Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 19 June 2015

Suit by U.S. against FLDS towns moves ahead
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Granting greater freedom, mission program nears end of first triennium
(Mary Frances Schjonberg, Episcopal News Serval)

Indonesian aide blasted for 'benign' Ramadan advice to non-Muslims
(Miko Morelos, Ecumenical News)

For Catholic activist, federalism and religious freedom should be part of Myanmar’s democratic development
(Francis Khoo Thwe, Asia News)

Republican candidates seek religious voters
(David Jackson, USA Today)

Legislative conference touts greater need for religious liberty
(Onize Ohikere, World News Group)

Cuba: policy, baseball, and religious freedom
(Alex Anhalt, Mission Network News)

Faith-based adoption helps children (Opinion)
(Chad and Melissa Buck, The Detroit News)

Thirteen Salafi Muslims jailed in Tajikistan

China bans fasting in Muslim-dominated region during Ramadan
(Al Bawaba)

Russian Orthodox Church calls threats to seize its property in Belgium 'legal ignorance'

Church-state separation now bemoaned (Opinion)
(William Donohue, Eurasia Review)

U.S.: Iranian sponsorship of terrorism ‘undiminished’ in 2014
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Sexual orientation meets religious expression: Mbuyi v Newpark Childcare
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Another African country bans Islamic veil for women over terror attacks
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Becket Fund expresses condolences in South Carolina church shooting
(The Becket Fund)

FBI agent attacked during search of NYC home in ISIS-related case
(Shimon Prokupecz, CNN)

House targets D.C. funding to prevent violation of religious freedom
(Justin Petrisek, The Cardinal Newman Society)

Inside Islamic State group's rule: Creating a nation of fear
(Zeina Karam, Vivian Salama, Bram Janssen, and Lee Keath, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Laïcité versus freedom of religion: a Gordian knot within the French republic?
(Roberto Frifrini, Today's Zaman)

Montana prosecutors push for idea that state's criminal defamation statute outlaws disparaging religious groups
(Tim Cushing, Tech Dirt)

Navy fights to preserve chaplaincy’s religious identity
(The Becket Fund)

Pennsylvania teacher stands up for her religion against union
(Connor D. Wolf, The Daily Caller)

Saddam’s former army is secret of success for Baghdadi’s Islamic State
(Samia Nakhoul, Reuters)

Transgender student sues Virginia school district after being barred to use boys' bathroom
(Jonah Hicap, Christian Today)

White gunman caught in killing of 9 in historic black church
(Jeffrey Collins and Russ Bynum)

Taking a minute to speak out — to a corner, and the world
(Gene Policinski, Newseum Institute: First Amendment Center)

Laudato si’: On care for our common home
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Ramadan and remembrance
(Sophia Rose Arjana, OUPblog Religion)

Supreme Court unanimously upholds church's challenge to restrictive sign ordinance
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Supreme Court holds specialty license plates are "government speech"
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Bush in Iowa: 'I don't think we should politicize our faith'
(Thomas Beaumont and Catherine Lucey, Associated Press)

Laudato si’: a press guide to the new Encyclical
(Vatican Radio)

Pope's Encyclical on environmental protection issued; Republican presidential candidates may be pressed
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pope’s encyclical is call to conversation, not political directive, say bishops
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Federal appeals court revives lawsuit against Bush officials for post-9/11 abuse of immigration detainees
(Kevin Gosztola, Firedoglake)

Court revives post-9/11 detainee claims vs. top US officials
(Larry Neumeister, Associated Press)

2nd Circuit: Post-9-11 Muslim-Arab alien detainees have due process-equal protection claims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

On Ramadan
(Press Release, Secretary of State)

Statement by the President on the occasion of Ramadan
(Press Release, The White House)

White House, State Department send Ramadan greetings
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Coptic boys on bail, anti-Islam charges pending
(World Watch Monitor)

Arson attack guts part of Israel's Church of Loaves and Fishes
(Baz Ratner, Reuters)

U.S. top court rules for church in free speech case over signs
(Lawrence Hurley, Reuters)

White suspect arrested in killing of nine at black U.S. church
(Harriet McLeod, Reuters)

Afghan clerics protest nomination of first woman to Supreme Court
(Mirwais Harooni, Reuters)

Religion and politics: Do the ‘nones’ have it?
(Rick Hampson, Religion News Service)

Russia: Abusive counterinsurgency tactics in southern republic
(Human Rights Watch)

Belarus: Alternative Service Law - "A bad law. But it exists, and that's good."
(Forum 18 News Service)

