Law and Religion Headlines

Saturday, 21 March 2015

FoRB Annual report: In prison for their religion or belief
(Willy Fautré, Mark Barwick, Alfiaz Vaiya, Sebastian Walch and Nathan Black, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Using religion for reform: Trying to change Pakistan’s oppressive blasphemy law from within
(Sarah Muir, VICE News)

Legal recognition of same-sex relationships (International Resource)
(Jones Day)

Korean-American military brides find refuge in tiny Missouri church
(Ryan Schuessler, Al Jazeera America)

Why I won't wear the Star of David
(Angela Epstein, The Telegraph)

The crime is the fruit of the theology: Christian responses to 50 Shades of Grey
(Kristin Kobes du Mez, OUPblog Religion)

Sweden's Foreign Minister reviled as an enemy of the Prophet
(Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard, Gatestone Institute)

Church Liability for clergy child abuse
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Wisconsin federal judge finds state abortion law unconstitutional
(Al Jazeera America)

Americans don’t cite ‘God, family, country’ quite like the cliche goes
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Friday, 20 March 2015

Can you be an Islamist and a feminist?
(Madawi Al-Rasheed, Al-Monitor: Gulf Pulse)

Maldives: Nasheed’s sham trial comes to an end
(Dr. S. Chandrasekharan, South Asia Analysis Group)

What a Houthi-controlled Yemen means for women
(Maysaa Shuja al-Deen, trans. Sahar Ghoussoub, Al-Monitor: Gulf Pulse)

Lawmakers use Chipotle to justify freedom of religion
(Meghan DeMaria, The Week)

'SC's obligation to protect women, churches and religious freedom'
(Daiji World)

Boko Haram headlines hide persecution of Christians in mid-Nigeria, too
(Christina Thomas, World Watch Monitor)

Gunmen kill 100 Christian villagers in central Nigeria
(World Watch Monitor)

New Virginia law protects chaplains from censorship
(Sean CW Korsgaard, The Daily Progress)

Woman breaks through chains of forced marriage, and helps others do the same
(Samuel G. Freedman, The New York Times)

Kansas Senate passes bill to protect religious freedom on college campuses
(Tim Carpenter, The Hays Daily News)

Buddhist monks incite hatred against Muslims in Myanmar
(Sarah Judith Hofmann, Deutsche Welle)

Quebec infringed school's freedom: court
(Canadian Press, Orangeville Banner)

Canada's Supreme Court says Quebec Catholic school should be allowed modified religious culture program
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Salmaan Taseer murder case harks back to 1929 killing of Hindu publisher
(Jon Boone, The Guardian)

Afghan cleric and others defend lynching of woman in Kabul
(Hamid Shalizi and Jessica Donati, Reuters)

Russia wants to stop U.N. staff benefits for same-sex couples
(Michelle Nichols, Reuters)

Puerto Rico ends its defense of gay marriage ban
(David Adams and Bill Trott, Reuters)

Non-banned ‘banned’ books and Malaysia’s unjust Islamic justice system
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

WCC delegation expresses solidarity with Ukraine
(World Council of Churches)

World churches delegation to Ukraine says Moscow-aligned church crucial in peace process
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Solar eclipse: schoolchildren banned from watching on 'religious and cultural' grounds
(Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph)

Muslim women are fighting to redefine Islam as a religion of equality
(Carla Power, Time)

Religion New Service's misleading chart on Christian groups' support for gay marriage
(Jeffrey Walton, The Christian Post Opinion)

For Christian Millennials, gay marriage debate produces new views on morality
(Harry Bruinius, The Christian Science Monitor)

Is it Islamic (or Christian)? The United States doesn’t get to say
(John Owen, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Pope Francis: no crime ever deserves the death penalty
(Vatican Radio)

A very Christian Cinderella
(Robert Barron, Real Clear Religion)

A new enemy - How conflict in the Islamic World is driving international organized crime
(Neil Thompson, The International Relations and Security Network)

Sri Lanka to strengthen laws against terrorist financing, money laundering
(Eurasia Review)

6th Circuit rejects Good News Club's fee waiver claim
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Observatory submits report about Austria to UN Human Rights Universal Periodic Review
(Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe)

Vandalism against Christians sites concealingly called municipal sites
(Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe)

In Vienna, a bid to foster 'Islam of the Austrian kind'
(Sara Miller Llana, The Christian Science Monitor)

India approves rule requiring one-third of Delhi police to be women
(Agence France-Presse)

Church of England to invest close to $1,000,000 to help Christians reconcile beliefs with science
(Vincent Funaro, The Christian Post)

