Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Religious council takes stand that Islamic law is above fundamental liberties
(V. Anbalagan, The Malaysian Insider)

Despite government hindrance, Caritas Uzbekistan helps young people and the poor

A centre for disabled children run by Augustinian nuns attacked in Madhya Pradesh
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Iraqi nun says Islamic State wants the human and cultural genocide of Christians
(Suor Diana Momeka,

IS jihadists threaten Syria's ancient Palmyra
(Your Middle East)

IS has no foothold in Gaza: Hamas
(Arab News)

Muted complaints - A call to end the silence over Islamic violence in Nigeria
(Christian Concern)

Tattooed Jesus, yoga and the debate over school endorsement of religion
(Charles C. Haynes, Newseum Institute: First Amendment Center)

GA: The effort to include non-discrimination language in the religious liberty bill takes shape
(Jon Richards, Peach Pundit)

Evangelicals ask Cameron to focus on poverty and religious freedom
(Evangelical Focus)

Sahara extremists pledge allegiance to Islamic State group
(Paul Schemm, ABC News)

Ken Ham says atheists are 'showing intolerance for anyone Christian' after FFRF tells high school it's 'unconstitutional' to invite Creationist speaker
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Bishop of Oxford appointment: reconsideration in 2016
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Abortion ban: Faith and religion evoked on house floor during debate
(Rebecca Downs, The Christian Post)

You better not betray us: Hindu religious leader warns Rajnath Singh over construction of Ram Temple in Ayodhya
(First Post)

Is prison the fate for Christians deemed intolerant? Religious freedom champion Frank Wolf asks Harvard audience
(Napp Nazworth, The Christian Post)

Vatican and 'State of Palestine' signing of religious liberty treaty irks Israel
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

EVENT, 14-16 May 2015: Conference - "Religious Freedom Development in the Sphere of Law"
(American University of Armenia, Yerevan, International Center for Law and Religious Studies, Coordinating Counsel for CIS and Baltic Countries on Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Religious Studies)

Under Rouhani, religious persecution grows
(WND Faith)

Islamabad blames India for terror in Pakistan
(Deccan Herald)

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Anti-LGBT-discrimination law gets mixed reviews in Utah
(Massoud Hayoun, Al Jazeera America)

Pope Francis to Togo bishops: preserve the African family
(Vatican Radio)

Pakistan: Dozens killed in attack on Shiites in Karachi
(Eurasia Review)

Gunmen storm bus in Pakistani port city, kill more than 40 Shiite Muslims
(The Washington Post, Shaiq Hussain and Tim Craig)

Pakistan: Arrest, prosecute sectarian killers
(Human Rights Watch)

What this man found in his basement solved a 50-year mystery for a church
(Herb Scribner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Interfaith activists call solitary confinement immoral, ineffective
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Libya: Amend counter-terrorism law - vague provisions endanger rights
(Human Rights Watch)

Muslims, Christians clash over 'Martyrs' Church' construction
(Muhammad Ghamrawy, Al Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Holocaust's use as political tool divides Israelis
(Yuval Avivi, trans. Ruti Sinai, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

The UK’s new government wants to scrap an act that protects fundamental human rights
(Cassie Werber, Quartz)

Mayor signs ordinance to protect housing rights for LGBT Tulsans, cites support for state religious liberty law
(Jarrel Wade, Tulsa World)

After dismissals, naval training center invites back 4 religious volunteers
(Manya Brachear Pashman, Chicago Tribune)

Great Lakes naval center dismisses religious volunteers for minority faiths
(Manya Brachear Pashman, Chicago Tribune)

Analysts say unprovoked pressure on Siberian Muslims could radicalize them
(Valery Dzutsev, The Jamestown Foundation)

Just like Putrajaya: Georgia officials failed to protect protesters - European court
(Malaysia Chronicle)

Argument over religion led to graveyard shooting, states police report
(Bianca Cain Johnson, The Augusta Chronicle)

Keep your distance: on the relationship between European integration and religion
(Democratic Audit UK)

News 18 Investigates: Religion during the school day
(Dan Klein, WLFI)

Beware secular fundamentalism: we need to be open to religion’s role in a troubled world
(Ali Mamouri, The Conversation)

Commentary: Defining deity down in the world of religion and politics
(Daily Local)

Kansas: Religious leaders, law enforcement weigh in on the death penalty
(KETV Newswatch 7)

Oklahoma House OKs resolution to reaffirm religious freedom
(News OK)

Report: Religious persecution on the rise in Iran
(Melanie Batley, Newsmax)

What's driving Pope Francis' Middle East diplomacy?
(Julian Pecquet, Al-Monitor: Congress Pulse)

Vatican to sign first treaty with 'state of Palestine'
(Francis X. Rocca, WSJ World)

Vatican decision to recognize Palestine upsets Israeli government, Jewish advocacy groups
(Michele Chabin, Religion News Service)

No novelty in Vatican reference to ‘State of Palestine’
(John L. Allen Jr., Crux: Covering all things Catholicva)

