Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom David Saperstein's travel to Brussels and London
(Office of the Spokesperson, United States Department of State)

Catholicosate of Cilicia reiterates its demand for the return of its historical seat from Turkey
(Siranush Ghazanchyan, Public Radio of Armenia)

One Iraqi village’s antidote to turmoil: Ban political and religious debate
(Loveday Morris, The Washington Post)

Taliban in Afghanistan tells Islamic State to stay out of country
(Sudarsan Raghavan, The Washington Post)

Islamic State group loses key town on Turkish border
(Zeina Karam, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Threats to religious freedom in the Ukrainian crisis
(Wade Kusack, Religious Freedom Blog)

Al-Qaida's No. 2 figure killed in US strike in Yemen
(Maggie Michael, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

The Sunshine approach: Running a business with a social mission
(Religious Freedom and Business Foundation)

U.S. arrests New York man for ISIS-inspired bomb plot
(Joseph Ax, Haaretz)

Israel freezes funding for Arab theater over controversial play
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Southern Baptist president: God, not Supreme Court, has ‘final authority’
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Muslim Council of Britain says government hampering anti-Isis efforts
(Vikram Dodd, The Guardian)

European Court delivers judgement on Sargsyan v. Azerbaijan case
(Siranush Ghazanchyan, Public Radio of Armenia)

Man charged with helping to plan Texas Muhammad cartoon contest attack
(The Guardian)

Manual tells how Christian churches, schools can skirt anti-discrimination laws in US
(Jonah Hicap, Christian Today)

US airstrike kills 'The Uncatchable' jihadist, Libyan government says
(Monica Cantilero, Christian Today)

Metropolitan Makariy (Maletych): unification council may fail to occur
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Freedom From Religion Foundation founder Ann Gaylor dies at 88
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Muslim woman cites discrimination over headscarf removal
(John Hogan, WZZM 13)

Muslim woman sues over required removal of hijab during traffic offense booking
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Former nuncio Jozef Wesolowski committed to trial
(Vatican News)

Resignations, criminal charges cloud Minneapolis Archdiocese’s bankruptcy
(Tom Corrigan, Wall Street Journal)

Archbishop Nienstedt resigns after Twin Cities archdiocese charged with failing children
(Joshua J. McElwee and Brian Roewe, National Catholic Reporter)

Vatican drops the other shoe in attacking mishandling of sex abuse claims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Muslim employee not constructively discharged for refusing Friday work
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Analysis: Religion and language in Britain today
(Lauren Razavi, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

Encyclicals, Pope Francis and the Environment
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Egyptian Christians stand firm in their faith in Jesus before ISIS execution, families testify
(Monica Cantilero, Christian Today)

Monday, 15 June 2015

In Myanmar's election year, radical Buddhism heightens tension
(Andrew R.C. Marshall, Reuters)

Saudi Arabian courts are inadequate for resolving employee’s claim against Boeing, because those courts discriminate against non-Muslims
(Eugene Volokh, The Washington Post)

Children need heterosexual parents, says pope after gay pride march
(Rosie Scammell, Religion News Service)

Egyptian lawyer interrogated for drafting anti-torture law
(Marwa Al-A'Sar, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

The fight goes on for Lebanon's LGBT community
(Sophie Chamas, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

Will Israel reach out to Syrian Druze?
(Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

The massacre of Druze villagers in Qalb Lawza, Idlib Province
(Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, Syria Comment (Joshua Landis))

Belarus: From raid to ban in 12 days
(Forum 18 News Service)

Announcing the Voices of the Women's Initiative at the 2015 Parliament
(Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions)

Analysis: Understanding the jihadists through their poetry and piety
(Charles Cameron, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

The Rohingyas: The most persecuted people on Earth?
(The Economist)

The Economist explains: The Magna Carta
(B.C., The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

800th anniversary of the Magna Carta; what did it have to do with religious freedom?
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Scottish Synod opens church door to same-sex weddings
(Pat Ashworth, Church Times)

Cousin of ISIS leader released from detention in Georgia

Think Muslim, think terrorist: Poll reveals British attitudes toward Islam
(Mark Woods, Christian Today)

Mexico's Supreme Court deems same-sex marriage ban 'unconstitutional'
(Monica Cantilero, Christian Today)

Two Minnesota Catholic bishops resign amid sex abuse probe
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Iraqi gov't officials suspected of illegally seizing 70 percent of Christian property in Baghdad
(Vincent Funaro, The Christian Post)

Stanford police identify suspect in swastika-painting incident
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Russia sponsors education to combat Islamist influence
(Russia Religion News)

