Law and Religion Headlines

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Does “caste” fall within the definition of “race” in s 9 Equality Act 2010?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Evangelical leaders ponder America's race problem: Is the multiethnic church the solution?
(Alex Murashko, The Christian Post Church & Ministry)

Freedom of religion? Mosque debate in Georgia town reveals sharp divide
(PBS Newshour)

Pakistan Taliban defiantly justifies mass slaughter of schoolchildren; Iran, Afghan Taliban condemn attack as 'un-Islamic'
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post World)

Why won't Hamas label Islamic State as terrorists?
(Asmaa al-Ghoul, Trans. Sahar Ghoussoub, Al-Monitor: Palestine Pulse)

Will religion ever disappear?
(Rachel Nuwer, BBC Future)

Friday, 19 December 2014

Kenyan church leaders back country's restrictive anti-terror law
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Is the Church discriminating?
(Fr Joe Borg, The Times of Malta)

Freedom From Religion Foundation sues state over contraception enforcement records
(Star Tribune)

Michigan religious freedom bill stalls in lame-duck session
(Kathleen Gray, Detroit Free Press)

Francis, filtered
(George Friedman, First Things)

Druids and nature
(Barry Cunliffe, OUPblog Religion)

Kazakhstan: No freedom of religion or belief "unless they have registration", Anti-Terrorism Police claim
(Forum 18 News Service)

Boko Haram unrest: Nigerian militants 'kidnap 200 villagers'
(BBC News Africa)

Thursday, 18 December 2014

“The Legal Foundations of the Islamic State"
(Mara Revkin, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

Atrocities, culture and religion: War's many victims
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

WCC works with Ukrainian churches for peace
(World Council of Churches)

The link between economic and religious freedoms
(Brian J. Grim, World Economic Forum Blog)

Why the Ten Commandments still matter
(Joe Carter, Action Institute Power Blog)

Many in emerging and developing nations disconnected from politics: Participation highest in Middle East
(PewResearch Global Attitudes Project)

How Pope Francis helped broker Cuba deal
(Elizabeth Dias, Time)

Spending measure allows abortion coverage for Peace Corps volunteers
(Josh Hicks, The Washington Post)

Satanist and Christian holiday displays to go up at Michigan Capitol
(Bill Chappell, NPR: The Two-Way)

No major backlash after Sydney siege, but Muslims are fearful
(Thomas Fuller and Michelle Innis, The New York Times)

Saudi rulers reconsider ties to Wahhabi clergy
(Angus McDowall, Reuters)

Dutch politician Geert Wilders faces new racial hatred charges over victory speech
(Charlotte McDonald-Gibson, The Independent)

Mumbai attacks 'mastermind' Lakhvi bailed in Pakistan
(BBC News Asia)

Iran unveils monument to Jewish soldiers killed in war with Iraq
(Haaretz and Associated Press, Haaretz)

The Abu Dhabi Statement: Rejecting Violent Religious Extremism and Advancing Shared Well-being
(Dr. William F. Vendley, Religions for Peace)

Republican Kasich forces public schools to partner with religion or lose taxpayer funding
(Rmuse, Politicus USA)

Unconstitutional law used to investigate ‘Allah’ hymnals, says lawyer
(Elizabeth Zachariah, The Malaysian Insider)

Impoverished “family life”: its problematic pervasiveness at Strasbourg
(Lourdes Peroni, Strasbourg Observers)

Illegal arrest of several European citizens in Belgrade / MEP calls on Serbia to release Falun Gong human rights activists
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Pope: "We are happy" with new Cuba-U.S relations

Appeals court rejects Pittsylvania County appeal in prayer case

4th Circuit: Appeal of injunction against sectarian county board prayer fails on procedural grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Better Compliance Indicators and Data, and More Collaboration with State Regulators Would Strengthen Oversight of Charitable Organizations
(United States Government Accounting Office)

Central Chinese Communist United Front Work Department to inspect Linxia county religious departments [Simplified Chinese]
(Linxia People's Daily)

Beijing temples run illegal clubs for elite Chinese
(Michael A. Katz, China Topix)

Malaysian bishop, lawmakers denounce seizure of hymn books with word Allah
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Marquette suspends prof’s teaching, orders him off campus
(Eugene Volkoh, The Washington Post: Volkoh Conspiracy blog)

Lords Spiritual (Women) Bill published
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Government stalls on humanist marriages in England & Wales
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Abortion, conscientious objection and the UK Supreme Court: Greater Glasgow Health Board v Doogan & Anor
(Maria Strauss and Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

EVENT, 18 December 2014: Conférence Laïcité et Liberté de Croyance : quel avenir pour la spécificité française ?
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF))

EVENT (Kuala Lumpur), 18 December 2014: Faith-Based Arbitration: The UK Experience
(Mark Hill QC and Andrew Khoo Chin Hock, Kuala Lumpur Regional Center for Arbitration)

EVENT, 18 December 2014: Faith-Based Arbitration: The UK Experience
(Mark Hill QC and Andrew Khoo Chin Hock, Kuala Lumpur Regional Center for Arbitration)

