Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Millennial Values and Voter Engagement Survey, 2012 - Now available at the ARDA
(Principal Investigators: Robert P. Jones, Daniel Cox, Association of Religion Data Archives)

Race, Class, and Culture Survey 2012 - Now available at the ARDA
(Principal Investigators: Robert P. Jones, Daniel Cox, Association of Religion Data Archives)

Ventura, “From Your Gods to Our Gods: A History of Religion in Indian, South African, and British Courts"
(Marc O. DeGirolami (on Marco Ventura), Center for Law and Religion Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Brazil leads the world in religious freedom, finds Pew study
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

Brazil: A lesson in the peaceful navigation of religious change
(Brian J. Grim, Tony Blair Faith Foundation Opinion)

African Union Commission and European Commission meet to bring new impetus to the EU-Africa partnership
(Press Release, European Commission)

Crackdown on Christians triggers exodus from military
(Greg Corombos, WND: Radio America)

Indiana's religious freedom law shouldn't encourage discrimination
(Lisa Fu, The Red & Black)

Nigerian churches engage actively in national electoral process
(World Council of Churches)

How a Biblical edict became a boon for Palestinian farmers
(Naomi Zeveloff, The Forward)

Spreading the word: China's Bible industry
(Cang Wei, The Telegraph)

Sunday morning in Shanghai
(Timothy Merrill, The Huffington Post)

Conference makes case for Christian support for Jewish Israel
(Mark Tooley, Juicy Ecumenism)

Ethiopia mourns 'barbaric' killing of Christians by ISIL
(Al Jazeera America)

Azerbaijan: Baku’s pre-Olympic “religious cleansing”?
(Forum 18 News Service)

Polish fashion guru called out for posing with SS hat
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Family spokesman: Alabama woman joins Islamic State in Syria
(Martin Swant, The Washington Post)

America is not the future of the church. Statistics show that church actually isn’t dying. But it is changing.
(Bonnie Kristian, Relevant Magazine)

San Antonio chef charged with feeding the homeless cites religious freedom law
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Georgia religious freedom bill draws support at district GOP conventions
(Dave Williams, Atlanta Business Chronicle)

Indian cardinal says church attack undermines freedom of religion
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Hindus among multi-religious group of 29 petitioners challenging ‘Hindu law’
(Shibu Thomas, The Times of India)

Vandals attack North Carolina churches, spray paint 'hell' and 'God loves fags, He hates you;' shatter children's nursery windows
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

'Our country is burning' says South African Church leader as migrants are driven out
(Mark Woods, Christian Today - World)

War in Yemen forces Christians to worship underground, bishop says
(Mark Yapching, Christian Today)

Christian cleric accuses India PM of inaction after Agra church attack
(Mark Yapching, Christian Today)

Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi wounded in air strike
(Lucinda Borkett-Jones, Christian Today)

Tennessee swingers club to open as church
(Christian Today)

Woman set on fire by her husband and father-in-law in latest Pakistani 'honour killing'
(Christian Today)

ISIS recruits 20-year-old woman from Alabama, leaving Muslim parents distraught
(Christian Today)

Bishop resigns years after conviction for shielding paedophile priest
(Stephanie Kirchgaessner, The Guardian)

Israel to remove name of slain Palestinian teenager from memorial
(Isabel Kershner, The New York Times)

Name of Palestinian teen killed in revenge slaying removed from Israel’s memorial
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

North Carolina counties add 'In God We Trust' national motto to public buildings
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post)

North Carolina counties approve display of "In God We Trust" signs
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Former North Carolina magistrates sue over same-sex marriages
(ABC News)

Israeli youths shun Orthodoxy over dogma
(Daphne Rousseau, Agence France-Presse)

North Carolina magistrates forced to resign over same-sex marriage now seek reinstatement
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Former Egyptian president and Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi sentenced to 20 years in prison for unlawful arrests, torture of protesters
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Replacing carpet at Jerusalem shrine reveals religious rift
(Daniel Estrin, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Muslim marriage court victory
(Tania Broughton, IOL News)

South African court awards maintence and child support to woman divorced only under Islamic law
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Old loyalties, religious cohesion may frustrate Islamic State in Libya
(Ulf Laessing, Reuters)

Malaysia urged to punish Muslims over 'cross' protest
(Agence France-Presse)

Pakistan’s execution surge carries hard-line message for foreign leaders
(Tim Craig, The Washington Post)

Little Rock weighs expanding anti-discrimination protections
(Andrew DeMillo, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Ann Arbor Catholic priest tells parishioners to pack heat
(Patricia Montemurri, Detroit Free Press)

Pope accepts resignation of U.S. bishop who failed to report abuse
(Jane Onyanga-Omara, USA Today)

Egyptian court sentences Mohamed Morsi to 20 years in prison
(David D. Kirkpatrick and Merna Thomas, The New York Times)

