Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 8 June 2015

Jewish Home fears ultra-Orthodox rollbacks of religious law
(Ben Sales, The Times of Israel)

Christian pastors in Sudan face grave new dangers – attorneys denied access
(Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ)

Mosul: One year later
(Press Release, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

A year after Islamic State took Mosul, millions of Iraqis have been forgotten
(Mark Woods, Christian Today)

Alabama bill to eliminate marriage licenses dies in House Judiciary Committee
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Christian woman on death row Asia Bibi 'so weak she can hardly walk' says family
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today - World)

ISIS abducts dozens of Eritrean Christians in Libya
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Church of England decline heralds calls for innovative use of church buildings
(Esther Addley, The Guardian)

Profit as an incentive for Israeli-Palestinian peace
(Jodi Rudoren, The New York Times)

Despite Pakistan’s ‘third gender’ recognition, discrimination is widespread
(Yasir Habib Khan, Religion News Service)

Abortions declining in nearly all states
(David Crary, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Some Evangelicals take new look at Bible’s stance on gays
(Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times)

Supreme Court says Congress overstepped its power in enacting Jerusalem passport designation law
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Jerusalem passport law
(JTA - The Global Jewish News Source)

Opinion analysis: Walking on a tightrope on Mideast policy
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Slip Opinion: Zivtofsky v. Kerry (Jerusalem passport case)
(Supreme Court of the United States)

Jerusalem mayor urges Obama to recognize Israel’s capital
(Marissa Newman and Associated Press, The Times of Israel)

A View from the Courtroom: International Day
(Mark Walsh, SCOTUSblog)

Ramadhan religious proselytizing must be anticipated: Setara
(The Jakarta Post)

Russia: Bans demanded for "religious superiority", "religious hatred"
(Forum 18 News Service)

China praises itself for 'guaranteeing freedom of religion' in report
(Christian Today)

Naghmeh Abedini pleas to US Congress for aid in freeing jailed husband
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

South Sudanese church leaders jailed in Sudan charged, could face death penalty
(Morning Star News)

Saudi court upholds blogger's 10 years and 1,000 lashes
(BBC News)

Infant cremation: Scotland and England
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Govt does not protect religious minorities: Setara
(The Jakarta Post)

British employment tribunal vindicates Christian woman fired for comments about homosexuality
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

AU in action: staff members and chapter activists spread the word about church-state separation
(Americans United)

Pakistan to consider blasphemy law reforms amid worsening violence
(Julia A Seymour, World News Group)

Obama appoints rabbi to vacancy on Commission For Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Alabama Republicans kill bid to scrap marriage licenses
(Rachel Stoltzfoos, Daily Caller)

Franklin Graham calls on Christians to blacklist LGBT-friendly companies
(Eliel Cruz, Religion News Service)

Egypt minister calls for international law to criminalize contempt of religion
(Aswat Masriya, Egyptian Streets)

Religion in the workplace: Bias unveiled
(S.M., The Economist [Democracy in America: American politics])

A headscarf, religious belief, a Supreme Court decision, and you
(Dwayne Leslie, Director of Legislative Affairs, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Huff Post Religion)

Supreme Court’s religious headscarf ruling increases employers’ bias risks
(Judy Greenwald, Business Insurance)

Christian nursery worker sacked over anti-gay views wins tribunal case
(The Guardian)

Religion and law round-up – 7th June
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

On child vaccination, AMA considers end to personal, religious exemptions
(Bruce Japsen, Forbes)

The State of Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) - New European Report
(Brian J. Grim, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

EVENT, 4-7 June 2015: Kirchentag in Stuttgart
(Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag)

Saudi Arabia hosts UN-backed human rights summit 'on combating religious discrimination'
(Adam Withnall, The Independent)

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Court's determination of church's voting membership upheld
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pope urges Bosnians to put fratricidal past behind them
(Aida Cerkez and Nicole Winfield, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Urging peace, Pope Francis says 'never again' to war for Bosnians
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Papua New Guinea, where accusations of black magic can mean death
(Benedict Moran, Al Jazeera America)

Spain in the eye of the storm of jihad
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Meeting focuses on tackling religious intolerance
(Gulf News Saudi Arabia)

Saudis host meeting on combating religious intolerance 1/2 mile from blasphemy-flogging site
(Patrick Goodenough, CNS News)

American religion in the Age of Reagan [quiz]
(Anthony M. Petro, OUPblog Religion)

Shia Cleric Maulana Kalbe Jawad demands implementation of Sharia Law in Imambars and ban on their commercial use
(Ashish Tripathi, Times of India)