Cert. granted in prisoner IFP litigation fee case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Representatives of churches propose to extend right for life and family values in Constitution
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Dutch gov’t postpones release of survey showing anti-Semitism among Muslim youth
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The Lords debate the Bishops’ pastoral letter Who is My Neighbour?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Judaism: Shtetls of the mind (Attention falls on a little-known but growing group of Britain’s Jews)
(The Economist)

Asylum seekers face increasing violence in Germany
(Yermi Brenner, Al Jazeera America)

Dispute in Texas over Jesus sign
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

NI Human Rights Commission seeks judicial review of abortion law
(Frank Cranmer)

Fears of new crackdown as China holds two former members of rights group
(Tom Phillips, The Guardian)

Dalai Lama's spokesman dismisses Australian tour protesters as a 'cult'
(Calla Wahlquist, The Guardian)

New Michigan law allows faith-based adoption agencies to refuse service to gays and lesbians
(Jonah Hicap, Christian Today)

Sudan president flouts arrest warrant, returns home from South Africa
(Robyn Dixon, Los Angeles Times)

Sudan's president, who has persecuted Christians 'under Shariah law,' is on the run after UN calls for his arrest for war crimes
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Court orders religious accommodation for Sikh student seeking to enter ROTC program
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court: Army must let Sikh student wear beard in ROTC
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Sikh wins right to wear beard and turban in ROTC
(Michael Doyle, McClatchy DC)

Sikh student wins right to join ROTC
(Al Jazeera America)

Cameron’s extremism orders ‘could criminalise traditional Christian teaching’
(John Bengham, The Telegraph)

Kenya police and military accused of victimising Muslims over terror attacks
(Mark Anderson, The Guardian)

Schools told to end religious instruction and teach morality instead
(Richard Garner, The Independent)

Abolish religious assemblies in schools, says new report
(Ruth Gledhill, Christian Today)

Members of Islamist organization sentenced in Bashkortostan

Why is the Turkish Kurdish party HDP praising Hezbollah?
(Al Bawaba News)

Rising religious persecution: Islam threatens minorities
(Doug Bandow, Cato Institute)

EVENT, 15 June 2015: Newseum hosts free-speech soapbox on the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta
(Denisha Hedgebeth, Newseum Institute: First Amendment Center)

CALL FOR PAPERS deadline 15 June 2015: Sharia in the Asia-Pacific: Islam, Law and Politics
(Organising team, Religious Studies Programme, Victoria University of Wellington)

Sunday, 14 June 2015

The last gasp of the Cradle Christians?
(Chris Seiple, Institute for Global Engagement)

The Iran-Syria Alliance: Sectarianism or Realpolitik?
(Mohammad Ataie, Syria Comment (Joshua Landis))

RFRA-style adoption bill signed by Governor, ACLU of Michigan vows legal challenge
(Press Release, ACLU)

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signs controversial religious objection adoption bills
(Jonathan Oosting, MLive)

Gov. Rick Snyder signs bills putting Michigan children first in adoption, foster care practices
(Press Release,

Michigan governor signs bills protecting faith-based adoption agencies; ACLU vows challenge
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

UAE legal Q&A: Penalty for breaking law by eating in public
(The National)

State Committee: German Bundestag accusing Azerbaijan of religious discrimination ‘unacceptable’

Religion and law round-up – 14th June
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

On social media, a mysterious threat to impose Sharia Law in one area of Jordan's capital Amman
(Al Bawaba News)

Looking for God in the sociology of religion and in Game of Thrones
(Anna Strhan, OUPblog Religion)

EVENT, 14 June 2015: Genève, conférence débat le 14 juin : laïcité et diversité religieuse
(Centre John Knox, 27 Chemin des crêts de Pregny, 1218 Grand-Saconnex (Genève), European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom)

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Dr. Robert P. George elected as USCIRF Chairman
(Press Release, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom)

Syrian Kurds nearing Islamic State border stronghold
(Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal)

Federal appeals court overturns conviction of former al Qaeda media director

Demolishing the Islamic State Myth: Defeating the propaganda of ISIS
(Mohammad Alami Musa, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS))

Recent CFCE determinations
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Protection of minors – RC Bishops’ accountability
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Muslim groups back Yoga Day,Catholics unhappy
(Smriti Kak Ramachandran, The Hindu)

Egyptian Law and the European Court of Human Rights
(Saba Mahmood & Peter G. Danchin, Politics of Religious Freedom: Contested Norms & Local Practices)

Abortion case on fast track to the Court?
(Lyle Denniston, SCOTUSblog)

Muslim academic and peace activist calls for compulsory teaching of all religions to defeat terrorism
(Rachel Olding, The Sydney Morning Herald)

Friday, 12 June 2015

Bahrain convicts 57 over 'bombing plot'
(BBC News)

China's Panchen Lama promises Xi he will uphold national unity

Why Erdoganism failed in Turkey?
(Saleh Zamani, Ph.D., Iran Review)

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