Placing ISIS' persecution of the Copts in context
(Samuel Tadros, Tony Blair Faith Foundation)

Isis destroys historic Christian and Muslim shrines in northern Iraq
(Kareem Shaheen, The Guardian)

Iraq's top Shi'ite cleric urges more professionalism in fight against IS

Appeals court supports rejection of anti-Israel ad on Seattle buses
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

South African Jewish students oppose use of swastikas in protest
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Four charged in attack on Israelis in Patagonia
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Australia’s prime minister apologizes for Goebbels comparison
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Boko Haram will worsen food crisis in Niger, government official says
(Mark Yapching, Christian Today)

New York school under fire after reciting Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic
(Christian Today)

20 doctors and nurses kidnapped by ISIS-affiliated extremists
(Christian Today)

French parliament passes 'deep sleep' bill for end of life

Malaysia Shariah law: Islamist party passes bill to implement harsh Islamic criminal punishments
(Lora Moftah, International Business Times)

Bombings in Yemeni mosques kill more than 130
(Ahmed Al-Haj, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Islamic State claims responsibility for Yemen mosque bombings
(The Jerusalem Post)

Death toll rises to 126 in Yemen mosque bombings
(The Jerusalem Post)

55 killed in twin blasts near Houthi mosques in Sanaa
(Middle East Monitor)

Oklahoma plan to restrict same-sex marriage may backfire
(Heide Brandes, Reuters)

Moscow replays Rusin 'separatist' card in Ukraine's Transcarpathia
(Halya Coynash, Human Rights in Ukraine)

Russia: More literature, website and video bans, but one partially overturned
(Forum 18 News Service)

Abbas paving the way to turn West Bank into an Islamist State
(Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute)

A historic verdict on the headscarf
(Ali Yurttagül, Cihan)

Shaun Casey’s new, impossible job: Help us talk about Islam
(Daniel Philpott, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Gordon College reaffirms ban on students, faculty engaging in extramarital sex, homosexuality
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post U.S.)

15 questions church charity trustees should ask?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Leading female evangelical blazes trails, builds bridges
(Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Serbia court orders detention of 8 suspects for Srebrenica massacre

When Christians kill and destroy but also make peace, CAR today
(Jennifer Bryson, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Facing down anti-Muslim bigotry through faith in America
(David Schanzer, Informed Comment)

Azerbaijan: Human rights activists disappointed by Aliyev's modest pardon
(Aydin Mammadov, Silk Road Reporters)

Russian Orthodox Church concerned about legalization of same-sex "marriage", abortion issue, and secularism in Europe

Three Russians arrested in Uzbekistan for creating religious sect
(Russian Legal Information Agency)

Another Moscow Patriarchate church seized in Ukraine

Four Russians deported from Turkey for alleged attempt to join Islamic State in Syria
(Ivan Nechepurenko, The Moscow Times)

Finnish Christians celebrate 25 years of helping Russian aliyah
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Religious freedom for campus student groups passes Kansas Senate
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Bad Faith explores the chasm between freedom of religion and modern medicine
(John Semley, The Globe and Mail)

Court ruling won’t stop action against Trinity Western, challenger vows
(Mark Hume, The Globe and Mail)

Churches will obtain right to establish educational institutions
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Islamic Worlds Festival: "wearing my religion"
(Robbie Harris, WVTF Public Radio)

Germany charges 6 men over alleged links to al-Shabaab
(Al Arabiya News)

E. Guinea’s president warns of ‘serious terrorist’ threat to country
(Al Arabiya News)

Jewish groups look to calm post-election U.S.-Israel tensions
(Ron Kampeas, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Paris Jewish school evacuated due to bomb scare
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Pope accepts resignation of Cardinal O’Brien
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Christians donate to better security at Dutch Jewish schools
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Politicians using religion against Buhari – Aisha Buhari
(Patrick Ochoga, Leadership (Ajuba))

Turkmenistan's Islam: between religion and state
(Anna Fergana, Global Voices)

Tasmania strengthens religious liberty for schools
(Morgan Begg, Freedom Watch)

Protesters in Indiana clash over controversial religious freedom bill
(James Gherardi, Fox News)

Indiana House rejects Democratic changes to 'religious freedom' proposal
(Dan Carden, The Times of Northwest Indiana)

LGBT rights, religious freedom and the Utah miracle
(Charles C. Haynes, Newseum: First Amendment Center)

Why Islam needs a reformation (Opinion)
(Ayaan Hirsi Ali, The Wall Street Journal)

Justice Ginsburg co-authors a Passover essay
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) addresses commission on the status of women
(Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.))

Tajik leader calls for 'secular' development concept
(Radio Free Europe)

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