Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 1 May 2015

Angola shuts eight churches after deadly clashed with sect
(Colin McClelland, Bloomberg Business News)

'Homegrown Jihadi brides feel they have no stake in British society'
(Victoria Lambert, The Telegraph)

Anbar’s displaced Sunnis not safe from sectarianism
(Adnan Abu Zeed, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Congress gives Egypt a pass on religious rights violations
(Julian Pecquet, Al-Monitor: Congress Pulse)

'Euro-Islam' or 'Islam in Europe': which is it to be in future?
(P. Hans Vöcking, Georges Anawati Stiftung (GAS), Europeinfos: Christian Perspectives on the EU)

A Catholic voice from the centre of Ukraine
(David Nazar SJ, Europeinfos: Christian Perspectives on the EU)

Spirituality may be key to 'dying well,' even in a less-religious age
(Compiled by Kelsey Dallas, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Episcopal Church in Europe responds to acts of anti-Semitism
(Anglican Communion News Service)

Believe it (or not): Clinton camp likely to downplay religious outreach
(Sarah Posner, Al Jazeera America)

Small Kansas church sues county over zoning dispute
(The Hutchinson News)

Israeli city asks court to okay ban on Jehovah's Witnesses event
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Church of England to sell off fossil fuel investments
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Sixth Circuit hears Tree of Life appeal
(Nate Ellis, Upper Arlington News)

6th Circuit hears oral arguments in RLUIPA zoning case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Judge sends Roman Catholic supervisor back to prison
(Julie Shaw, Daily News)

Pennsylvania Supreme Court reinstates priest's child endangerment conviction; trial court orders him back to prison
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court upholds California city's ban on nativity scenes at park
(Thomson/Reuters, Newsmax)

9th Cirucit upholds ban on Christmas display in Palisades Park
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Missouri woman, a Satanist, will claim “religious freedom” to get out of 72-hour abortion waiting period
(Hemant Mehta, Patheos)

Satanists ague that burdensome abortion laws violate their religious beliefs
(Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress)

Satanic Temple member claims state RFRA exemption to Missouri's abortion waiting period
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Megachurch helps California school board blur church-state divide
(Amy Julia Harris, The Center for Investigative Reporting)

California megachurch challenges church-state boundaries
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religious freedom: Won't tolerate any nation's interference in India's internal matters, says Rajnath Singh
(Zee News)

Turkey's Alevis 'under the shadow of military tanks'
(Paul Benjamin Osterlund, Al Jazeera)

The peacemaking Palestinian evangelicals of Israel
(Jayson Casper, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

A Catholic director’s forgotten masterpiece about marriage, aging, and the modern world
(Steven D. Greydanus, Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

Living and witnessing to values which are different and which ruffle Europe’s feathers
(Ferdinand Kaineder, Europeinfos: Christian Perspectives on the EU)

Russia: Jailed for exercising freedom of religion or belief in public
(Forum 18 News Service)

Messages of hate, signs of freedom
(Charles C. Haynes, Inside the First Amendment - Newseum Institute)

Round-up of consistory court and other cases in April
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Turkey’s top religious body issues Kurdish translation of Quran
(Hürriyet Daily News)

2014: A year of particular concern
(World Watch Monitor)

Erdoğan steps up fight against former ally Gülen
(Murat Yetkin, Hürriyet Daily News)

Help persecuted Christians — and support traditional families
(Helen M. Alvaré, Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

One of these photos about religious freedom is nothing like the others
(Huff Post Religion)

Emir of Kano orders church rebuilding
(Christian Solidarity Worldwide - USA)

Pakistan: Hindu settlements in Kashmir violate UN resolutions
(Arab News)

Sri Lanka: Kerry visit to show US 'applauds vision' of new government
(Eurasia Review)

With malice toward nun
(Nina Shea, Hudson Institute)

For Singapore archbishop, from education to health case, Catholics have built the nation’s future

Baghdad grants amnesty to deserters to fight the Islamic State group

India refuses to criminalise marital rape because of 'social issues and religious beliefs' in country
(Heather Saul, The Independent)

Tasmania: ‘Bigoted’ religious freedom law passes
(Jackson Stiles, The New Daily)

Religion and state: Nepal surrogacy, women of the wall, and social media for social change
(Breaking Israel News)

Saudis turn to religion to bend Pakistan's Yemen policy
(Aamir Latif, Anadolu Agency)

Saudi King, Romanian PM discuss regional security, terrorism
(Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Arab News)

Counter-extremism and the 2015 British elections (Opinion)
(Samuel Westrop, Gatestone Institute)

Egypt without God? Atheists collect signatures to form a secular party
(Al Bawaba News)

Invisible atheists: The spread of disbelief in the Arab world
(Ahmed Benchemsi, New Republic)

