevis amid protests in Tunceli
(Sunday's Zaman)

ISIS continues its state-building project unabated
(Dr. Theodore Karasik, Al Arabiya)

Israel fears EU Parliament will recognize 'Palestine'
(Cynthia Blank, Arutz Sheva 7)

Religion and Law round-up – 23rd November
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

'Jewish State' law passes Cabinet vote
(Hezki Ezra, Arutz Sheva 7)

Northern Ireland: DUP to introduce bill to exempt religious people from equality laws
(Pink News)

Jamaat Jund al-Qawqaz: A Caucasus Emirate Group in Latakia
(Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Cabinet approves 'Jewish state bill'
(Lahav Harkov and Herb Keinon, The Jerusalem Post)

Court enjoins South Carolina's refusal to recognize same-sex marriages from elsewhere
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Egyptian court acquits first doctor charged with female genital mutilation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

First 'International Day of the Bible' to Launch Nov. 24
(Amanda Casanova, Christian Headlines)

Israel's Cabinet approves proposed basic law declaring Israel as a Jewish state
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Pilgrim voices tell of more than first Thanksgiving
(Alan Wallace, TribLive Opinion/The Review)

Turkey trains Kurdish peshmerga forces in fight against Islamic State
(Humeyra Pamuk, Reuters)

Recognizing Palestine: Anomalies and ambiguities – OpEd
(Neville Teller, Eurasia Review)

Muslim's religious discrimination claim against NJ Transit dismissed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Montana's same-sex marriage bans falls; becomes 34th state to recognize marriage equality
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

"Islamic State" unites Ankara and Baghdad
(Rufiz Hafizoglu, Trend News Agency)

Montana: Some clerks raise objections to granting same-sex marriage licenses
(The Associated Press, Great Falls Tribune)

Priests for Life vow to appeal Mandate decision to U.S. Supreme Court
(Fr. Frank Pavone, Aleteia)

In Pakistan, Christians and Muslims stage protest demanding blasphemy laws be stopped
(Team Aleteia, Aleteia)

Zoning denial did not create substantial burden under RLUIPA
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supermarket chain Sainsbury's stirs strong passions, outrage with World War I Christmas advertisement
(Danica Kirka, Star Tribune World)

Thousands demonstrate in major anti-abortion rally in Madrid, criticize government U-turn
(Associated Press, Star Tribune)

Somali Islamists execute 28 non-Muslims on Kenyan bus
(George Obulutsa, Reuters)

Refusing the Veil by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Cry freedom for the women of Islam
(Lucy Popescu, The Independent)

Representations of purgatory and limbo in popular culture
(Diana Walsh Pasulka, OUPblog Religion)

No place for extremists ‘masked as intellectuals’
(Arab News)

Turkish governor threatens to turn synagogue into museum

Bahrain's first post-Arab Spring vote boycotted by Shia majority

Anti-semitism creeps Into Europe's daily routines
(Deborah E. Lipstadt, The Jewish Daily Forward)

French interior minister speaks of love for Jews

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