Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Ukraine: Disinformation and confusion
(George Weigel, First Things)

Hindu-Americans welcome PM Modi's speech on religious freedom
(PTI, The Economic Times: India Times)

Why Louisiana can't break the confessional's seal
(Ulrich L. Lehner, First Things)

Freedom in Australia: A quiet death by a thousand cuts
(Tim Wilson, The Daily Telegraph)

Bible distribution in Oklahoma public schools draws letters of complaint
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

JI-called APC for int'l law to protect religions
(Ifitkhar Alam, The Nation)

Islamic State may be getting closer to Christian refugee area in Iraq
(John Burger, Aleteia)

Egypt's belated response to plight of Coptic Christians
(Zahra Vieneuve, Aleteia)

If British Jews are attacked, respect our dignity – and keep your agendas to yourself
(Keith Kahn-Harris, The Guardian)

Organizer of anti-Semitic rally in London arrested for abusive tweets

Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood: a conditional return
(Muhammad Al-Sadiq, Middle East Monitor)

ECtHR refuses to review Church of Scientology claim against Russia

Bulgaria: Woman ‘vindicated’ in religious freedom case after arrest for home worship
(The Global Dispatch)

ECtHR rejects Turkish appeal to ruling on compulsory religion classes
(Güven Özalp, Hürriyet Daily News)

Turkey’s atheists and religious minorities join forces to protest religious instruction in schools
(Onur Erem and Jacob Resneck, Religion News Service)

Swedish public radio apologizes for anti-Semitism question

High Court in Islamabad: Nothing can justify the murder of Salman Taseer

Turkmenistan: Two amnestied prisoners, conscientious objector in hospital, beaten "Wahhabis"
(Forum 18 News Service)

School drops required disclaimer in settlement of suit on student-to-student distributions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

School drops disclaimer requirement, settles lawsuit
(Press Release, Pacific Justice Institute)

City's solicitiation ordinance held too restrictive
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

City’s solicitation law is challenged
(Katie Metzger, Mercer Island Reporter)

First Islamic bank in Russia could open in 2015

Cert filed in RLUIPA zoning case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Connecticut panel asks high court to hear synagogue dispute
(AP, Beaumont Enterprise)

Hard truths about the survival of Christianity in the Middle East
(John L. Allen Jr., Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

Analysis: What we can learn from ISIS's magazine, Dabiq
(Charles Cameron, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

Shiite militias attempt to split Yazidis
(Hemin Salih, BasNews)

Fears growing for two South Sudan pastors held by Sudan intelligence
(World Watch Monitor)

Terror trial in NYC: Bin Laden's minions posed as women
(Michael Daly, The Daily Beast)

Italy fears ISIS invasion from Libya
(Barbie Latza Nadeau, The Daily Beast)

Modi vows to uphold freedom of faith, stand against hatred
(Hindustan Times)

Death threats made against Brussels Jewish lobby group’s leader

EVENT, 18 February 2015: Panel: “Threat to Justice: Middle Eastern Christians and the ISIS Crisis”
(Stephanie Cipolla, Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Nepal: 1 million pilgrims expected at Pashupatinath Temple
(Missionary International Service News Agency)

Chicago Muslim school head charged with sexual abuse of female staffer and students
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

IS ‘burns 45 people to death’ in al-Baghdadi, Anbar
(Luke Coleman, BasNews)

Chicago-area imam charged with sex abuse at Islamic school
(AP, The Washington Post)

Biden opens summit on countering violent extremism
(Lesley Clark, McClatchy DC)

(Still) more on "Catholicism v. Libertarianism"
(Rick Garnett, Mirror of Justice)

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Kazakh leader warns against associating terrorism with traditional Islam

Russian leadership does not understand what bomb it planted under themselves – Mykhailo Panochko
(Interview by Sophia Bohutska, Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Utah bill seeks to take down 'Zion Curtain' in restaurants
(reporting by Daniel Wallis in Denver; editing by Cynthia Johnston and Peter Cooney, Reuters)

The heart of Egypt moved and devastated
(Andre Azzam,

Could Libya's IS suck Egypt into endless war?
(Mustafa Fetouri, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

Concern in Iraq grows over unregulated Shiite forces
(Ali Mamouri, trans. Sahar Ghoussoub, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

What ISIS really wants
(Graeme Wood, The Atlantic)

Jewish gravestones desecrated in New Zealand

Austrian justice minister to address Stefan Templ case - OpEd
(Robert Amsterdam, Eurasia Review)

ISNA alarmed by increase in anti-Muslim incidents: Vandals deface Islamic school of Rhode Island
(Eurasia Review)