Somali-American back in prison after 'deradicalization' attempt
(Alistair Bell, Reuters)

Firms tell gay couples: wed or lose your benefits
(Rachel Emma Silverman, Wall Street Journal)

Employers pressing for same-sex employees to marry in order to retain partner benefits
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Remarks by the President in conversation on poverty at Georgetown University
(Press Release, The White House)

Obama: Defeating poverty takes money and ‘transformative power’ of faith groups
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

President Obama speaks out on poverty at Catholic-Evangelical panel discussion
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

World Vision suspends operations in key South Sudan state over escalating violence
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

First settlement reached in (ERISA) church-plan suit
(Nick Thornton, BenefitsPro)

First preliminary settlement reached in ERISA "church plan" case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Texas takes defiant stance as gay marriage decision looms
(Rick Jervis, USA Today, Religion News Service)

Some state legislators plan strategies to counter any SCOTUS marriage equality ruling
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Evangelicals’ claims of conservative supremacy are overstated
(Jonathan Merritt, Religion News Service)

On conservative religious activism, the numbers speak for themselves (Commentary)
(Rob Schwarzwalder and Pat Fagan, Religion News Service)

Bayit Yehudi to oppose changes to rabbinical judges appointments committee
(Jeremy Sharon, The Jerusalem Post)

Convoluted Rabbinical Court politics in Israel
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Amos Yee case exposes Singapore’s forced harmony, sacrificial freedoms
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

Orthodox Jewish commencement speaker finds a Shabbat workaround
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Killing of Bangladesh bloggers critical of religious extremism reviles UN rights experts
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

House Republicans expected to vote through 20-week abortion ban
(Marisa Taylor, Al Jazeera America)

Human rights activists published evidences of religious persecution in the occupied Donbas
(Institute for Religious Freedom)

American nuns, Chinese booze and religious persecution: Column
(Mark L. Rienzi, USA Today)

Heavy fighting between Nusra and ISIS in Arsal
(Middle East Monitor)

NHCLC names United Nations and White House liaisons to increase efforts on behalf of persecuted church
(Dr. Gus Reyes and Ricardo Luna, PR Newswire)

For Indiana, the damage done by RFRA continues
(Matthew Tully, IndyStar)

Islamic State is not the greatest threat to global religious liberty
(Eric Patterson, The Blaze)

Church planters receive death threats as religious persecution increases
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Utah anti-discrimination law goes into effect
(Brian Carlson, God4Utah)

Exclusive: Diaspora Ministry renews grant for Ukrainian Jews
(Sam Sokol, The Jerusalem Post)

Report on discrimination against spiritual and therapeutical minorities in France October 2000
(European Coordination for Freedom of Conscience)

Once Pope Francis knows US capitalism he will love it, says Catholic theologian-economist
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Babies who survive late term abortions left to die alone
(Christian Concern)

Christian parents separated from children in Court of Appeal
(Christian Concern)

UN human rights office draws attention to ‘alarming’ reports of massacre in Angola
(UN News Centre)

Ochh aye! First an actor in Pakistan, now a politician, Scotland welcomes first Muslim woman MP
(Al Bawaba News)

Holy Land Christians celebrate sainthood of Arab nuns
(Daniela Berretta, Al Arabiya)

Burma: Parliament hears briefing on marriage bill punishments
(Democratic Voice of Burma)

Islamic State financing and U.S. policy approaches
(Carla E. Humud & Robert Pirog & Liana Rosen, Congressional Research Service)

Corpus Christi in Sri Lanka will be a day of prayer for persecuted Christians
(Melani Manel Perera,

The Churches of Asia join the vigil for persecuted Christians
(Card. Oswald Gracias,

Madhya Pradesh: Hindu radicals attack three churches
(Nirmala Carvalho,

Lesotho Evangelical Church celebrates its 50 years
(World Council of Churches)

WCC ECHOS Commission visits Al Azhar Mosque and University in Cairo
(World Council of Churches)

Publication of Prince Charles’ “Black Spider Memos”
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Helsinki Committee of Armenia v Armenia: when the subsidiarity-requirement and the exhaustion of domestic remedies do not go hand in hand
(Helena De Vylder, Strasbourg Observers)

Burqa Ban, Freedom of Religion and ‘Living Together’
(Sune Lægaard, Open Access Theses and Dissertations)

Minority educational institutions: The UPA’s unconstitutional law
(Gautam Mukherjee, Swarajya Magazine)

France: Should religion be allowed in nurseries?
(The Local)

EVENT, 13 May 2015: Magna Carta Symposium
(Geoffrey Watson, Keith Thompson, John Emmerig, Jones Day, The University of Notre Dame Australia School of Law, Sydney)

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Indonesia’s underground atheists lay low after Facebook post that led to imprisonment
(Christian Brown, Global Post)

Is David Cameron’s big win just the calm before the storm?
(Neil Thompson, Geopolitical Monitor)

Ultra-Orthodox returning to higher education
(Mordechai Goldman, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Global Christian Forum to meet in Albania on discrimination, persecution, martyrdom
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

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