Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 30 January 2015

Crimean Tatar Mejlis deputy leader reportedly detained in Crimea
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

With Mormons addressing LGBT issues, Catholics and Baptists press on
(Michael O'Loughlin, Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

Gays should welcome this move by Mormons
(Jonathan Rauch, New York Daily News)

Name radical Islamic ideology for what it is, but give reformers a chance
(Dennis R. Hoover, Religion News Service)

Public and scientists’ views on science and society
(Cary Funk and Lee Rainie, Pew Research Center - Internet, Science & Tech)

Blast at Shi'ite mosque in southern Pakistan kills 49
(Mukhtar Ahmed, Reuters)

Vatican to offer haircuts, shaves as well as showers to Rome's homeless

Schools watchdog chief denies Ofsted has anti-Christian agenda
(Sally Weale, The Guardian)

Texas executes intellectually disabled killer Robert Ladd
(Ed Pilkington, The Guardian)

Idaho Republicans reject gay rights measure
(Laura Zuckerman, Reuters)

Freedom of the press trumps respect for religion in a new survey
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Humanist campaign challenges blasphemy laws
(John McManus, BBC)

Global campaign by humanists challenges blasphemy laws
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Moderate Islam pushes back extremism
(Ali Mamouri, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Portugal adopts return law for Jewish descendants

Amnesty: Saudis postpone blogger's flogging for 3rd week
(Adam Schreck, Associated Press: The Big Story)

Chaplain went to the territory controlled by terrorists to take the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

BBC accused of sidelining religion by axing top post
(John Binghham, Telegraph, Anglican Mainstream)

The best interests of a child born from a surrogacy arrangement abroad ought to have been of paramount importance in the Italian authorities’ decisions
(Registrar of the Court, European Court of Human Rights)

Comments of the ECHR case of Paradiso and Campanelli v. Italy
(Eupopean Centre for Law and Justice)

Paradiso et Campanelli c. Italie, Arrêt de deuxième section
(European Court of Human Rights)

Clergy discipline, former clergy and parochial fees
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Monks offer Ukrainian soldiers spiritual rehabilitation in UGCC monasteries
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Department ‘passing the buck’ on school patronage, says bishop
(Joe Humphreys, The Irish Times)

Church of England clergyman apologizes after suggesting 9/11 perpetrated by Israel
(The Revd Dr Stephen Sizer, Diocese of Guildford)

A statement from the Diocese of Guildford regarding The Revd Stephen Sizer
(Diocese of Guildford)

Dozens killed in bombing at Shiite mosque in Pakistan
(Aoun Sahi, Los Angeles TImes)

A win for religious freedom in Trinity Western
(Editorial Board, National Post)

Russia: After raids and pre-trial detention, six Muslims fined
(Forum 18 News Service)

EPA administrator at Vatican ahead of encyclical
(Nicole Winfield, Associated Press: The Big Story)

Hostility to tradition
(Erick Erickson, Redstate)

Archbishop Kwashi on religion's role in Nigeria politics

India, America and religion: Judges of faith
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus blog: Religion and Public Policy)

Russian citizens find publication of cartoons insulting people's religious feelings unacceptable

Germany’s nationalist movement rides on a wave of Islamophobia
(Frank Griffel, YaleGlobal)

D.C.'s Kesher Israel wants religious court to force rabbi out of synagogue-owned house
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sexuality tensions threaten to undermine Church of England's 'shared conversations'
(Madeleine Davies, Church Times)

Religion, Martyrdom and Global Uncertainties
(About the project, The Open University)

Report: Religion, Security and Global Uncertainties
(John Wolffe and Gavin Moorhead, The Open University)

Chile's parliament approves civil unions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Muslim Texans face hostile reception at state capitol
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

ADL slams lawmaker who asked for pledge from Muslim visitors

Thursday, 29 January 2015

The Lost Tribes of Israel: The Jewish state seeks to bring the Bedouin in from the desert
(Matt Rees, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Rep to staff: Ask Muslim visitors to pledge allegiance
(Reeve Hamilton and Alexa Ura, Texas Tribune)

CAIR requests ethics ruling on Texas lawmaker's Muslim loyalty oath
(Press Release, Council on American-Islamic Relations)

Measles are making a comeback, so what does the Church teach about vaccines?
(Mary Rezac, Catholic News Agency)

Activists accuse China of targeting religious freedom
(Ye Fan, Voice of America)

Chilean Senate passes bill allowing same-sex civil unions
(PanAm Post)

D.C. rabbi accused in videotaping scandal refuses to leave synagogue-owned home
(Michelle Boorstein, The Washington Post)

Wedding venue settles bias complaint filed by gay couple
(Associated Press, Quad-City Times)