‘Endangered species': Christianity at the brink of extinction in Turkey
(Mary Chastain, Breitbart)

Canon law at Cardiff: the new scheme
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Outside the lines: women in the church
(Helen Alvaré, America: The National Catholic Review)

Old loyalties, religious cohesion may frustrate Islamic State in Libya
(Ulf Laessing, Reuters)

'I sought to kill Jews,' said terrorist who rammed car into Israelis at Jerusalem bus stop
(The Jerusalem Post)

After vision of Christ, Nigerian bishop says rosary will bring down Boko Haram
(Alan Holdren, Catholic News Agency)

Religious leaders on same-sex marriage: “no one view speaks for 'religion'"
(Jack Jenkins, Think Progress)

Education Mo. St. Univ. student seeks religious freedom, gets petitioned
(Michael F. Haverluck, One News Now)

Religious freedom enshrined under Article 11 of the Federal Constitution, say Sabah lawmakers
(Sandra Sokial, The Rakyat Post)

Religion, law, politics a potent mix
(Murray Mandryk, The Star Phoenix)

Three jailed for life over murder of prominent religious leader in Dagestan

Iranian FM rejects any link between religion, Yemen war
(Press TV)

Monday, 20 April 2015

Practicing Islam at a Catholic university: “I’m 1 of 5 hijabi students on campus”
(Alexandra Svokos, The Express Tribune Blogs)

She is a Muslim, covers her head and is a firefighter in NYC
(Ahson Saeed Hasan, The Express Tribune Blogs)

Catholic archbishop calls freedom a challenge that 'must constantly be won over'
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

More French women than men lured by Isis
(Oliver Gee, The Local Fr)

Turkey's most powerful president since Ataturk: A profile of Recep Tayyip Erdogan
(Raziye Akkoc, The Telegraph)

'Gay conversion therapy' conference: speakers claim religious freedom is under attack
(Haroon Siddique, The Guardian)

Two Mormon missionaries detained near St. Petersburg

African Union condemns ISIL execution of Ethiopians
(World Bulletin)

Christians killed by Daesh
(Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Mexico: Court hearing planned for imprisoned, forcibly displaced Protestants
(Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Saudi Arabia’s deepening isolation in Yemen
(Week in Review, Al Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

GA GOP district conventions support 'religious freedom' bill
(Bill Hendrick, The Telegraph)

Religion complicates California vaccine debate
(Jeremy B. White, The Sacramento Bee)

Understanding religious liberty and free speech compliant with shari'a law
(Bethany Blankley, The Washington Times)

How far is Hezbollah willing to go in Syria?
(Vahik Soghom, Syria Comment - Joshua Landis)

Radicalised Western Muslim mothers urge children to jihad
(Mark Yapching, Christian Today)

Police fear missing family of 'former al-Muhajiroun member' heading to Syria
(Caroline Davies, The Guardian)

How tobacco firms tried to undermine Muslim countries' smoking ban
(Sarah Boseley, The Guardian)

Michigan governor vows to veto religious freedom bill unless civil rights are protected
(Mark Yapching, Christian Today)

Australians rally behind woman who defended Muslim couple
(BBC News)

Archbishop Welby in 'visit of condolence' for murdered Egyptian Christians
(BBC News)

The IRS assures an atheist group it will monitor churches
(Quin Hillyer, National Review)

Obama urged to act as slaughter of Christians escalates
(Susan Crabtree, Washington Examiner)

Will religious freedom laws disrupt higher education for LGBTQ students?
(Jeannie D. DiClementi, The Conversation)

Southeast Asia experts discuss religious change and gender
(Ten Soksreinith, Voice of America)

Pope, world, European churches mourn Mediterranean migrants', join call for action
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Questions, answers about federal anti-radicalization effort
(The Washington Post)

Armenian Church to canonize all victims of Armenian genocide

Church hopes for creation of Orthodox banking in Russia

Lavrov hopes that the Orthodox Christians in Ukraine "will not allow anyone to manipulate them as a pawn in someone else's game"

5 arguments to watch as the Supreme Court considers gay marriage
(Richard Wolf, Religion News Service)

Al-Shabab militants create chaos, pain for Somalis
(Tonny Onyulo, Religion News Service)

To move beyond abortion stalemate, reporters must ask tough questions
(Trevin Wax, Religion News Service)

Spy agency sees sharp increase in Canadians joining Islamic State
(David Ljunggren, Reuters)

Pope condemns killings of Ethiopian Christians in Libya
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

Supreme Court rules Canada a modern state, must not interfere in religion (Paywall)
(Warren Kinsella, The Hill Times)

Indonesia military launches anti-IS operation on eastern island
(Kanupriya Kapoor and Randy Fabi, Reuters)

Religious tolerance acts as buffer against ISIS in India: US security expert
(The Economic Times)

More married couples, same-sex and straight, are sharing the job of pastor
(Mark Oppenheimer, The New York Times)

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