Sikh's Cossie Club ban over turban 'nothing to do with religion' - manager
(Luke Appleby, ONE News)

Human Rights Watch concerns and recommendations on France
(Human Rights Watch)

Blasphemy in Pakistan: The case of Aasia Bibi
(Zehra Abid, Al Jazeera America)

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Islamic clerics fight to keep Pakistan's blasphemy laws that persecute Chrsitians
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

Why reform Chancel Repair Liability?
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Synod receives interim report on religious persecution and liberty
(Christian Reformed Church)

ERLC to establish international religious freedom office in the Middle East
(Elizabeth Bristow, The Ethics & Religious Liberty Convention in the Southern Baptist Convention)

Girl attacked with rock in Rio after leaving party at center for Afro-Brazilian religion
(Star Tribune)

Ramadan begins this evening
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

How the US bishops believe America can overcome racial violence
(Catholic News Agency)

CofE Statement on Nottingham Employment Tribunal
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

What to make of Southern Baptists’ declining numbers
(Trevin Wax, Religion News Service)

In Myanmar's election year, radical Buddhism heightens tension
(Andrew C. Marshall, Reuters)

No bail for Arizona man charged in Muhammad cartoon contest attack
(Nigel Duara, Los Angeles Times)

Unused embryos pose difficult issue: What to do with them
(Tamar Lewin, The New York Times)

Southern Baptist head vows never to perform same-sex unions
(Travis Loller, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Facing backlash, U.S. Muslims counter with new advertising campaign
(Sharon Bernstein, Reuters)

The death penalty is cruel. But so is life without parole
(Stephen Lurie, New Republic)

Community 'Justice' expels Copts from their homes
(Jayson Casper, World Watch Monitor)

Chad arrests five and bans burqa after suicide bombings
(Madjiasra Nako and Emma Farge, Reuters)

Arabs, Muslims can sue U.S. officials over post-9/11 jail treatment
(Jonathan Stempel, Reuters)

Social media posts say U.S. Embassy moved July 4 celebration to June 4 to 'accommodate' Ramadan
(Louis Jacobson, PoltiiFact)

Afghanistan appoints first female Supreme Court judge

Afghan president appoints first woman to Supreme Court, but clerics object
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Judd plans to preach in uniform, despite threat of lawsuit
(Ken Suarez, My Fox Tampa Bay)

Group challenges sheriff's preaching while in uniform
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

US ambassador’s visit to LGBT event sparks outrage in Jordan
(Aaron Magid, Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East)

Jordanian media and Muslims criticize U.S. ambassador's support of LGBT event
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

U.S. Catholics less positive toward pope on environment, sex abuse scandal than other issues
(Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center)

Student says religion cost her scholarship
(Gina Carrano, Courthouse News Service)

Religious climate activists energized by pope’s environment encyclical
(Sarah Posner, Al Jazeera America)

Suit: DSU athlete lost scholarship because of church
(Matthew Albright, Wilmington News Journal)

Suit claims college volleyball coach required team members to attend church
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Pope Francis: Seek forgiveness for shutting out refugees
(Rosie Scammell, Religion News Service)

Americans’ confidence in religion hits a new low
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Police chief in US county takes flak for speaking at church in uniform
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

‘Ethnic cleansing’ by Kurds in Syria: Turkey
(Arab News)

Canada: Anglican church bells ring as reminder of violence against Indigenous women
(Anglican Communion News Service)

Mothers of intervention
(Lisa De Bode, Al Jazeera America)

Senate passes amendment to ban torture as US policy
(Al Jazeera America)

Spain’s offer of citizenship to Sephardim raises questions
(Lisa Goldman, Al Jazeera America)

European Court decides that Israel is not occupying Gaza
(Marko Milanovic, EJIL:Talk!)

The Review of Faith & International Affairs: New issue now online
(Journal of the Center on Faith & International Affairs at the Institute for Global Engagement)

Lambeth Declaration on Climate Change
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Cilicia Catholicosate says lawsuit demands return of historical seat not financial compensation

Community 'justice' expels Copts from their homes
(Jayson Casper, World Watch Monitor)

Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan urges President Rahmon to stop govt pressure on it

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Extremist groups transform concept of jihad
(Ali Mamouri, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

ILO slams Qatar Airways for sexist policies
(Al Jazeera America)

Over the secular ridge of human wants: the constitutional legitimacy of secular-state funding of religious education in Australia and Europe
(Vito Breda, Social Science Research Network)

IDF to ease restrictions on Palestinians over the month of Ramadan
(Gili Cohen, Haaretz)

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