Obama promotes religious tolerance in address to Indian people
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Ca. religious land use appeal looks to 'Hobby Lobby'
(Amanda Bronstad, National Law Journal)

Officials, religious leaders and community members gather in Dnipropetrovsk to mark 70th anniversary of the Holocaust
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

UN Event in Geneva on the protection of the Aramean/Syriac Christians and of their heritage in Turkey
(European Centre for Law and Justice)

World Report 2015 - Top rights issues around the globe
(Kenneth Roth, Keynote, Human Rights Watch)

Milan’s new ‘anti-mosque’ law
(Barbie Latza Nadeau, The Daily Beast)

Nigeria elections: Mixing religion and politics
(Will Ross, BBC News Africa)

Upstart German party considers anti-Islam stance
(Anton Troianovski, The Wall Street Journal)

Making religion a force for unity : Advocating tolerance
(Editorial, The Sangai Express)

Update - religious freedom and a Canadian law school
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Portugal approves citizenship plan for Sephardic Jews
(Barry Hatton, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Unofficial census data shows Islam is on the rise in India, while the Hindu population declines
(Kyle Glatz, World Religion News)

France and America have radically different takes on religion
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

Europe still needs to draw lessons from the Holocaust
(Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights)

Religious and secular advocates urge IRS to clarify rules on political endorsements from the pulpit
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Charlie Hebdo attack: French values challenged in schools
(Henri Astier, BBC)

Five key leaders in Germany's anti-Islamist group Pegida step down
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

India investigates reports of mass ‘reconversion’ of Christians
(Jason Burke, The Guardian)

Mexico: Dozens of Protestants refused re-entry to village after being expelled
(Angie Chui, Christian Today)

In France, comedian’s trial suggests mocking religion has its limits
(Elizabeth Bryant, Religion News Service)

French video tries to blunt jihad’s allure among youth
(Dan Bilefsky and Maia de la Baume, The New York Times)

French prisons, long hotbeds of radical Islam, get new scrutiny after Paris attacks
(Michael Birnbaum, The Washington Post)

Myanmar's draft religious laws 'illegal'
(Joshua Carroll, Turkish Weekly)

Big government restrictions on religious freedom keep losing in Supreme Court
(Mark Meckler, The American Spectator)

Orange County Public Schools to ban distribution of religious materials on campuses?
(Saul Saenz, My News 13 (Florida))

It is a wintry season for religious freedom in China
(Daniel Philpott, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Synagogue launches religious court case to evict Rabbi Barry Freundel
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

100,000 backers for ban on slaughtering animals without stunning first
(Western Daily Press)

Secularist group give Catholic school students 'get out of religion class' coupons
(Mark Yapching, Christian Today)

Christian Durham Free School closed after damning Ofsted report
(Mark Woods, Christian Today)

New religion and science study reveal 'post-secular' rejection of evolution
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

China's crackdown surprised some churches building 'grander' facilities
(Karen Willoughby, The Christian Examiner)

Defense lawyer asks Guantánamo judge to expand the female guard no-touch rule
(Carol Rosenberg, Miami Herald)

GITMO inmate invoking RFRA wants only male guards during transfers
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Grimes' Gortz Haus to stop all weddings in wake of discrimination complaint
(Grant Rodgers, Des Moines Register)

Idaho House committee rejects Add the Words bill along party-line vote
(Idaho Statesman)

Wyoming House Committee passes RFRA Bill
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Pastors on both sides of religious freedom debate sound off at State Capitol
(Sandra Parrish, Atlanta News)

Louisiana Supreme Court urged to rule in same-sex marriage
(Kevin McGill, Associated Press, WRAL)

States renew fight to stop same-sex marriage
(Richard Fausset and Alan Blinder, The New York Times)

Nashville Evangelical church comes out for marriage equality
(Elizabeth Dias, Time)

Nova Scotia Supreme Court rules in favor of Trinity Western Law School
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

What LGBT Americans think of same-sex marriage
(Jens Manuel Krogstad, Pew Research Fact Tank)

Paradise lost: is Christianity doomed in the Middle East?
(Gerard Russell, New Statesman)

Originalism and marriage
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online: Bench Memos blog)

Originalism and same-sex marriage revisited – a further rejoinder to Orin Kerr
(Ilya Somin, The Volokh Conspiracy)

California Supreme Court versus Boy Scouts
(Ed Whelan, National Review Online: Bench Memos blog)

Trib Talk: LDS leaders Oaks, Christofferson on religious freedom, LGBT rights (video)
(Jennifer Napier-Pearce, The Salt Lake Tribune)

What The New York Times gets wrong about religious liberty
(Staff editorial, Deseret News)

Judge furious over California Supreme Court ban on judges serving as Boy Scout leaders
(Steve Large, CBS)

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