Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Number of ‘Muslim’ children in Britain doubles in a decade
(John Bongham, The Telegraph)

N. Carolina Muslims call for calm after students' murder
(Jenny Vaughan, Arab News)

Was it right to label Chapel Hill shootings a 'hate crime' so quickly?
(BBC News Trending)

FBI investigating Chapel Hill shooting: When is a crime a 'hate crime'?

Parking spat as motive for triple murder? N.C. Muslims don’t buy it
(Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service)

Muslims doubt that religion wasn’t a factor in killing of three in N.C.
(Kevin Sullivan and Mark Berman, The Washington Post)

Craig Stephen Hick arrested after Chapel Hill shooting kills 3 Muslims
(Micahel Biesecker and Jonathan Drew, Associated Press, The Huffington Post UK)

Thousands gather to mourn slain Muslim students in North Carolina
(Al Jazeera America)

Balancing religious rights, nondiscrimination a tall order for Utah lawmakers
(Lisa Riley Roche and Dennis Romboy, Deseret News)

Alabama official ordered to issue marriage licenses to gay couples
(Jonathan Kaminsky, Reuters)

Universities are right—and within their rights—to crack down on speech and behavior
(Eric Posner, Slate - View from Chicago)

US criticism on religious freedom a ‘political act’
(Pyae Thet Phyo, Myanmar Times)

Christian homes bulldozed in Pakistan; human rights group suspects landgrabbing
(Czarina Ong, Christian Today)

83% say measles vaccine is safe for healthy children
(Pew Research Center: U.S. Politics and Policy)

Young Brits reject religion, approve of atheist politicians
(Trevor Grundy, Religion News Service)

'Information sacrificed on altar of religion' says Reporters Without Borders
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Proposed constitutional amendments in Texas raise religious freedom concerns
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

State RFRA update: Arkansas and Indiana
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Oklahoma bill would protect clergy who won't perform gay marriages
(Kevin Murphy, Reuters)

Almost all U.S. presidents have been Christians
(David Masci, Pew Research Center Fact Tank)

Pacific island of Tonga celebrates its 1st Catholic cardinal
(Nick Perry and Nicole Winfield, The Associated Press)

The Church and gun control
(Matthew Maule, Juicy Ecumenism)

Polygamist wedding officiant gets early release in Texas
(Lisa Maria Garza, Reuters)

Planned Parenthood appeals Bobby Jindal administration's rejection of abortion services in New Orleans
(Rebecca Catalanello, The TImes-Picayune)

Folly of good vs. bad religions: Column
(Stephen Prothero, USA Today)

Jews, especially those who don’t support Palestinians, must be expelled, demanded Students Representative Council at South African university
(Eugene Volokh, The Volokh Conspiracy)

Wrong medicine: Reaction to proposed abortion law in Chile
(Soledad Bertelsen, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice (Daniel Philpott))

Group says teacher memorial at school violates First Amendment
(Michael Clouse, WSAZ News Channel)

Group asks Ottawa Co. to remove religious sign from Hager Park
(Jessica McMaster, Fox News)

No gunpowder found on slain Argentinian prosecutor's hands
(Stephanie Butnick, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

Media failing the war in Syria
(Scott Lucas, MercatorNet)

Does talking about 'Islamism' make us 'Islamophobic'?
(Paul Berman, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

The 'New York Times' violates my protocol: The true rift between Netanyahu and Obama is policy, not politesse
(Liel Leibovitz, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

South Carolina lawmakers campaign for freedom of association
(Susan Kruth, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education)

Reflections on Obama’s misrepresentation of his position on same-sex marriage
(Ilya Somin, Volokh Conspiracy [Washington Post])

Turkey: Teachers to go on daylong strike in reaction to AK Party education policies
(Gülten Üstüntağ, Today's Zaman)

On Darwin Day, 5 facts about the evolution debate
(David Masci, Pew Research Fact Tank)

Why my sons will be Jewish or Christian
(Orhan Kemal Cengiz, Today's Zaman)

Muslim leadership and Putin differ on Supreme Court's decision
(Russia Religion News)

Germany: Anti-cult activism v. sociology of religion: a matter of opinion?
(Erich Mayer, Forum for Religious Freedom Europe)

Student punished for saying 'God Bless America'
(Christian Today)

Poll: 1 in 4 Americans say Islamic State represents true Islam
(Aamer Madhani, Religion News Service)

Turkish parents complain of push towards religious schools
(Constanze Letsch, The Guardian)

U.S. satisfaction with religion settling at lower levels
(Frank Newport, Gallup)

Whether pro-life or pro-choice, let’s be pro-voice (opinion)
(Kassi Underwood, Al Jazeera America)

Anglican synod fears closure of churches in rural Britain
(Mike Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Azerbaijan: Five years' imprisonment for "normal Muslims" who "simply conduct prayers"?
(Forum 18 News Service)

Ukraine crisis: Leaders agree peace roadmap
(BBC News Europe)

What happens after Ukraine peace deal?
(Laura Smith-Spark and Nic Robertson, CNN)

