Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Aung San Suu Kyi still silent on Rohingya as Nobel laureates speak out
(Asian Correspondent)

Islamophobia on the rise
(Linda S. Heard, Arab News)

Pope coming to Sarajevo to support interfaith dialogue and peaceful coexistence

Geller effect * Rohingya plight * Dad-son marriage: May’s religious freedom recap
(Brian Pellot, Religion News Service)

More on EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch

Monday, 1 June 2015

Magna Carta June 2015 Newsletter
(Magna Carta 800th Committee)

Paroisse gréco-catholique Lupeni et autres c. Roumanie (Arrêt de la Troisième Section)
(European Court of Human Rights)

Action for recovery of possession of a former Uniate Church place of worship: right of access to court was respected but length of proceedings was excessive
(Court Press Release, European Court of Human Rights)

Systematic violation of the right to conscientious objection to abortion in Sweden: The ECLJ alerts the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief
(European Centre for Law and Justice)

Interview: These Yezidi girls escaped ISIS. Now what?
(Amy Braunschweiger interviewing Rotham Begum and Samer Muscati, Human Rights Watch)

No politics in church? Not so fast
(Sam Speers and Kristopher Norris, Religion & Politics: Fit For Polite Company)

Introducing the Frumqa — Jewish women under the burqa
(Lior Zaltzman, The Forward - Opinion)

Whither Christian higher education?
(John K. Allen, President of Midwestern Seminary)

Emails raise questions of bias in case against bakers who denied service for same-sex wedding
(Kelsey Harkness, The Daily Signal)

Sunday best: Flocks don orange to support Middle East Christians
(Ashley Webster and Inwook Song, Fox News)

Foundation contributes to bi-partisan religiou freedom amendment in senate trade pact
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Ireland: A country without a conscience?
(William Doino Jr., First Things)

Giant cross rises in Pakistan, home to a Christian minority
(Adil Jawad, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Pakistani man builds Asia's tallest cross to promote interfaith harmony
(Compiled by Massarah Mikati, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Turkish court stirs marriage debate
(Riada Ašimović Akyol, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

How some Armenians are reclaiming their Christian faith
(Sibel Hurtas, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

Banning philosophical exemptions to vaccination while keeping religious ones makes no sense (opinion)
(Jerry A. Coyne, New Republic)

French minister warns against 'militant secularity
(Agence France-Presse)

First Christian football captain in Iran as Rouhani puts focus on minorities
(Saeed Kamali Dehghan, The Guardian)

Islam center stage as Turkish election campaign enters final week
(Daren Butler and Humeyra Pamuk, Reuters)

Pressure grows for gay marriage in Germany
(Jenny Hill, BBC News)

Australian opposition party proposes gay marriage law
(Rod McGuirk, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Judge: Protesters must leave closed Catholic church June 5
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

WCC offers greetings to Buddhists on the holiday of Vesakh
(World Council of Churches)

Trinity Western facing Ontario law society in court over law school accreditation
(Diana Mehta, The Canadian Press, The Province)

Religious Freedom in Australia
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

WCC conference invites churches and partners to renew initiatives for just peace in the DRC
(World Council of Churches)

British Jews object to ultra-Orthodox sect’s decree banning women from driving
(Trevor Grundy, Religion News Service)

Israel's Christian schools demand equality with Jewish schools
(Daoud Kuttab, Al-Monitor: Palestine Pulse)

Belgian police officer facing dismissal over threat to kill Jews
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation slams Islamic States outrages

Islamophobia in East-Central Europe
(John Feffer, The World Post)

In the name of God: Lebanese gathering emphasizes Christian, Muslim coexistence
(Al Bawaba News)

SCOTUS rules in favor of Muslim woman in suit against Abercrombie and Fitch over head covering
(Ariane de Vogue, CNN Supreme Court Reporter, CNN Politics)

Abercrombie discriminated against Muslim woman, Supreme Court rules
(CBS News)

Supreme Court backs Muslim woman denied job over head scarf
(Laurence Hurley, Reuters)

Supreme Court rules against Abercrombie in Title VII religious accommodation case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court rules against Abercrombie in hijab case
(Marianne Levine, Politico)

EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch: Slip Opinion
(Supreme Court of the United States)

Federal court victory for faith-based car dealership in challenge to HHS abortion pill mandate
(Press Release, Liberty Institute)

District court applies Hobby Lobby to auto dealership
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Turkey's Constitutional Court invalidates ban on religious marriage without civil certificate
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Lawsuit says Kansas archdiocese retaliated against mother who tried to stop bullying
(Judy L. Thomas, The Kansas City Star)

Shrewsbury baby ashes inquiry: Report
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Mar Sako: Transcending war for a future of reconciliation and dialogue between Christians and Muslims