EVENT, 18 December 2014: “Refusing to be Enemies” at Israel’s Hand in Hand Schools, A Model of Jewish and Arab coexistence in the face of conflict
(Rebecca Bardach, Mouran Ibrahim (9th grader), Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen, Ned Lazarus, nbar Shaked Vardi (9th grader), United States Institute of Peace)

Hand in Hand: Center for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel

Refusing to be enemies in Jerusalem
(Farah Stockman, The Boston Globe Opinion)

Britain's Supreme Court punts on whether narrow abortion law conscience rights violate religious freedom
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

“Atheists, humanists and liberals” now targeted as a distinct minority by “hate campaigns” — report
(International Humanist and Ethical Union)

2014 in review: An unsettling year, with religion in a starring role
(Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

A tweet on women's veils, followed by raging debate in Saudi Arabia
(Deborah Amos, NPR Parallels)

Alan Gross release hailed as Hanukkah ‘miracle,’ first step in ‘normalized’ U.S.-Cuba relations
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Atheists: the new persecuted minority, international report concludes (COMMENTARY)
(Bob Churchill, Religion News Service)

Australian religious groups fight changes to equal opportunity laws
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Bishop of Stockport announced
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Broward judge invalidates Florida’s gay-marriage ban, grants divorce to lesbian and same-sex partner
(Steve Rothaus, Miami Herald)

Can liberal Zionists count on Hillary Clinton?
(Jason Horowitz, The New York Time Magazine)

Church of England names its first woman bishop; Libby Lane to assume historic role
(Trevor Grundy, Religion News Service)

How 2014 was the beginning of the end for the gay-marriage fight
(Rebecca Nelson, National Journal)

Irish school bans homosexuality bashing Bible passages
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Nigeria church closes doors after losing 11 members in recent al-Shabaab attacks
(Laurice Chavez, Christian Today)

Non-believers push for legal recognition of humanist weddings
(Haroon Siddique, The Guardian)

Pakistan’s sickening massacre isn’t about religion – it’s about intimidation
(Bina Shah, The Guardian)

Rabbi David Saperstein confirmed as U.S. ambassador for religious freedom
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Religious freedom panel to be extended
(Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times)

Sharp rise in number of Christian girls being attacked in Pakistan
(Laurice Chavez, Christian Today)

Some conservatives urging right not to serve gays on religious grounds
(Sandhya Somashekhar, The Washington Post)

Swedish far-right leader: Jews must abandon religious identity to be Swedes
(David Crouch, The Guardian)

16 schoolgirls, 10 others killed in Yemen suicide bombings
(Christian Today)

Sisters in the vanguard as Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood battles to survive
(Lin Noueihed, Reuters)

Islamic State recruits broadly, not just fighters
(Eric Tucker and Sadie Gurman, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Catholic midwives lose abortion case at UK Supreme Court
(BBC News Glascow & West Scotland)

Greater Glasgow Health Board (Appellant) v Doogan and another (Respondents) (Scotland) [2014] UKSC 68
(Press Summary, The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom)

Jews protest racism and police brutality on first night of Hanukkah
(Hannah Rubin, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Ireland to hold referendum on gay marriage in May
(Henry McDonald, The Guardian)

Michigan Catholic nuns celebrate upbeat Vatican report
(Patricia Montemurri, Detroit Free Press)

Jehovah’s Witnesses, and judicial review being a last resort
(David Hart QC, UK Human Rights Blog)

Tip: when you’re suing an employer for religious discrimination, don’t launch “vitriolic anti-Semitic rant[s]” against judges
(Eugene Volokh, The Washington Post)

ACLU to Congress: We need a comprehensive LGBT non-discrimination bill
(Ian S. Thompson, American Civil Liberties Union)

International religious freedom battles heat up
(Sarah Posner, USC Annenberg: Religious Dispatches)

Capitol protest focused on Michigan religious freedom bill
(Winsk Kiefer, WLNS)

Rising tide of global terror claims thousands
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

India's Modi orders party to rein in pro-Hindu agenda
(Rupam Jain Nair and Andrew Macaskill, Reuters)

Myanmar court jails former opposition official accused of insulting Buddhism
(Jared Ferrie, Reuters)

White Christians are pro-torture, Nones are anti-.
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Russia: Kaliningrad and Moscow struggles for places of worship
(Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 News Service)

Gay vets can march in Boston St. Patrick's parade
(Mark Pratt, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Anti-Islam rally grows as immigrant backlash hits Europe
(Leon Mangasarian, Bloomberg)

Austria to close Saudi school for not naming teachers

Christmas reconversions, police in Uttar Pradesh "will stop Hindu radicals"

France arrests 10 people in suspected jihadist network
(Aurelian Breeden, The New York Times)

Pakistan Taliban: Peshawar school attack leaves 141 dead
(BBC News)

Satanic holiday display is coming to Capitol
(Justin A. Hinkley, Detroit Free Press)

Sierra Leone bans Christmas, New Year’s celebrations to prevent spread of Ebola
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Spiritual hope on Christmas and Hanukkah 2014
(Rabbi Michael Lerner, Huff Post Religion)

Supreme Court declines to review appellate decision blocking Arizona abortion law
(Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)

Trinity Western fighting Nova Scotia decision to deny accreditation
(Michael MacDonald, CBC News | Nova Scotia)

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