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Armenian church files first lawsuit seeking reparations from Turkey
(Today's Zaman)

Nigeria: Abducted women and girls forced to join Boko Haram attacks
(Amnesty International)

Turkish couple detained as Germany foils suspected Boston-style attack
(Today's Zaman)

Gloriavale responds to abuse allegations: 'It doesn't mean they're all true'
(One News, TVNZ)

West Coast MP dismisses calls to shut Gloriavale school
(Jody O'Callaghan,

6 things to expect in the pope’s address to Congress
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

No dice required: A medieval prayer wheel surfaces, but how it was used is anyone’s guess
(David Van Biema, Religion News Service)

Britain's Labour Party vows to ban Islamophobia
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Belarusian president spouts anti-Semitism
(Tal Trachtman Alroy, Tablet Magazine)

USCIRF issues its 2015 Annual Report
(Katrina Lantos Swett et al., United States Commission for International Religious Freedom)

Hypocritical Hindu radicals honour one Dalit abroad
(Lenin Raghuvanshi,

White House defends D.C. law pushing employers to insure abortions
(Fred Lucas, The Blaze)

Miami federal judge: State violating law by not serving kosher meals to prisoners
(Joan Chrissos, The Miami Herald)

How the Federal Government may put Christian schools out of business
(Joe Carter, Acton Institute Power Blog)

Court may deny religious liberty of Catholic schools
(Bayou Buzz)

Texas religious objection bill follows Supreme Court hearing
(Paul G. Weber, ABC News)

USCIRF issues its 2015 Annual Report
(Katrina Lantos Swett et al., United States Commission for International Religious Freedom)

New annual report on international religous liberty now available
(Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council)

US report slams Modi government on Ghar Vapasi, attacks on Christians and derogatory statements
(Aman Sharma, The Economic Times)

India rejects US report on religious freedom, says it’s based on limited understanding
(The Indian Express)

EVENT, 30 April - 4 May 2015: Conference — Freedom of (and from ) Religion: Debates over the Accommodation of Religion in the Public Sphere
(Department of Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara)

Third-party campaigning review
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Taylor gives Catherwood Lecture and says ‘Abandon divisive identity politics’
(Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

USCIRF’s 2015 Annual Report
(Daniel Mark, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Church of England freehold incumbents not “employees”: Sharpe v Bishop of Worcester
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

German police foil Islamist attack ahead of Frankfurt cycle race
(Peter Maushagen, Reuters)

Amid Nepal’s shattered shrines and temples, a religious fatalism sets in
(Vishal Arora and Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service)

Armenian Church seeks to reclaim historic HQ from Turkey
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Kenyan court says LGBT rights group may be formed; Christian churches object
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

MTA board bans all political ads on subways, buses
(The Associated Press, CBSNewYork)

New York MTA bans all issue advertising after court orders acceptance of anti-Islam ad
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court rules judges can review EEOC
(Brent Kendall, Wall Street Journal)

Supreme Court says required conciliation is reviewable prerequisite to EEOC Title VII lawsuit
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

How the legislature's sharia law debate impacts Idaho's Muslim community
(Frankie Barnhill, Boise State Public Radio)

US immigration exam replaces 'freedom of religion' with 'freedom of worship'
(Kelsey Harkness, The Daily Signal)

Separation of church and cubicle: religion in the modern workplace

What do people want from Turkey’s top religious body?
(Hürriyet Daily News)

Turkey and ‘the rescue of European Jews’
(William Armstrong, Hurriyet Daily News)

Whose Right and Who's Right? The US Supreme Court v. The European Court of Human Rights on Corporate Exercise of Religion
(Ioana Cismas and Stacy N Cammarano, Boston University International Law Journal / SSRN)

Erdoğan vows to transform entire political system, again demands ‘400 MPs’
(Hurriyet Daily News)

Republican US presidential hopefuls woo evangelical voters
(The Jerusalem Post)

Persecution of Christians in China at record high
(Ariel Cohen, The Jerusalem Post)

Using church funds, Zochrot promotes a “de-Zionized Palestine,” meaning free of Jews.
(The Jerusalem Post)

EIFRF meeting with URI in Plovdiv, Bulgaria for interfaith conference
(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom - EIFRF)

Same sex unions and the ECHR
(Gregor Puppinck, PhD, European Centre for Law and Justice)

Extremists are setting up anti-British schools, report claims
(Javier Espinoza, The Telegraph)

Mapped: These are the world's most religious countries
(Raziye Akkoc, The Telegraph)

Malala attackers sentenced to life in prison
(Arab News)

Best qualified men ‘selected to undertake big responsibilities’
(Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Arab News)

Buddhist monk seeks PM's intervention in Buddha shrine dispute resolution
(Abdul Qadir, The Times of India)

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