Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Nigeria: Country's politics have nothing to do with religion

Cartoonists ignored the virtue of prudence
(Peter Stockland, Calgary Herald)

Rumi followers fight to keep Turks from cashing in on mystic’s legacy
(Michael Kaplan, Religion News Service)

France: Compromising freedoms clouds fight against terrorism
(Aaron Rhodes, Forum for Religious Expression Europe)

China's religious freedom worsened since Xi took power, says rights group
(Mike Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Gauck tells Muslims 'we are all Germany'
(AFP, The Local (Germany))

Competition between terrorist organizations can be a motive of terrorist attacks in Paris - religious expert

Pope Francis: Free expression doesn't mean right to insult others' faith
(Greg Botelho and Sunshine Lichauco de Leon, CNN)

EVENT, 15 January 2015: Religious Liberty in the UK and European Union
(Professor Mark Hill QC, The University of Notre Dame Australia School of Law)

Muslim world questions logic behind Charlie antics
(Arab News)

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

After Paris, whither the BDS movement?: No empathy and spinning crazy theories reveal despising of Jews
(Liel Leibovitz, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Can the Paris rally launch unified action against terror?
(Sheila Liaugminas, MercatorNet)

European Union: ECJ unexpectedly opines against validity of draft EU agreement to accede to ECHR
(Martin Favart, Mondaq)

Florida schools ban Bibles after pressure from atheists
(Brittany M. Hughes,

Majority of British Jews say they have "no future" in the UK
(Gabriela Geselowitz, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

No treatment under Obamacare for HIV+ man because he won’t pay for abortions
(Alliance Defending Freedom)

Saudi blogger faces next 50 lashes as government ignores global protests
(The Guardian)

U.S. Muslim groups denounce French terror, say free speech must be protected
(Pamela Constable, The Washington Post)

Why funding, weapons for Paris attacks likely came from abroad
(Lee Smith, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Title VII case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

A tough question: Just how 'JeSuisCharlie' to be?
(Gene Policinski, Newseum: Inside the First Amendment)

Religious freedom and diplomacy: More than a luxury
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus blog: Religion and Public Policy])

Freedom to practise one’s religion without fear or favour
(Tengku Zuhri Tengku Abdul Aziz, The Rakyat Post)

UK Prime Minister: ‘Redefining marriage is one of my proudest moments’
(Thaddeus Baklinski, LigeSite News)

Egypt's Sisi urges religious moderation, but no space for insulting images
(Louisa Loveluck, Christian Science Monitor)

Europe is becoming a no God zone
(Cristina Odone, The Telegraph)

In France, a growing debate over why some speech is protected and some isn’t
(Anthony Faiola and Griff Witte, The Washington Post)

The influence of the Justices' religious beliefs
(Rick Garnett, Mirror of Justice)

New Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoon stirs Muslim anger in Mideast
(Anne Barnard, The New York Times)

French-born Muslim receives death threat over London 'Je suis Charlie' sign
(Nick Winchester, The Guardian)

French soldiers protect synagogues after Charlie Hebdo attacks
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Charlie Hebdo poster burned in protest as Muslim leaders condemn cover
(Anne Penketh, The Guardian)

Queues form to buy Charlie Hebdo magazine, eBay bids reach more than £1,500
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Egypt moves to ban foreign publications 'offensive to religion' amid condemnation of new Charlie Hebdo edition
(Lora Moftah, International Business Times)

French have positive views of both Jews, Muslims
(Neha Sahgal and Bill Webster, PewResearch Fact Tank)

The fate of American religious freedom: An interview with legal scholar Steven D. Smith
(Eric C. Miller, Religion & Politics)

I am Kelvin Cochran: Another American who lost his job for expressing his beliefs
(Carolyn Moynihan, Conjugality: A Blog on the Future of Marriage)

French Muslims feel deeply torn by viral ‘I am Charlie’ slogan
(Anthony Faiola, The Washington Post)

Egypt urges West to provide military support to tackle Islamic extremists
(Matina Stevis, The Wall Street Journal)

Oxford University Press bans use of pig, sausage or pork-related words to avoid offending Muslims
(The Telegraph)

Nearly half of British Jews say they have no future in Europe, study finds
(The Jerusalem Post)

Kansas City Catholics divided over Vatican investigation of Bishop
(Frank Morris, NPR)

Ohio Man arrested for alleged ISIS-inspired plot on US Capitol, FBI says
(Pierre Thomas, Jack Date, Mike Levine and Jack Cloherty, ABC News)

Sweden continues to quash homeschooling
(Michael F. Haverluck, OneNewsNow)

Catholic groups rally against climate change amid intense church debate
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

'Better News Club?' Atheist group battles Christian club's influence in NY elementary school
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post)

Judge rules against Mayor Parker in 'Houston pastors' lawsuit over transgender bathroom rights
(Samuel Smith, Christian Post)

Malaysia rights lawyer arrested after saying State agency spreads extremism
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

France arrests 54 for ‘defending terrorism’ after Charlie Hebdo attack
(Al Jazeera)