Explainer: who gets what in Ukraine peace deal
(The Sydney Morning Herald)

‘It is Islam versus the rest of the world’
(Vikram Sood, The Economic Times Blogs)

Jewish members 'left out' of Germany's new anti-Semitism commission

Hindu temple dedicated to Narendra Modi is a "threat to secular India"

Temple to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi scrapped
(BBC News)

EVENT, 12 February 2015: Religious Communities and Responses to Sexual Violence
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

EVENT, 12 February 2015: Brian Grim to speak at Pontifical University
("The Positive Case: Religious Freedom is Good for Society, Business, and the Poor", Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

Religious Freedom is Good for Society, Business, and the Poor: The Socio-Economic Benefits of Religious Freedom
(A Lecture by Brian Grim, The United States Embassy to the Holy See, the Pontifical Urbaniana University, and the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation)

Religious fundamentalism: Six major questions
(Vikram Sood, Observer Researcher Foundation)

EVENT, 12 February 2015: Religion and Gender in Extremist Violence: A Discussion with Human Rights Defenders
(The Carter Center, United States Institute of Peace)

Russian Supreme Court upholds hijab ban
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Russian Supreme Court upholds ban on hijabs in schools
(The Moscow Times)

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

N.J. judge: illegal to call being gay a 'mental disorder'
(Trudy Ring, The Advocate)

On verge of trial, chaplain confesses to passing messages from mobster
(Jason Meisner, Chicago Tribune)

Parents sue public south Georgia school for holding prayer in class
(Steve Visser, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Glee Musical Theater Camp to move from Auburn's Case Mansion to Fingerlakes Mall amid legal dispute
(Greg Mason, Auburn Citizen (NY))

Mormon Stories founder Dehlin's spread of 'false concepts' results in excommunication from LDS Church
(Tad Walch, Deseret News)

Sharia law in Texas? - OpEd
(Daniel McAdams, Eurasia Review)

The Tunisian model: From dream to reality
(Ihsan Bal, The Journal of Turkish Weekly)

Former ISIS member explains why he joined terrorist group, and why he left: 'They see it as something a lot grander than what the reality is'
(Christian Today)

Arab nations united in fury against Isis but divided on strategy
(Kareem Shaheen and Ian Black, The Guardian)

Muslim population in England and Wales nearly doubles in 10 years
(Aisha Gani, The Guardian)

Drones make war too easy, too remote, faith leaders say
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Jordan Catholic group blasts hookah makers for having Jesus image on pipes
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Chaldean bishops rally to defend Christians persecuted in Iraq
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Saudis struggle to reconcile IS fight, Wahhabism
(Madawi Al-Rasheed, Al-Monitor: Gulf Pulse)

What does it mean to be a modern Zionist?
(Akiva Eldar, trans. Ruti Sinai, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Why Salafists see Shiites as their greatest enemy
(Ali Mamouri, trans. Rani Geha, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

The two big holes in the strategy against ISIS
(Kenneth Roth, Human Rights Watch)

Dispatches: UK failing to learn lessons on counterterrorism
(Izza Leghtas, Human Rights Watch)

Dispatches: A glimmer of hope for victims of Pakistan's blasphemy law
(Phelim Kine, Human Rights Watch)

Assessing Europe's response to the Paris attacks
(Benjamin Ward, Human Rights Watch)

West Africa: Regional Boko Haram offensive
(Human Rights Watch)

Sadomasochism and the Jihadi death cult
(Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Tablet: A New Read on Jewish Life)

As one family, Christians and Buddhists meet in Bodh Gaya, India
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Kayla Mueller’s vision of God
(Rev. Jennifer D. Crumpton, Patheos Blog: Femevangelical)

In defense of religion and tolerance
(J. Martin Rochester, St. Louis Jewish Light)

Negotiate against, not with terrorists (opinion)
(Christopher Voss, CNN)

How Canada's rejected flags reflect the nation's religious life
(Katie Daubs, Toronto Star)

Federal court reverses injunctions by Pittsburgh judges on contraception mandate
(Torsten Ove, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Geneva College v. Secretary Department of Health [HHS Mandate]
(United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit)

South African university student council's call to expel Jewish students sparks outrage
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Three Muslims killed in shooting near UNC; police, family argue over motive
(Mark Berman, Sarah Kaplan and Kevin Sullivan, The Washington Post)

3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill
(Saeed Ahmed, CNN)

It’s hard to imagine anything more vile and un-American than murdering Muslims for their faith
(David French, National Review Online: the Corner blog)

Atheism did not kill three young Muslims in Chapel Hill
(Josha Kelly, Patheos Blog: Danthropoly)

NGO's for religion sending ISIS recruits under scanner
(Vicky Nanjappa, oneIndia)

Religion and politics collide in Nigeria as election nears
(The Brock Press)

Regents to study implications of same-sex marriage
(Peter Hancock, Lawrence Journal-World)

Buhari meets Catholic Bishops, allays fears on religious freedom
(Vanguard (Nigeria))

Italy's top appeals court rejects gay marriage, update
(Redazione ANSA)

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