Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 11 May 2015

Widow of slain U.S.-Bangladeshi blogger lashes out at Dhaka
(John Shiffman, Reuters)

How American Jews can fight the academic intifada
(Jeffrey Salkin, The Forward - Opinion)

It's not about leaving France — our question is how to stay
(Robert Zaretsky, The Forward - Opinion)

U.S. Muslims ask why their religion's condemnation of violence often goes unheard
(Sarah Parvini, Los Angeles Times)

Afghan clerics uneasy as civil rights movement gains momentum
(Mirwais Harooni and Jessica Donati, Reuters)

Michael Gove's attempt to repeal the Human Rights Act faces almost insurmountable odds
(Matthew Scott, The Telegraph)

What is the Human Rights Act and why does Michael Gove want to scrap it?
(Jon Stone, The Independent)

Campus debates on Israel drive a wedge between Jews and minorities
(Jennifer Medina and Tamar Lewin, The New York Times)

Russian artist named a “prisoner of conscience” by Amnesty International has been released
(Sophia Kishkovsky, The Art Newspaper)

New York Archdiocese will close 7 more churches
(Andy Newman, The New York Times)

Sabotage conviction overturned against nun, fellow activists
(Travis Loller, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Angola's opposition and the churches: A massacre mystery
(, The Economist)

UN condemns Taliban attack on prosecutors
(Emelina Perez, Jurist)

Report: Anti-Semitic vandalism spiked in Ukraine in 2014
(Sam Sokol, The Jerusalem Post)

Race to balance freedom and security for future of European Jewry
(Sam Sokol, The Jerusalem Post)

Candidly speaking: Global anti-Semitism continues to escalate
(Isi Leibler, The Jerusalem Post)

An alternative perspective on global anti-Semitism
(David Newman, The Jerusalem Post)

High Court allows Jerusalem Day march through Old City’s Muslim Quarter
(Daniel K Eisenbud & Yonah Jeremy Bob, The Jerusalem Post)

Mother paraded as “intimidated martyr” to cheat gay couple of surrogacy arrangement
(Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog)

Jeb Bush: stronger 'Christian voice' needed in world
(Steve Peoples, Associated Press)

Jeb Bush appeals to conservative Christians at Liberty University
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

US and Israeli Jews learn how to honor their loved ones after they pass away
(Michele Chabin, Deseret News)

Life in Syria for Christians: Teaching tolerance and harmony among the faithful
(Nousha Kabawat, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

The anti-humanism of ‘Ex Machina’ makes it the post-Christian film of the year
(Jay Michaelson, Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

Jeb Bush: Obama is intolerant of Christianity
(Steve Peoples, Crux)

Francis has the chance to help Catholicism in Cuba
(John L. Allen Jr., Crux)

Alkhabeer Capital targets Islamic endowment business
(Arab News)

Pilgrim shatters peace in Haram, arrested
(Fouzia Khan, Arab News)

Utah businesses trying to understand state's new anti-discrimination, religious rights law
(Dennis Romboy, Deseret News)

Voting and religion collide in Swanzey
(Meghan Foley, Sentinel Source)

Danish school punished for forcing Muslim woman to eat pork
(Al Arabiya News)

First mass in 93 years held in İzmir’s historic Greek Church
(Hurryiet Daily News)

Mosque causes controversy at Venice Biennale
(Hürriyet Daily News)

What’s wrong with a modest car for Religious Affairs head?
(Mehmet Y. Yilmaz, Hürriyet Daily News)

Are the Rohingya people facing genocide? - OpEd
(Dr. Habib Siddiqui, Eurasia Review)

Indiana tourism slogan could be victim to fallout over law
(WLFI, News Channel 18)

France under pressure to clarify rules about wearing long skirts and Muslim robes to school
(John Lichfield, The Independent)

Thirteen people convicted of mutilating Christian professor
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Not all mosques welcome in Indonesia, world’s most populous Muslim nation
(Daina Beth Solomon, Global Post)

Oregon gov. to sign law banning sexual orientation change therapy for gay minors; Christian ministries say law will have negative impact on 'religious liberties'
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Pakistani Christian leader receives threats, told to “stop building churches or we will kill you”
(Shafique Khokhar,

IRD announces new Christian ethicist on war & peace
(Jeff Walton, Institute on Religion and Democracy)

The Armenian "genocide"?
(Kai Ambos, EJIL:Talk!)

