Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 9 January 2015

Sommes-nous Charlie Hebdo?
(John Owen, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice (Daniel Philpott))

Sham marriage/civil partnership and the law: update
(Frank Cranmer, Law and Religion UK)

France fears increased polarization after Charlie Hebdo attack
(Erin Conroy, Deutsche Welle)

French imams, Vatican: 'Without freedom of expression, the world is in danger'
(Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency)

France: Raids kill 3 suspects, including 2 wanted in Charlie Hebdo attack
(Ben Brumfield, Greg Botelho and Jim Sciutto, CNN)

Demonizing Muslims won’t help
(S.N.M. Abdi, Arab News)

Saudi blogger to be publicly flogged on charges he insulted Islam
(Associated Press in Dubai, The Guardian)

Brunei bans public display of Christmas decorations
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Fearing celebration of non-Islamic tradition, Brunei bans Christmas decorations
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Brunei bans public Christmas celebrations that are displayed to Muslims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pope Francis is reshaping the geography of the College of Cardinals
(Michael Lipka, PewResearch & Public Life Project)

NC city forced to remove 'Christian' praying soldier veterans' memorial
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

More on subway "viewpoint" ads (post from December 23)
(Mark L. Movsesian, Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Attacks silence Bosnian imam who took on Islamists
(Elvira M. Jukic, Eurasia Review)

Al Qaeda trained suspect in Paris terror attack, official says
(Eric Schmitt, Michael S. Schmidt, and Andrew Higgins, The New York Times)

France on Fire: The Charlie Hebdo attack and the future of al Qaeda
(Jyette Klausen, Foreign Affairs)

Hammer and Anvil: How to defeat ISIS
(Robert A. Pape, Keven Ruby, and Vincent Bauer, Foreign Affairs)

Brunei officially bans future Christmas celebrations
(Shuan Sim, International Business Times)

Fifty-year-old cross to be removed after pressure from atheist
(Mary Lou Byrd, Washington Free Beacon)

EEOC finds Phillipsburg School District violated anti-religious discrimination law
(PR Newswire)

Africa’s Catholic moment
(George Weigel, First Things)

Abu Zayd: face terrorism with thinking, not fragility, in religious discourse
(Jennifer Bryson, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice (Daniel Philpott))

See headlines concerning the "Charlie Hebdo" attack in Paris

EEOC rules for NJ teacher fired for giving a Bible to a student
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Evangelical teacher fired for giving Bible to student supported by gov't commission
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

Pakistani Muslim beats Christian mother with bat after she prevented man from abducting, raping daughter
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

Atheist parents take on Christian ‘Good News Club’ with ‘Better News Club’
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Conservative Jews question notions on dating, marrying only Jews
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Je suis Charlie: Stand together in the face of violence
(Stefan Kuzmany, Spiegel Online International)

Paris Jewish institutions at maximum alert following Charlie Hebdo attack

Je suis Charlie: The massacre in Paris and the freedom to say stupid things
(Liel Leibovitz, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Paris attack a turning point in divisive debate on religion
(Joanna Slater, The Globe and Mail)

How to answer the Paris terror attack
(Ayaan Hirsi Ali, The Wall Street Journal)

Jamaat Ansar al-Islam in Syria Joins The Islamic State?
(Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

What really offended the Paris attackers? Democracy
(Editorial, The Globe and Mail)

Charlie Hebdo: We cannot let the Paris murderers define Islam
(Ed Husain, The Guardian)

France and the new charismatic jihad
(Reuel Marc Gerecht, The Wall Street Journal Opinion)

Islam is 'religion of peace and non-violence,' Muslim groups insist in wake of Paris shooting
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

2014: A year of rising hostility toward Christians
((with interactive map), World Watch Monitor)

France: An attack on free expression
(Human Rights Watch)

Muslims express outrage over Paris terror attack
(Katharine Lackey, USA Today)

Muslim leaders condemn attack, warn on anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe
(Joe Parkinson, The Wall Street Journal)

Turkish theologians condemn attack on French magazine, terrorism in name of Islam
(Sule Kulu, Today's Zaman)

Charlie Hebdo: A struggle within Islam

We are not all Charlie Hebdo, but we are all afraid
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

Indonesia churches: Paris shooters inhumane
(Bagus BT Saragih, The Jakarta Post)

The provocative history of French weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo
(Megan Gibson, Time)

The Mormons, Benghazi, and Charlie Hebdo
(Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary)

Sharpening contradictions: Why al-Qaeda attacked satirists in Paris
(Juan Cole, Informed Comment)

Can Charlie Hebdo’s spirit include Israel?
(Noah Beck, Jewish Journal)

‘Dangerous moment’ for Europe, as fear and resentment grow
(Steven Erlanger and Katrin Bennhold, The New York Times)

