Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 12 January 2015

Turkey’s top religious affairs: National lottery haram, gift draws halal
(Meltem Ozgenc, Hürriyet Daily News)

Muslims embrace German values, despite rising racism
(Eurasia Review)

Terrorists aiming to stall KSA’s progressive march
(Arab News)

Sri Lanka: Presdient Sirisena invites all political parties to form national government
(Eurasia Review)

Beijing, more than 30 thousand families ask to have a second child

Array of world leaders joins 3.7 million in France to defy terrorism
(Ashley Fantz, CNN)

Millions march against terrorism in France's biggest rally
(Richard Carter and Fran Blandy, Yahoo! News)

Firebombing at German paper that ran Charlie Hebdo cartoons
(Deborah Cole, Yahoo! News)

Ideology and a conducive political environment
(Shadi Hamid, OUPblog Religion)

ISIS is the outcome of a much bigger problem
(Hanin Ghaddar, OUPblog Religion)

Not enough to condemn terrorism
(Şahin Alpay, Sunday's Zaman)

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Two scenes from the grand synagogue of Paris: Netanyahu, the French national anthem, and what it all means
(Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Failure of religious authorities will see Muslim youth led astray, warns preacher
(Zaini Hardy, The Rakyat Post)

Over strong dissent, 9th Circuit denies en banc review of marriage equality decisions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Challenge to Catholic school's entrance requirements dismissed under ecclesiastical abstention doctrine
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Saturday, 10 January 2015

2014 was the year of breakthrough, changes and unity in the face of threat. Summary of religious leaders
(Tetiana Mukhomorova-Kalenichenko, Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

5th Circuit hears oral arguments in 3 same-sex marriage cases
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Al-Qaeda group claims responsibility for Paris terror attack
(Karl Vick, Time)

Assaulting democracy: The deep repercussions of the Charlie Hebdo attack
(Spiegel Online International)

Despite extremist violence, France'€™s Jews unlikely to be swayed
(Karina Piser, Al Jazeera America)

French Prime Minister: If Jews flee, the Republic will be a failure
(Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic)

Half of Shas (the party of "oriental orthodox Jews" - OpEd
(Uri Avnery, Eurasia Review)

In wake of terrorism, broader anti-Semitism in France is examined
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Lessons of Paris — and War on Terror
(J.J. Goldberg, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Live reports from the scene of Paris kosher supermarket siege
(Marc Weitzmann, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Muslim worker at Paris kosher grocer saved customers from gunman by hiding them in walk-in freezer
(Michael Walsh, Yahoo! News)

Myanmar's Rakhines greet UN envoy with Rohingya protest
(John Zaw, UCA News)

No contraception, no government handouts, says Aussie politician
(Michael Cook, BioEdge)

Pakistani cartoonists tread fine line in land of blasphemy laws
(Guillaume Lavallee, AFP, Yahoo! News)

Religious extremism or fruit of nihilism? Vatican newspaper questions terrorism
(Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency)

Thousands of Germans rally against racism
(Al Jazeera America)

Friday, 9 January 2015

Estamos tranquilos. Aquí se distingue entre unos musulmanes de otros
(Ana Carbajosa, El País - España)

For first time since WWII, Paris' Grand Synagogue closed on Shabbat

Antisemitism in France: the exodus has begun
(Stephen Pollard, The Telegraph)

Abu Hamza sentenced to life in prison in US

Aceh teacher who took students to church is accused of proselytising and threatened
(Mathias Hariyadi,

I am not Charlie Hebdo
(David Brooks, The New York Times Opinion)

Supreme Court silent on same-sex marriage cases
(Josh Gerstein, Politico)

A worrying new anti-terror law is sneaking through Parliament
(Angela Patrick, UK Human Rights Blog)

Europe's euthanasia craze
(Tom Wilson, First Things)

Dublin priest tells congregation he is gay – and wins standing ovation
(Jamie Orme, The Guardian)

Talking Turkey: The truth about Erdogan's new language laws
(Nick Danforth, Foreign Affairs)

From margins to mainstream: the rapid shift in French public opinion
(Alberto Nardelli, The Guardian)

Turkish PM calls on Turks to stand firm against ‘plots’ to create rift in Europe
(Hürriyet Daily News)

Charlie Hebdo suspects killed and several hostages freed in French police raids – live updates
(Matthew Weaver , Josh Halliday, Alexandra Topping and Jonathan Bucks, The Guardian)

Is peace possible?
(Public Square Newsletter, Patheos)

Law society council upholds Trinity Western accreditation
(CBC News | New Brunswick)

Canada to accept over 10,000 Iraqi and Syrian refugees
(Christian Today)

In wake of Charlie Hebdo attacks, secularist groups to seek end of Canada’s blasphemy law
(Shanifa Nasser, National Post)

The Kurdish dream of being able to live Christians and Muslims together
(Bernardo Cervellera,