Church diplomacy: Greece, Russia and beyond - analysis
(Eirini Patsea, Eurasia Review)

In Spain, the worst sex abuse scandal Francis faces
(Raphael Minder, Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

Oregon to swear in nation's first openly bisexual governor
(Christian Today)

Walking the streets as a Jew: 10 hours of fear and loathing in Paris
(Zvika Klein, NRG)

Readout of Assistant Secretary Tom Malinowski and Ambassador David Saperstein's travel to Baghdad and Erbil, Iraq
(U.S. Department of State)

Controversial conversion case in school, act quickly and firmly: Mositun
(Daily Express (East Malaysia))

Misgovernment, not religion, has sunk the Middle East
(Rami G. Khouri, Al Jazeera America)

Explaining Christian Zionism to Israelis
(Sarah Posner, Religion Dispatches)

Anger of suspect in Danish killings is seen as only loosely tied to Islam
(Andrew Higgins and Melissa Eddy, The New York Times)

Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine: annexation of the Crimea was a clear violation of international law
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Liu Yandong: Strengthen lawful oversight, protection of lawful rights of religious groups [Simplified Chinese]

Bishops say British democracy failing, immigration debate 'racist'

[China] Vice premier urges protection of religious people's interests

[Chinese] Religious groups told to exert healthy, positive influence

Christian persecution in China may be slowing down, says monitoring group
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Suicide bomber kills up to 8 in Xinjiang, Radio Free Asia reports
(Michael Forsythe, The New York Times)

Study reveals major impact of church attendance and religious activity on youth suicide risk
(Billy Hallowell, The Blaze)

Boko Haram's attacks spread into Niger sparking mass exodus
(Mark Yapching, Christian Today)

Texas judge says state's marriage ban is unconstitutional
(Tessa Berenson, TIME)

Help me find the 50 human rights cases absolutely everyone needs to know about
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

Freedom from Religion Foundation spotlights Gideon Bibles distribution at Oklahoma public schools
(Randy Ellis, The Oklahoman)

Two stabbed in Southfield following questions about religion
(Aftab Borka, Daily Tribune (Michigan))

Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim’s conviction–More than just a political conspiracy
(Emerlynne Gil, Arc of the Universe)

Narendra Modi: India PM warns against religious attacks

Fear of Shiites on the rise in Turkey
(Pinar Tremblay, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

Will ensure complete freedom of faith: Full text of PM Modi's speech at Christian conference
(Narendra Modi, First Post India)

Indian PM vows to ensure religious freedom
(Anjana Pasricha, Voice of America News)

Revival of religion in public space a serious concern for Indian secularism, legal expert says
(Mark Yapching, Christianity Today)

Religion's week from hell
(Daniel Burke, CNN)

Beyond Myanmar’s embattled Muslims, Christians say they face their own persecution
(Mang Suan Kim, Religion News Service)

US won't help fight Boko Haram until Nigeria accepts homosexuality, birth control, Bishop says
(Diane Montagna, Aleteia)

Pope Francis and the Copts: Blood and ecumenism
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus blog: Religion and Public Policy])

A statement on the martyrdom of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya
(Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria: Diocese of Los Angeles)

Coptic leader thanks Egyptian president for swift response to IS extremists
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

The beheading is only the tip
(Mariz Tadros, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Organizer of anti-Semitic rally in London arrested for abusive tweets

Rhode Island Muslim school vandalized in hate crime
(Erica Hellerstein, Mint Press News)

The troubling push to deregulate homeschooling
(Caitlin G. Townsend, Religion & Politics)

Washington state panel mulls bill to trim vaccine exemptions
(Rachel La Corte, Associated Press: the Big Story)

Vaccinations are states’ call
(Denise Grady, The New York Times)

Therapists who say gays can be cured are committing consumer fraud, NJ judge says
(Susan K. Livio, Religion News Service)

Atheists, humanists take up slain Muslim’s cause
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Employee refusing to provide SSN has no religious discrimination claim
(Jonathan Crotty and Michael Vanesse, JD Supra)

Italian college bans Muslim headscarves
(The Local (Italy))

Turkey women share harassment stories after grim murder
(Umut Uras, Al Jazeera)

UNESCO criticizes gun club for snubbing Muslim
(The Local (Germany))

Apocalyptic visions and ISIS' actions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Why does ISIS keep making enemies?
(Peter Bergen, CNN)

Watchman on the wall: Brent Walker’s 25 years in D.C.
(Robert Dilday, Baptist News)

Evangelicals pull support for Portland church over LGBT stance
(Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

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