German Muslims speak in face of anti-immigrant movement
(Yermi Brenner, Al Jazeera)

For Gordon College, a chance to make amends
(Newbury Port News)

Marquette University professor John McAdams remains banned from campus
(Karen Herzog, Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel)

5 illogical arguments against Islam
(Huma Munir, On Faith)

Nigerian church leader tells international community: 'Do not forget that we are here'
(Laurice Chavez, Christian Today - World)

The changing shape of Boko Haram
(Lucinda Borkett-Jones, Christian Today)

Muslim world also responsible for rise of Islamophobia, says former religious body head
(Ahmet Hakan, Hürriyet Daily News)

European Court often condones restrictions on free speech to accommodate “sensitivities”
(Pierre De Vos, Constitutionally Speaking)

Turkey bans Charlie Hebdo cover, newspaper gets death threats
(Josh Levs, Hande Atay-Alam and Zeynep Bilginsoy, CNN)

In a Delhi Catholic church, the Grotto of Our Lady is desecrated
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Chechen leader condemns Prophet Muhammad cartoons, announces massive rally

GOP bill would kill presidential mandate on waiving Jerusalem law

Canadian court bans polygamous group from using Mormon name
(Associated Press: The Big Story)

Mormons win battle to distance themselves from B.C. polygamist
(Daphne Bramham, Vancouver Sun)

The left comes not to praise Charlie Hebdo but to bury it
(John Hayward, Breitbart News)

More governments using internet to enforce blasphemy laws
(Doug Bernard, Voice of America News)

France cracks down on hate speech, sends carrier to Mideast
(Lori Hinnant, Associated Press, The Jackson Sun)

After Paris shooting, Irish say it’s time to finally ditch their blasphemy law
(Adam Taylor, The Washington Post)

Voices: Taking a stand for freedom of speech, religious tolerance
(Joseph Zeballos, USA Today)

Unwed mom claims she was fired from church for not setting wedding date
(Fox 8 Cleveland)

North Korea should be held accountable for religious freedom violations - UN General Assembly
(Tracie Hearne, Christian Daily)

Religious Liberty Isn’t a ‘dog whistle’—It’s a necessary practice of a free society
(Scott Shackford,

Grotesque double standards for religious liberty in Atlanta
(David French, National Review Online: The Corner blog)

Progressive political group ready to fight “Religious Freedom Bill"
(Jim Burress, WABE)

Atlanta mayor accused of religious bias after dismissing fire chief over book
(Lauren Gambino, The Guardian)

Censorship, religion, and PKolitics
(Sawan Patel, Cavalier Daily)

Tibetan Buddhist Association: Tibetan Buddhist sects receive equal protection under the law [Simplified Chinese]
(China News)

Beijing city Religious Affairs Bureau organizes trainings on Buddhism, Taoism [Simplified Chinese]

As China bans the Burqa, their media blames Western colonialism for the Charlie Hebdo tragedy
(Gerhard Jacobs, The South African)

China bans burqa in major Muslim city
(Lucinda Borkett-Jones, Christian Today)

China bans wearing burqa in biggest Muslim city
(Steven Jiang, CNN)

Conversions cause China to ban Christmas celebrations
(Joseph DeCaro, Worthy Christian News)

China bans burqa in capital of Muslim region of Xinjiang
(Tom Phillips, The Telegraph)

How China's reaction differs from the West after Charlie Hebdo attacks
(CBS News)

The courage to publish: Global news outlets divided over whether to show new Charlie Hebdo covers
(Malaysia Chronicle)

After Charlie attack, media responsiveness to religious sensiivities is still an issue
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Damage award against diocese reduced in in vitro fertilization firing
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Crime to conduct same-sex or polygamous marriage ceremony?
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Minister sues Michigan for right to perform same-sex and polygamous marriages
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Minister sues Mich. for right to marry same-sex couples
(Oralandar Brand-Williams, The Detroit News)

Canadian court rejects term of religious marriage contract
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

In remembering the Charlie Hebdo attack we must not forget the responsibility that goes with free speech
(Tariq Modood, The London School of Economics and Political Science)

Kazakhstan: Muslim missionaries – four 20-month prison terms, one 18-month term
(Forum 18 News Service)

Will the Bible become the official state book of Mississippi?
(Michael Schaub, Los Angeles Times)

Turkish court bans websites publishing Charlie Hebdo cover
(Suzan Fraser, AP)

Survey: One quarter of British Jews have considered leaving due to anti-Semitism

Charlie Hebdo: New Muhammad cartoon. Criticism from Islamic countries

3rd Circuit hears arguments in Muslim challenge to NYPD surveillance
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Al Qaeda branch claims responsibility for Charlie Hebdo attack
(Holly Yan, Josh Levs, and Salma Abdelaziz, CNN)

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

"Paris was worth a march": And yet America's president was conspicuously absent
(Sheila Liaugminas, MercatorNet)

Jewish lives do matter—to terrorists. To a distracted Left, not so much
(Todd Gitlin, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

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