Interesting law and religion case before the Supreme Court next week
(Marc O. DeGirolami, Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

UN: Muslims ethnically cleansed in CAR
(Al Jazeera)

Subway ads and mental maps (post from December 22)
(Perry Dane, Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Disapproving religion in the NYC subway (post from December 17)
(Mark L. Movsesian, Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Saudi blogger Badawi 'flogged for Islam insult'
(BBC News Middle East)

USCIRF statement on flogging of Saudi blogger, Raif Badawi
(Press Release, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Brazilian Christians urged to buy settlement goods to counter boycott
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

2,000 killed by Boko Haram, corpses 'strewn on streets,' churches burned
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

CA upholds Celdran’s conviction for ‘offending religious feelings’
(Mark Meruenas, GMA News)

On the notion of a “creator” of modern yoga
(Andrea Jain, OUPblog Religion)

21st constitutional amendment challenged in Supreme Court of Pakistan
(Hasnaat Mailk, The Express Tribune with the International New York Times)

Three detained in Myanmar after posting headphone-wearing Buddha on Facebook
(Mike Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Sisi’s religious revolution for tolerance
(Abdullah Hamidaddin, Al Arabiya)

Egyptian town welcomes ban on Jewish festival
(Ayah Aman, Al-Monitor)

African church leaders worry about the ‘medicalization’ of female genital mutilation
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

French imams rail against 'crazies who have seized our religion'
(Acil Tabbara, AFP, Yahoo! News)

The problem was not religion
(Daniel Philpott, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

OIC strongly condemns the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, France
(Organization for Islamic Cooperation)

Muslims in Europe fear anti-Islamic mood will intensify after Paris attacks
(Kate Connolly, Angelique Chrisafis, Stephanie Kichgaessner, The Guardian)

OIC Secretary General condemns terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo Office
(Iyad Ameen Madani, Organization for Islamic Cooperation)

Provocation is no defence for the jihadi murderers
(Zac Alstin, MercatorNet)

Challenging radical Islam: An explanation of Islam's relation to terrorism and violence
(John A. Azumah, First Things)

Popularity of interracial adoption forces Evangelicals to confront racism
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Opinion: Charlie Hebdo attack challenges the roots of Western democracy
(Grahame Lucas, Deutche Welle)

"I am not Charlie Hebdo"; Insult is the lowest – and now most dangerous – form of free speech
(Bernard Toutounji, MercatorNet)

Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo
(Anthony Lang, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice (Daniel Philpott))

#JeSuisAhmed reminds us that a French Muslim died to protect free speech
(Carol Kuruvilla, Huff Post Religion)

'Je suis Juif' trends on Twitter after attack on kosher grocery in Paris
(Richard Beedh, The Mirror)

Anti-Muslim attacks after Charlie Hebdo highlight France's long history of Islamophobia
(Alissa Scheller & Jan Diehm, Huff Post Religion)

The Koran does not forbid images of the Prophet
(Christiane Gruber, Newsweek Opinion)

Radical cleric Abu Hamza jailed for life by US court
(BBC News US & Canada)

“Integral Yoga” group and Swami hope to fine their inner balance in federal court
(Evan Seeman, Dwight Merriam, and Karla Chaffee, RLUIPA Defense)

Saudi blogger flogged for 'insulting Islam'
(Al Jazeera)

Hawaiian temple sues over zoning denial
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

New head of reform Judaism's Religious Action Center profiled
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

South Carolina issues final tax rulings on treatment of same-sex marriages
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Activist convinces city to remove cross
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

History of clergy in Congress
(PewResearch Religion & Public Life Project)

Five more appeals courts poised to decide if religious nonprofits must follow mandate
(Mary Anne Pazanowski, Bloomberg)

Charlie Hebdo and #MuslimApologies
(Jennifer S. Bryson, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

Pre-filed bills: Mandatory police body cams; religious freedom retry
(Don McKee, The Marietta Daily Journal)

Georgia House Speaker uncertain about need for state RFRA law
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Federal appeals court appears poised to strike down three southern states same-sex marriage bans
(Chris Geinder, Buzzfeed)

Appeals judges ask more questions from gay marriage opponents at hearing on Louisiana's ban
(Andy Grimm, The Times-Picayune)

If there's no God, are humans equal? A review of *Our Declaration* by Danielle Allen
(Christopher Kaczor, First Things)

Letting education and religion overlap
(Robert Maranto and Dirk C. van Raemdonck, The Wall Street Journal Opinion)

Saudi blogger Raif Badawi flogged and jailed for ‘insulting Islam'
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Court to weigh overturning gay marriage bans in three southern states
(Jonathan Kaminsky, Reuters)

Raising questions within Islam after France shooting
(David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times)

Charlie Hebdo and the assault on French identity
(Sylvie Kauffmann, The New York Times Opinion)

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