Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 25 May 2015

Round-up: Palmyra, contingency planning for regime losses, UN response to enslavement crisis
(Matthew Barber, Syria Comment (Joshua Landis))

Afghan Taliban’s IS dilemma
(Abdul Basit, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies)

7 religious ideas worth reflecting on
(Abdul-Azim Ahmed, On Religion)

Is Christian feminism an oxymoron?
(Kristin Kobes du Mez, OUPblog Religion)

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Secular Jews rediscover Jewish heritage
(Yuval Avivi, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Córdoba controversy: Historic Mosque-Cathedral mired in cultural dispute
(Guy Hedgecoe, Al Jazeera America)

Zimbabwe's Lemba build first synagogue, but struggle to keep the faithful
(Katya Cengel, Al Jazeera America)

Burma's birth control law exposes Buddhist fear of Muslim minority
(Sara Perria, The Guardian)

Top Muslim body urges protection of Syria’s Palmyra
(Agence France-Presse)

ISIS sexually brutalizing captured women, UN expert says
(The Times of India)

Religion and law round-up – 24th May
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

34 of the most beautiful churches from around the world
(Herb Scribner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

The Rohingyas: A look into one of the world's most persecuted minorities
(Compiled by Sarah Mikati, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

The end of religion? — Symposium
(Videos of the event, Institute of Religious Studies, Baylor University)

'Nones' are 'someones' in vibrant U.S. religious landscape
(David Briggs, Association of Religion Data Archives)

EVENT, 24 May 2015: Debating the (UK) Constitution after the Election
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

Saudi king vows to punish perpetrators of mosque attack
(Glen Carey, BloombergBusiness)

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Israel jails Palestinians for Facebook comments
(Patrick Strickland, Al Jazeera)

Protestants join Catholics in reconsidering the death penalty
(Heather Beaudoin, Religion News Service)

Why do people hate Jews and Judaism? (Commentary)
(Benjamin Blech, Religion News Service)

African issues need special attention from Lutherans, says Tanzanian bishop
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Remembering martyrs – of yesterday
(Daniel Philpott, Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Sesame Street and the Gay Cake
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Irish Catholicism supports same-sex marriage!
(Mark Silk, RNS Blog: Spiritual Politics)

Friday, 22 May 2015

Ireland becomes first country to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote
(Éanna Ó Caollaí, Mark Hilliard, The Irish Times)

Syrian priest reportedly kidnapped as ISIS moves beyond Palmyra
(John Burger, Aleteia Religion)

Suicide bomber strikes Saudi Shi'ite mosque, many dead or wounded
(Sami Aboudi, Reuters)

UN condemns deadly terrorist attack on Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia
(UN News Centre)

Egypt’s Al Sisi says Arab Region and international community must work together
(Eurasia Review)

Australians push for Vatican cardinal to testify on abuse
(Rosie Scammell, Religion News Service)

Netherlands approves plans for partial niqab ban
(Al Jazeera)

Appeals court delays transgender California inmate's surgery
(Al Jazeera America)

Kyrgyzstan: Will state officials obey the law?
(Forum 18 News Service)

European and US Leaders Join Solidarity Sabbath against Anti-Semitism
(Lantos Foundation for Humand Rights and Justice)

President Obama attends 'Solidarity Sabbath' service Friday
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

President Obama to attend 'Solidarity Sabbath' service Friday evening
(Complied by Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Remarks by the President on Jewish American Heritage Month
(Press Release, The White House)

Obama addresses synagogue for Jewish American Heritage Month
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Dueling executive orders: In response to Gov. Bobby Jindal, Mayor Mitch Landrieu touts New Orleans as an 'inviting city that thrives on its diversity'
(Chad Calder, The Advocate)

New Orleans mayor issues executive order in opposition to Jindahl's
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

President Obama announces more key administration posts
(Press Release, The White House)

USCIRF commissioner reappointed
(Press Release, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Zogby reappoined to USCIRF
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Caney Valley student graduates without eagle feather after federal court ruling
(Curtis Killman, Tulsa World)

Court refuses to allow high school senior to wear eagle feather on cap at graduation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Magistrates go to court over same-sex weddings
(Press Release, Liberty Counsel)

North Carolina magistrates sue over requirement they perform same-sex marriages
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Obama is neither anti-Israel nor anti-Jewish
(Alan Dershowitz, The Jerusalem Post)

What happens when an Egyptian walks around Cairo dressed as a Jew?
(The Jerusalem Post)

