Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Turkey: Accused perpetrators released in Malatya murder trial
(Barbara Baker, World Watch Monitor)

Marriage referendum
(Irish Times)

EVENT, 27 January 2015: What do MEPs do with their beliefs?
(R. Dennis de Jong and other MEPs, Brussels, European Parliament)

EVENT, 27 January 2015: Religion at the European Parliament: Survey of MEPs beliefs and what they do as a consequence of their beliefs
(Moderated by Dennis de Jong MEP, Presentation by Professor François Foret, Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Religious Tolerance)

Muslim prisoner wins Supreme Court case to keep his beard
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Monday, 26 January 2015

Iraqi state education increasingly religious
(Adnan Abu Zeed, trans. Rani Geha, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Patriarch Kirill condemns cartoons of Prophet Muhammad

Representatives of churches and religious organizations of Ukraine and Russia met in Germany
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Russia needs to revive Soviet-era sense of solidarity – Patriarch Kirill
(Moscow Patriarchy, Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Self-described Christians sniping on email have forgotten Jesus’ teachings (COMMENTARY)
(David Iglesias, Religion News Service)

A Legacy of (Saudi) Liberalism
(Daniel Philpott, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Judges may not be affiliated with Boy Scouts of America, California high court rules
(Jack Kenny, The New American)

7 ways Thomas Merton changed the world
(James Martin SJ, On Faith)

Inaugural Symposium on the Role of Religion & Faith-Based Organizations in International Affairs
(Hosted by General Board of Church & Society/Seventh-Day Adventists (General Conference)/United Methodist Women/World Council of Churches, General Board of Church & Society of the Methodist Church)

Jesus on safari: The legacy of Jaroslav Pelikan
(Timothy George, First Things)

Boston Jewish day schools receive $11 million challenge grant
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Texas woman suing for pregnancy discrimination alleges anti-Semitism
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

7 homeschool kids in state custody after judge rules against Christian parents
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

International Holocaust Remembrance Day
(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)

International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Remembrance is the First Step
(United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Religion: A Pretext for Conflict? Open Forum
(David Rosen, Hamza Yusuf Hanson, Thabo Cecil Makgoba, Tony Blair, moderated by Mina Al-Orabi, World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015)

Global call for release of Eritrean Orthodox church head, under house arrest for 8 years
(Lucinda Borkett-Jones, Christian Today)

US church's website is hacked by ISIS
(Czarina Ong, Christian Today)

Jewish leaders call for Europe-wide legislation outlawing antisemitism
(Ian Traynor, The Guardian)

Rebel killings of 44 commandos test Philippines peace deal
(Jim Gomez, The Associated Press)

The third-generation Polish Jews rediscovering long-buried roots
(Emma Graham-Harrison, The Guardian)

Who will argue same-sex marriage cases in high court?
(Tony Mauro and Marcia Coyle, The National Law Journal)

Judge strikes down Alabama same-sex marriage ban (UPDATED)
(Lyle Denniston, Lyle Denniston Law News)

Alabama gay marriage ruling put on hold: No same-sex wedding licenses for 2 weeks
(Brendan Kirby,

Spielberg: 70 years after Holocaust Jews still face anti-Semitism
(Wojciech Zurawski and Wiktor Szary, Reuters)

Religious freedom worsening in Cuba: 'There is a crackdown happening'.
(Lucinda Borkett-Jones, Christian Today)

Sunni officials in Iraq say Shi'ite militias executed 70 civilians
(Ahmed Rasheed and Stephen Kalin, Reuters)

Rock concert, rallies overwhelm Germany's anti-Islam group
(Erik Kirschbaum, Reuters)

Lawmakers hear heated testimony about sex-orientation bill
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

Some 3,000 strong protest in Jalal-Abad against Muhammad caricatures
(Interfac: Religion)

Anti-homosexuality activists have freedom to distribute fliers on college campus, federal court rules
(Samuel Smith, Christian Post)

Diyarbakir Kurds rally to show support for Prophet Muhammad
(Fréderike Geerdink, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Ahead of Obama's visit, India's Christians start hotline on Hindu harassment
(Vishal Arora and Anto Akkara, World Watch Monitor)

How a Muslim's beard might shape Obamacare: Column
(Eric Rassbach, USA Today)

Westminster Abbey criticised for flying flag at half mast for Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah
(Mark Yapching, Christian Today)

Egypt court jails doctor in 'historic' FGM prosecution
(Massoud Hayoun, Al Jazeera)

Rivlin tells black leaders in N.Y.: ‘I also have a dream’ on Jerusalem

The culture wars come to Duke
(Ian Curran, Al Jazeera America)

Fighting between Philippines police, Muslim rebels could threaten peace talks
(William Gallo, Voice of America)

The United States’ unwritten blasphemy laws
(Brandon McGinley, The Federalist)

Anglican leader condemns violence against foreigners in South Africa
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Congress can fix new D.C. bills that force pro-life groups to pay for abortion, religious schools to violate beliefs
(Ryan T. Anderson, The Daily Signal)

