Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 13 March 2015

Support for Christians' human rights in the Middle East in a joint statement signed by 53 States

Pastor Raymond de Souza, and the fate of religious liberty in America
(Troy Krause, Redwood Falls Gazette)

Suit defends freedom of religion in Flushing
(Stephen Gregory and Joshua Philipp, Epoch Tines)

Congress urged to take multi-prong approach to religious persecution
(Patricia Zapor, Catholic News Service)

Vatican backs use of force to stop IS 'genocide'
(John L. Allen Jr., Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

Fasting and food: Not by bread alone
(B.C. and M.TZ., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Does ‘religious freedom’ give Tanzanian witchdoctors the right to murder albinos?f
(Brian Pellot, RNS Blog: On Freedom)

Tannhauser opera staged in Novosibirsk desecrates Christian symbols - Mufti of Moscow

Owners of Russian blocked websites complain to the European Court
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Lithuania church uses Jewish headstones as stairs
(JTA, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Meet the long-lost Jews of Jedwabne
(Donald Snyder, The Jewish Daily Forward)

Bishops push for religious freedom protections in adoption, foster care
(Matt Hadro, Catholic News Agency)

IDF education chief seeks to ban rabbis at swearing-in ceremonies
(Marissa Newman, Times of Israel)

Role of rabbis in Israel army ceremonies is in dispute
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Constitutional Court strikes down absolute headscarf ban
(Timothy Jones, Deutsche Welle)

German court rules for gay Muslim man threatened with death by his family
(Reuters, Religion News Service)

Navy may remove Christian chaplain for inapproriate counseling on sexuality
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Philadelphia transit system must accept anti-Muslim ad
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Philly buses ordered to accept ads featuring Hitler
(Associated Press, The Washington Post)

9th Circuit: Anti-injunction Act bars suit seeking new IRS procedures for religious objectors
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Largest ever consultation reveals widespread confusion over laws protecting religion or belief
(Press Release, Equality and Human Rights Commission)

Britain's Equality Commission reports on religion in the workplace and service delivery
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Four Yeshiva Melbourne leaders stand down after child sex abuse scandal
(Melissa Davey, The Guardian)

Bill would allow Texas to ignore any court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage
(Albert Salazar, San Antonio Current)

Chaplain faces possible discharge for being 'intolerant'
(Andrew Tilghman, Military Times)

N.J. private school forces teacher to remove Facebook page after anti-gay posts
(Alex Napoliello,

Blocked online, Islamic State supporters launch “CaliphateBook”

Islamic State group accepts Boko Haram pledge of allegiance
(Zeina Karam, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Analysts weigh in on Boko Haram's alliance with IS
(Deutsche Welle)

CLR participates in international moot court in Venice
(Mark L. Movsesian, Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Indian beef ban hits ‘untouchable’ Dalits hardest
(Anto Akkara, World Watch Monitor)

Video: Heroic "White Helmets" in Syria rescue baby buried in rubble
(Zoe Romanowsky, Aleteia)

Cardinal Dolan’s cemetery deal smacked down
(Mark Silk, Religion News Service)

Daesh's child recruitment overdrive
(Al Bawaba)

Foes step up action in Indiana religious freedom bill debate
(Tom Davies, WISH-TV)

U.S. Supreme Court directs lower court to rebalance religious freedom with government mandated women’s contraceptive health benefits for religious nonprofit organizations
(Dave C. Bromund, Lexology)

IDF top education officer: No place for rabbis at swearing-in ceremonies
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Bulgaria condemned by Strasbourg court in religious violence case
(Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, European Liberties Platform)

German high court overturns headscarf ban for teachers
(ABC News)

How marriage equality opponents’ arguments are getting turned against them
(Zack Ford, Think Progress)

China enhances efforts to combat violence committed in name of religion
(The Global Times)

Religious freedom slipped in India, US Senators told
(Zee News)

The real war on Christianity
(Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, Yochi Dreazen, Foreign Policy)

Kazakhstan - UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief releases his report
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF))

European Parliament Intergroup welcomes the adoption of EP human rights report and Emergency Resolution on attacks against Assyrians
(The report however neglects to mention a wider range of religious or belief groups, European Parliament Intergroup on FoRB & RT)

Lords Spiritual (Women) Act 2015
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

A collision of culture and religion in Quebec
(Allan Woods, The Star Canada)

Conference in Barcelona explores nexus of governance and religion
(Bahá'í World News Service)

For a rich country, America is unusually religious and optimistic
(George Gao, The Washington Post Wonkblog)

Thursday, 12 March 2015

'Systematic persecution' of Iran's minorities under Rouhani too
(Sam Hailes, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