Most influential Jews in the religious world
(The Jerusalem Post)

Muslim refugees risk their lives to flee Burma's persecution
(Compiled by Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Are churches failing the poor? Yes and no
(Jacob Lupfer, Crux)

Ex-Muslims afraid to speak out
(Christian Concern)

Turkey arrests 43 Gulen supporters ahead of upcoming elections
(Al Bawaba News)

Suicide blast kills 21 at mosque in Saudi Arabia
(Al Arabiya)

Church-turned mosque closed in Venice
(Hürriyet Daily News)

Historic church in birthplace of religion under restoration
(Hurriyet Daily News)

The paradox of ‘white’ Turks
(Yusuf Kanli, Hürriyet Daily News)

Protestant churches defy Zhejiang cross removal campaign
(UCA News)

Introduction to Middle East sectarian wars
(Hasan Afif El-Hasan, Palestine Chronicle)

Is Islam a religion of war or peace? Both – and Muslims must decide, priest says
(Catholic News Agency)

Amid crumbled temples, Nepal’s Hindu holy men are out of a job
(Christopher Sharma,

Islamic State takes entire border between Syria and Iraq

Pakistan: 106 people on trial for the lynching of a Christian couple, accused of blasphemy

Indonesia to allow non-official religions on identity papers

Protestant reformer Martin Luther's 16th Century notes found
(BBC News)

Catholics in San Francisco rally against ‘morality clauses’
(Associated Press, Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

‘Gifts’ of Pentecost and Shavuot
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Islamic State expands its 'state'
(Samia Nakhoul, Reuters)

Forced sex camps prepare girls for child marriage in Zambia and Mozambique
(Emma Batha, Thomson Reuters Foundation)

Myanmar's Rakhine State denies persecution at root of migrant crisis
(Reuters, Thomson Reuters Foundation)

VIDEO: Religious Freedom & Foreign Policy
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

House will act to protect D.C. residents’ religious freedom on abortion—but not on gay ‘rights’
(Dustin Siggins, American Values)

In Our Opinion: Hatch-Cardin bill to make permanent a law allowing religious organizations to bring non-ministerial workers into the U.S.
(Deseret News)

Najma Heptulla deplores incident of man being denied job over religion
(The Economic Times)

Washington Update: Religious freedom and safety: ‘A difficult issue’
(Kyle W. Morrison, Safety and Health Magazine)

French religious clothing law extending its reach?
(Julian Nundy, Asia One World News)

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Judges can't define marriage
(Kevin Nestor, Mansfield News Journal)

Pakistan police hold five men in Karachi for links to Ismaili attack
(Miko Morelos)

The Catholic Church's German crisis
(George Weigel, First Things)

HB 707 was about freedom and tolerance
(Mike Johnson, The Shreveport Times)

Closer to home, Islamic movement of Uzbekistan may renew original goals
(Qishloq Ovozi, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)

European court to rule on right-to-die case
(L’Agence France-Presse)

Turkey: Armenian church sues for lost property
(Dorian Jones, Eurasianet)

After court-martial, this Marine cites religious freedom in her continued legal fight
(Dan Lamothe, The Washington Post)

Church of England to consider transgender naming ceremony
(Karen McVeigh, The Guardian)

John M. Templeton Jr., philanthropist devoted to science and religion, dies at 75
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Syria: Islamic State takes Palmyra, UNESCO heritage site at risk

Frantic message as Palmyra, Syria, fell: ‘We’re finished’
(Anne Barnard, The New York Times)

Monitor: Islamic State controls half of Syrian territory
(The Jerusalem Post)

Anti-Brotherhood judge named justice minister in Egypt
(Hamza Hendawi, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

South-east Asia migrant crisis: Gambia offers to resettle all Rohingya refugees
(Agence France-Presse)

Terminally ill California mom speaks out against assisted suicide
(Stephanie O'Neill, NPR)

Court won't exempt Notre Dame from birth control provision
(Tom Coyne, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Nebraska lawmakers vote to abolish death penalty
(Grant Schulte, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Same-sex marriage for Church of Scotland ministers? – not just yet
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Religious nonprofits lose second court case this week over Obamacare contraception mandate
(Tom Howell Jr., The Washington Times)

Turkmenistan: Torture and jail for one 4 year and 14 short-term prisoners of conscience
(Forum 18 News Service)

DC Circuit denies en banc review of Priests For Life ACA contraceptive mandate challenge
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Some recent Congressional actions of interest
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

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