ADF to Supreme Court: NYC's arguments for throwing out churches fall short
(Press Release, Alliance Defending Freedom)

Pope Francis says he wants all annulments to be free
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Law allows Ark to have religious hiring preferences

A Muslim woman is suing Michigan police for violating her religious freedom during a routine arrest
(Micholas Kurch, IJ Review)

Court: Judges can’t belong to Scouts due to gay ban
(Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle)

Gay marriage case may affect discrimination, religion bills
(David Eggert, The Washington Times)

Supreme Court to review lethal injection protocol in Oklahoma executions
(Jess Bravin, The Wall Street Journal)

New ad campaign targets ‘religious liberty’ sponsors
(Greg Bluestein, Atlanta Journal Constitution)

Did the LA Supreme Court K-O the seal of the confessional?
(Rebecca Hamilton, Patheos Blog: Public Catholic)

Religious liberty and persecution: a global perspective
(David Platt, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: The Southern blog)

Religious liberty and the secular state
(Ian Boyne, The Gleaner)

Church property fight turns on Constitutional issues
(Doug Donovan, Baltimore Sun)

Indiana Legislature to soon take up religious freedom bill
(Tom Davies, WTHI TV)

Langzhong, Sichuan house churches face police interference, 20 arrested [Simplified Chinese]
(Veritas Vincit, The Epoch Times)

Opposed to new unlawful ordinations, Chinese Catholics are united for religious freedom
(Veritas Vincit,

In 2015 China set to ordain independent bishops against the Holy See. Possible reactions of Catholics
(Bernardo Cervellera,

Association formed to protect religious freedom
(Rhoma S. Tomilson, Jamaica Observer)

Russia won’t tolerate mocking religion
(Michael Khodarkovsky, Guelph Mercury)

Church and state in Greece: A courteous distance
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Religion can’t be made cause of conflict: President
(Press Trust of India, Rising Kashmir)

For Cuban Jews, improved ties to U.S. may not resolve central challenges
(Josh Tapper, JTA)

Obama visits an India with growing religious intolerance
(Zahir Janmohamed, Al Jazeera America)

Religion and other beliefs: may not constitute an issue to discriminate an employee in Colombia
(Isabella Gandini, Global Workplace Insider)

Turkish court orders Facebook to censor pages insulting Prophet Muhammed
(Alison Sacriponte, Jurist)

Libyan militants hold 20 Egyptian Christians hostage
(Barbara G. Baker, World Watch Monitor)

Crimea: "Subject to action by the law-enforcement agencies"
(Forum 18 News Service)

Indiana Senate panel backs religion-based hiring
(Dan Carden, The Times [Indiana])

Religious and other personal beliefs – What protection Is granted to employees In Québec against discrimination?
(Andréane Giguère, Global Workplace Insider)

Here come the Irish: Notre Dame marches for life
(O. Carter Snead, The Witherspoon Institute: Public Discourse)

BJC’s Hollman on Holt v Hobbs, plus impact on other cases
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

An open letter to some ‘Western liberals and leftists’
(Nuray Mert, Hurriyet Daily News)

Police sued for requiring Muslim woman to remove hijab while being booked
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Ignoring religion is 'anti-journalism'
(Terry Mattingly, Press Republican)

Most Russians think Charlie Hebdo tragedy provoked by journalists themselves

Islamic State lists conditions to free Lebanese soldiers
(Jean Aziz, Al-Monitor: Lebanon Pulse)

Christianity cannot survive the decline in worship
(Kazimierz Bem, On Faith)

Freedom’s real limitation: responsibility
(Murat Aksoy, Today's Zaman)

Burma: “Peaceful Assembly Law” fails to end repression
(Human Rights Watch)

Thoughts in the necropolis
(George Pattison, OUPblog Religion)

Of kirpans, turbans, detention centres and the Home Office
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Rt Revd Libby Lane consecrated at York Minster
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Protection of religious freedom in Australia
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Supreme Court remands Native American prisoner Free Exercise case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

British court says male circumcision cannot be equated with female genital mutilation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Israeli court orders city to remove signs telling women to dress modestly
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Legal scholars express concerns over proposed religious freedom bill
(Jon Richards, Peach Pundit (GA))

Georgia and Armenia: 450 churches of reconciliation or discord?
(Giorgi Kalatozishvili, Vestnik Kavakaza)

When tolerance just isn't enough
(Gulgiz Dadashova, Eurasia Review)

The Great Charter at 800: Archbishop Chaput speaks at Brigham Young University
(Charles J. Chaptut, First Things)

Archbishop Chaput delivers message on religious freedom at Brigham Young University
(Mormon Newsroom)

Beit Shemesh court: Remove signs warning women to dress modestly
(Jeremy Sharon, The Jerusalem Post)

New report on anti-Semitism finds France is most dangerous country for Jews
(Sam Sokol, The Jerusalem Post)

Op-Ed: Betting on France (anti-Semitism grossly exaggerated)
(Richard H. Weisberg, JTA)

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