Kansas Catholic school sued over child neglect report
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Facing up to the hijab: How different nations treat the Muslim veil
(Al Bawaba News)

Spike in Saudi executions raises concern among rights groups
(D. Parvaz, Al Jazeera America)

The Round-up: Human Rights Act – the long struggle ahead
(One Crown Office Row, UK Human Rights Blog)

Ramadi: The sectarian mask comes off
(Sharif Nashashibi, Al Arabiya)

A tranquil Muslim hamlet in the Catskills – until the attack plot
(Al Arabiya)

Saudi Arabia 'may face 65°C temperatures' during Ramadan
(Al Arabiya)

Turkey’s main opposition leader passes voter’s ‘Quran test’
(Hürriyet Daily News)

Another blogger killed: Global Islamic terror rearing its head in Bangladesh?
(Rupak Bhattacharjee, South Asia Monitor)

Islam vs. Secularism in Kyrgyzstan
(Institute for War and Peace Reporting)

Is Islamic State open to deal on Palmyra? - OpEd
(Franklin Lamb, Eurasia Review)

Russia: Trials of Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses continue
(Victoria Arnold & Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service)

INTERPOL Chief sees 'unprecedented' threat from foreign terrorist fighters
(Eurasia Review)

Muslim woman flying United Airlines refused can of coke, staff said she’d weaponize it

Meet Joyann Thomas, Pakistan's first Christian football player
(Al Arabiya)

Criticism of Modi forbidden: University expels a student club

Erdogan’s campaign centred on Islam and nationalism

Government plans to test imams on Islam to fight terrorism

Chinese secret to economic growth under threat?
(Brian J. Grim, the Weekly Number)

The modern Chinese secret to sustainable economic growth: Religious freedom and diversity
(Brian J. Grim, The Review of Faith & International Affairs)

Sunday, 31 May 2015

District court modifies, but will not dissolve, injunction barring sectarian invocations
(Howard Friedman)

Lack of judges creates huge backlog in Israel's highest religious court
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

LGBT+ rights: a society transforming itself
(Antonia Frangou, Cyprus Mail)

Muslim chaplain claims discrimination on United flight
(Ray Sanchez, CNN)

Muslim interfaith advocate charges United Airlines with discrimination
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religion and law round-up – 31st May
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Putin cracks down on Christians in Crimea
(Geraldine Fagan, Newsweek)

Egypt using theology to battle ISIS for 'religious revolution'
(Mahmoud Mourad and Yara Bayoumy, Haaretz)

A bitter battle for control of oldest synagogue in the US
(Michelle R. Smith, ABC News)

Judge rules car dealer can refuse insurance coverage of some contraceptives
(Andrea Lannom, Charleston Daily Mail)

North Carolina governor to veto bill giving judges option not to perform same-sex marriages
(Andre Mitchell, Christian Today)

[INPUT WELCOME UNTIL 31 May 2015] "Tolerance and respect: preventing and combating anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hatred in Europe"
(European Commission calls for input to its first Annual Colloquium on fundamental rights in the EU)

Top Mormon leader L. Tom Perry dies from cancer
(Associated Press, Fox News)

Elder L. Tom Perry dies at age 92
(Mormon Newsroom)

Suicide bomber hits mosque in northern Nigeria
(Al Jazeera)

Churches need to refocus on the individual to attract the 'nones'
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Saturday, 30 May 2015

A clash of freedoms during Phoenix mosque protest
(Brenna Goth and Jim Walsh, The Arizona Republic)

Terrorism in the Age of the Internet
(Michael Schulson, Religion & Politics: Fit For Polite Company)

Turkey court ruling on religious marriages spurs uproar
(Al Jazeera)

Fault lines in beef ban law are religious: SC lawyer
(Rahi Gaikwad, The Hindu)

ISIS destroys Palmyra’s famed lion god statue
(The Asia Age)

Turkey court ruling on religious marriages spurs uproar
(Umut Uras, Al Jazeera)

Scrapping the Human Rights Act must mean escaping Strasbourg too
(Nick Timothy, Former Chief of Staff to the Home Secretary, Theresa May, The Telegraph)

8th Circuit upholds Missouri's Blaine Amendments against 1st and 14th Amendment attack
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Police break up unsanctioned gay rally in central Moscow
(Parniyan Zemaryalai and Jason Bush, Reuters)

Why Turks should vote Kurd: It is the best way of stopping their country’s drift towards autocracy
(The Economist)

Understanding the Supreme Court argument on same-sex marriage
(Michael Avery, Truth-Out)

Young Saudis, bound by strict social codes, find freedom on their phones
(Ben Hubbard, Sunday Times)

Hundreds of protesters gather outside Phoenix mosque under close police watch
(Fox News)

Friday, 29 May 2015

Man organizes 'Draw Muhammad' contest in Phoenix
(Jonathan Lowe, KPHO)

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