Alabama House approves 'religious freedom' bill

Alabama Supreme Court subjects remaining probate judge to its order banning issuance of same-sex marriage licenses
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Alabama Supreme Court: Mobile County probate judge can't give marriage licenses to gays
(Brendan Kirby,

Canadian imams issue fatwa against Islamic State
(Agence France-Presse)

CNA exclusive poll: Americans agree – protect religious liberty
(Catholic News Agency)

Does Obama's 'freedom of worship' hurt international religious freedoms?
(Samuel Smith, Christian Post)

Equality research underlines challenges faced by Christians
(The Christian Legal Centre, Christian Concern)

First Lady celebrates Iranian New Year at the White House
(Julia Arciga, The GW Hatchet)

First Lady hosts Nowruz reception
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Gerogia: Religious liberty or freedom to discriminate?
(Tom Sabulis, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

God in the machine: The role of religion in net neutrality debates
(Emily Baxter and Aseem Mehta, Religion & Politics)

House passes bill to abolish Oklahoma marriage licenses
(Randy Ellis, The Oklahoman)

Jewish center, cemetery attacked in central Argentina town

Law students tell justices how same-sex marriage bans harm careers
(Marcia Coyle, National Law Journal)

NLRB asserts jurisdiction over faculty election at Jesuit college
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Outcry leads Air Force to rescind ‘blessed day’ ban
(Wayne Crenshaw, The Telegraph)

Philadelphia transit authority ordered to run pro-Israel group's Hitler ad
(The Associated Press)

Regulators of a feather: Gumshoes at Fish and Wildlife go after Indian headdresses
(The Wall Street Journal [paywall])

Remarks by the First Lady at Nowruz reception
(Press Release, The White House)

Russia to import halal meat to Arab countries

Students vote to condemn anti-Semitism after incidents on UC campuses
(Sharon Bernstein, Reuters)

The Armenian genocide: A new way to commemorate
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Youths turning to Jihad because mainstream religion not ‘exciting’ enough – Welby
(John Binghham, The Telegraph)

Religion study finds believers under pressure in workplace – echoing case of Devon nurse Shirley Chaplin
(David Wells, Western Morning News)

State, Foreign Operations Subcommittee Hearing: protecting religious freedom abroad
(U.S. Senate)

Utah Legislature passes two 'historic' anti-bias, religious rights bills
(Deseret News)

WCC leadership focuses on peace-building and inter-religious initiatives during a solidarity visit to Israel and Palestine
(World Council of Churches)

Niqab debate important for Canadians, religious freedoms ambassador says
(Stephanie Levitz and Joan Bryden, The Globe and Mail)

Mimouna: A Jewish-Arab celebration in Arizona – OpEd
(Rabbi Allen S. Maller, Eurasia Review)

Colonial Williamsburg may help guard Iraq relics imperiled by ISIS
(John Clarke, Reuters)

Niqab debate important for Canadians, Andrew Bennett says
(Stephanie Levitz and Joan Bryden, CBC News)

Canadian PM's comments on Muslim veil set off Twitter flurry
(Julie Gordon, Reuters)

My school won’t let us sell cupcakes for homeless LGBT youth
(Eliel Cruz, RNS Blog: Faithfully LGBT)

When every day is a religious holiday
(Stephen Prothero, The Wall Street Journal)

The top four Jewish worries about Christian Zionism
(Jeffrey Salkin, Religion News Service)

NJ private school forces teacher to remove Facebook page after anti-gay posts
(Alex Napoliello, Religion News Service)

AP tersely, inadequately covers Notre Dame's Supreme Court 'touchdown' over HHS contraception mandate
(Tom Blumer, News Busters)

Identity politics, corruption, insecurity: Brave new world (Arab Spring protests, Islamic State – extremists feed off narratives of injustice, elites punish reformers)
(John Githongo, YaleGlobal Online)

Interview: Ali Hashem uncovers the truth about ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
(Sean Nevins, Mint Press News)

Turkmenistan: "Who can forbid us from praying?" Yet raids, fines continue
(Forum 18 News Service)

Saudi interior minister warns states sponsoring terror to target KSA
(Arab News)

United Nations warns Japan on religious freedom
(International Coalition for Religious Freedom)

EHRC finds confusion over laws on religion and belief
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Reports of 'blanket' release of Assyrians dashed
(Barbara G. Baker, World Watch Monitor)

The Church, its teachings, and its teachers: striking a difficult balance
(Thomas Bugeja, Times of Malta)

How Iranian women are using Sharia to their benefit
(Leila Alikarami, Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East)

Religious minorities in Pakistan are persecuted by govt and majority: US expert

Religion cannot interfere with law, says religious affairs minister
(Anita Rachman, Indonesia Real Time)

Religious employees 'under pressure' to hide faith
(BBC News)

EVENT, 12 March 2015: IRF Roundtable in Europe meeting in Brussels
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF))

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