Consitutional right to same-sex marriage and plural marriage
(Ronald C. Den Otter, Balkinization)

Religious freedom is violently attacked by Turkmen government
(Gloria Lee, Christianity Daily)

Friday, 5 June 2015

New 2CEC goes into bat
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Rabbi Abba Cohen, appointee for member, Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad
(Office of the Press Secretary, The White House)

Pakistan says only two convicted for attempted murder of Malala Yousafzai
(Jon Boone, The Guardian)

Human rights court allows France to take tetraplegic man off life support
(The Guardian)

Europe court says French man in coma can be taken off life support
(Al Jazeera America)

Human rights group warns against global blasphemy law
(National Secular Society)

House resolution calls for end to blasphemy laws worldwide
(Personal Liberty)

The United Nations is silent, so the United States needs to speak up on free speech
(James Kirk Wall, Chicago Now)

International law’s empirically generated justice: Natural Law Theory reinvented
(Jean d'Aspremont, EJIL:Talk!)

Iran pastor Fathi's appeal fails, against extra year in prison and 74 lashes
(World Watch Monitor)

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools drop ban on mothers driving
(Matthew Weaver and Jane Martinson, The Guardian)

French telecom executive’s remarks on Israel incite furor
(Isabel Kershner, The New York Times)

Planned Parenthood sues Arizona over new abortion law
(Ryan Van Velzer and Bob Christie, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Minnesota charges Catholic archdiocese with failure to protect children from abuse
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Catholic archdiocese in Minnesota charged over sex abuse by priest
(Mitch Smith, The New York Times)

Archdiocese charged with 'failing to protect' clergy abuse victims
(Jean Hopfensperger, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

Minneapolis archdiocese charged criminally for inadequate responses to priest abuse
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Guam becomes first US territory to recognize gay marriage
(Grace Garces Bordallo, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Guam's gay marriage ban struck down
(Al Jazeera America)

Guam's same-sex marriage ban struck down
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court strikes down Guam's same-sex marriage ban
(Cameron I Miculka, Pacific Daily News)

Nevada parents to get unprecedented school choice
(Trevon Milliard, Reno Gazette-Journal)

Sandoval signs gun, school choice bills into law
(Sandra Chereb, Las Vegas Review Journal)

Nevada enacts expansive school choice legislation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Assisted-death bill approved by California Senate
(Patrick McGreevy, Los Angeles Times)

Right-to-die act inspired by Brittany Maynard passes California Senate
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Church-state separation group wants school to stop field trips to creationist museum
(Andre Mitchell, Christian Today)

Analysis: 'Brotherhood’s call for retribution is religious violence’
(Jayson Casper, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

Religious violence is bad for business – A case India’s Modi might make in Bangladesh
(Religious Freedom & Business Foundation)

Texas man sentenced to prison for trying to join Islamic State
(Lindsay Dunsmuir and Jon Herskovitz, Reuters)

Gay, Christian, Roma election candidates show Turkey's changing face
(Ayla Jean Yackley, Reuters)

Ugandan priest: LGBT people are fleeing for Kenya to avoid rampant discrimination
(Renee K. Gadoua, Religion News Service)

Tony Blair’s new job: fighting religious and political extremism in Europe
(Trevor Grundy, Religion News Service)

Ukrainian legislators plan reforms to benefit religious believers
(Russia Religion News)

Pope Francis meets Chilean president amid debate over easing tough abortion law
(Rosie Scammell, Religion News Service)

Russian Church hopes meeting between Putin, pope will help protect Christians in Middle East

Madeleine L’Engle’s foundation awards grant to LGBT group at Wheaton College
(Jonathan Merritt, Religion News Service)

Bangladesh leaders join in public wrath at ban on chairs in mosques
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

Foreign fighters come home to roost in Jordan
(Michael Pizzi, Al Jazeera America)

Are human rights just “common sense”? They’re more important than that
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Female Anglican clerics want to refer to God as 'She'
(Compiled by Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Why is God not female?
(BBC News)

Freedom of religion needs to be key factor in EU partnerships, say MEPs
(Joelle Phillipe, Evangelical Focus)

Thursday, 4 June 2015

The Islamization of Turkey
(Zulfikar Dogan, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

Bedouin face expulsion as Israel builds Greater Jerusalem
(Aziza Nofal, Al-Monitor: Palestine Pulse)

EU ‘must do more’ to stop religious freedom abuses
(World Watch Monitor)

Churches deprived of liberty await compensation from the Hungarian government
(András Szeles,

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