Why the Charlie Hebdo attack is not about images or free speech (commentary)
(Hussein Rashid, Religion News Service)

Jewish cartoonist Georges Wolinski among the dead in Paris terrorist attack
(Benjamin Ivry, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Education in Pakistan: building more schools to combat extremism
(Madiha Qureshi, The Guardian)

Reforming Islam: Where change comes from
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

The Mario that might have been: The former governor of New York failed to use his impressive gifts as a politician to defend life
(Robert P. George, MercatorNet)

Egypt: President Sisi sets a historic milestone
(Barbara Baker, World Watch Monitor)

We are Charlie: Free speech v. self-censorship
(Douglas Murray, Gatestone Institute)

From Egypt's leader, an ambitious call for reform in Islam
(Sarah El Deeb and Lee Keath, The Associated Press)

Islam reformer being ignored
(Jonah Goldberg, USA Today)

Recounting a bustling office, then a ‘vision of horror’ at Charlie Hebdo
(Liz Alderman, The New York Times)

New Religious Action Center leader aims to sharpen Reform Judaism’s stamp on policy
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

GOP leaders want to debate Religious Freedom Bill
(Jim Shella, Wish TV)

$75K settlement in California religious discrimination case
(Mejinderpal Kaur, Sikh 24)

Foreign money being spent on religious conversions is an open secret: Venkaiah Naidu
(Avinash Nair, The Indian Express)

Same-sex marriage showdown in the Fifth Circuit on Friday
(Dale Carpenter, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Muslim targets attacked after magazine killings
(The Local [France])

People know the consequences: Opposing view (Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?)
(Anjem Choudary, USA Today)

Is more blasphemy the best response?
(Michael Cook, MercatorNet)

Sufi scholars combat extremism
(Hassan Benmehdi, Magharebia)

Bank of China, SARA release notice further clarifying the accounting of individual accounts of religious venues and schools [Simplified Chinese]

Shanxi [China] strictly forbids private meetings in Mosques, other religious venues [Simplified Chinese]
(China News)

Charlie Hebdo Attack: Magazine to publish next week
(BBC News Entertainment & Arts)

Charlie Hebdo attack: 'One million copies' of magazine will be published as French media vow to keep it running
(Heather Saul, The Independent)

Paris attack underscores a deeper malaise
(George Friedman, MercatorNet)

Pope Francis causes division among Cubans in Miami
(Alfredo Garcia, Religion & Politics)

Government shouldn't force religious schools to violate their beliefs
(Ryan T. Anderson, The Daily Signal)

ISIS praises attack on Charlie Hebdo
(The Nation)

2nd Circuit rejects religious liberty challenge to school vaccination policy
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Proud to offend, Charlie Hebdo carries torch of political provocation
(Doreen Carvajal and Suzanne Daley, The New York Times)

Blasphemy accused killed after release [Pakistan]

Watch how the Charlie Hebdo attacks unfolded
(Keely Lockhart, and PA, words by Gordon Rayner, The Telegraph)

French police detain 9 in massive hunt for 2 suspects
(Lori Hinnant and Angela Charlton, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Pope John Paul II address to Chinese Catholic people in Asia

Christmas decorations banned in Brunei in Shariah law crackdown
(Kyodo in Bandar Seri Begawan, South China Morning Post)

Federal judge enters final ruling on Indiana abortion clinic law
(Steven Wildberger, Jurist)

Terror suspect was rap-loving pizza guy before turning to radical Islam
(Alexandria Sage, The Jewish Daily Forward)

The worst religious violence is a family affair
(Philip Jenkins, Aleteia)

U.N.: Palestinian authority will join ICC April 1 - But seeking war crimes charges against Israel risks US aid to Palestinians
(Stephanie Butnick, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Thousands join rally in Paris condemning attack at Charlie Hebdo
(Sam Schechner and William Horobin, The Wall Street Journal)

Conversion to Islam raises questions about patriotism: VHP
(Aniruddha Ghosal , Divya Goyal, The Indian Express)

The Charlie Hebdo massacre
(Editorial, National Review Online)

In Paris attack, clash on whether to limit press freedom
(John-Thor Dahlburg, Associated Press: The Big Story)

Why Charlie Hebdo must be free to offend all — even us
(Editorial, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Turkey’s top cleric: Attack against French satirical weekly ‘perception operation’
(Hürriyet Daily News)

Charlie Hebdo and the end of free speech
(Rick Marschall, Real Clear Religion)

Statement of Human Rights Without Frontiers concerning the attacks on the offices of Charlie Hebdo on 7th January 2015

Paris attacks show need to scrap Human Rights Act, says Tory MP with no understanding of the Human Rights Act
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

French magazine attack set to deepen Europe's 'culture war'
(Paul Taylor, Reuters)

The crisis of free speech
(Rich Lowry, Politico)

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