Statement on retired Bishop of Gloucester, Rt Revd Michael Perham
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Christianity’s failure in India? Think again
(Daniel Philpott, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Why Christianity failed in India
(Tony Joseph, Outlook)

What can we learn from Buddhist moral psychology?
(Jay L. Garfield, OUPblog Religion)

Has Christianity failed in India? There are some who want you to believe so
(Philip Jenkins, Aleteia World)

Schools, scripture and book banning in NSW
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Anglican church angry over Department of Education banning of “one-partner” material
(Alicia Wood, The Daily Telegraph)

Chinese top official warned against crime in name of religion
(South China Morning Post)

Muslim man argues he cannot serve on jury as religion forbids him from judging others
(The Telegraph)

Afghanistan: Religious leaders nervous as civil rights protests gain momentum
(Christian Today)

EVENT 11 May 2015: Roundtable on Religion, International Law and Foreign Policy and a Launch of the Transatlantic Academy Report on Faith, Freedom, and Foreign Policy
(Committee Room G, the House of Lords, Westminster)

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Elder Christofferson champions religious freedom in Brazil speech
(Jason Swenson, Deseret News)

German left haunted by the Holocaust — split over Israel
(Yermi Brenner, The Forward - Opinion)

The Satanic Temple just filed a lawsuit against abortion restrictions
(Lucien Greaves, Orlando Weekly)

Satanic Temple member files suit challenging Missouri's abortion restrictions under state's RFRA
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Egyptian youths face trial for 'insulting Islam' by making fun of ISIS
(Steven Edwards, Fox News)

Egypt holds 4 Coptic high schoolers on blasphemy charges
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Chairman: only Christian prayers welcome at Lincoln Co. meetings
(John Cominsky, WBTV News)

North Carolina county commission chairman says he will only allow Christian invocations
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Aboutreika: Bridging Egyptian polarization or signaling a shift in attitudes? - analysis
(James M. Dorsey, Eurasia Review)

Raul Castro to Pope: Thanks to you, I may come back to the Church
(Alvaro de Juana, Catholic News Agency)

Senseless, mindless and sickening corruption in Ghana, says cleric
(Ghana Web)

U.S. commission criticizes Iran for persecution of religous minorities
(The Tower)

Interfaith Initiative: Supporting our dear hijabi sisters
(Sarah Q. Malone, Centre Daily Times)

Persecution of Christians in America: It's not just 'over there'
(Fay Voshell, American Thinker)

Confused by how to pray? Watch some examples
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Washington Post)

Michigan man recites Muslim call to prayer in all 50 US states
(Press TV)

Rescued from Boko Haram, how can they reclaim their lives?
(Susan Brink, NPR)

UNFPA chief urges quality education for victims of insurgency
(Victoria Ojugbana, The Guardian (Nigeria))

The Round-up: A British Bill of Rights on the horizon?
(1 Crown Office Row, UK Human Rights Blog)

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Analysis: ISIS and the use of violence
(David Knowles, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

Anti-Muslim sentiments in North Carolina
(PBS: Religion & Ethics Weekly)

Christians who have avoided the culture was may no longer have a choice with religious freedom in jeopardy, legal scholar says
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post U.S.)

No, there’s no “hate speech” exception to the First Amendment
(Eugene Volokh, Washingto Post: The Volokh Conspiracy)

The election result means big changes are coming for human rights
(Adam Wagner, Rights Info: Human Rights Information to Share)

Vietnamese bishops denounce proposed government document on religious freedom
(Joachim Pham, National Catholic Reporter)

Jacksonville churches, congregants active in local politics; sometimes putting winners over the top
(Andrew Pantazi, The Florida Times-Union)

A challenging time for religion in Canada
(John Longhurst, Winnipeg Free Press)

The social psychology of religion, prejudice, and intergroup processes
(Yuma News Now)

Erdoğan exploits religious symbols, uses Quran as prop in election rallies
(Today's Zaman)

The difference between Islam and Islamism?
(Uzay Bulut, Gatestone Institute)

The changing role of a military chaplain
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Religion and law round-up – 10th May
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Modi tells 'Time': Delinking terrorism from religion would 'put an end to the emotional blackmailing'
(Rohan Venkataramakrishnan,

The Faustian bargain between church and state
(David Shipler, The Atlantic)

Memorial of Murdered Jews in Berlin a top tourist draw
(Agence France-Press, Hürriyet Daily News)

Allegation of political campaigning by Plymouth Brethren Christian Church
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Qatar revives strict ‘Reflect Respect’ dress code campaign
(Eman El-Shenawi, Al Arabiya)

Afghan Taliban ‘soften stance’ on women’s rights
(Al Arabiya)

Erdoğan’s Turkey no longer has rule of law
(Serkan Demirtas, Hurriyet Daily News)

Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen: Uglier by the day
(The Economist)

HDP co-chair slams Erdoğan over abusing religion, Quran
(Hurriyet Daily News)

Putin’s Victory Day has become a religious and holy day
(Nina Achmatova,

Chinese province to ban rooftop Christian crosses
(Didi Tang, Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

Friday, 8 May 2015

214 out of 234 former Boko Haram hostages are reportedly pregnant
(Diana Ozemebhoya Eromesele, The Root)

After Ebola: New questions raised about burial rites in outbreak nations
(Brian Stallard, Nature World News)

Losing our religion: How freedom of conscience is taking a beating on both sides of the Atlantic
(Peter D. Williams, London)

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