Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Facing the unborn
(Richard Stith, First Things)

U.N. calls on Palestinians in Gaza to hand over Israeli nationals
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

UNESCO designates Jordan side of river as Jesus baptismal site
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Ford worker fired for anti-gay comment sues for religious discrimination
(Kate Abbey-Lambertz, Huffpost Politics)

Chinese bishop installed-- 10 years after episcopal ordination-- as government finally gives approval
(Catholic World News)

China's cross removal campaign spreads to new regions, sources say
(Christian Daily)

Ramadan in the Arctic: How do you break a fast at sundown if the sun doesn't set?
(Andrew Martin | Special to the Washington Post, Alaska Dispatch News)

Court rules against Little Sisters of the Poor
(The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

Court rules nuns caring for the poor must comply with Obamacare contraception mandate
(Melissa Quinn, The Daily Signal)

Nuns lose latest court battle to avoid contraception mandate
(Cathy Lynn Grossman, Religion News Service)

Little Sisters of the Poor v. Burwell (opinion)
(Matheson, McKay, and Baldock, Circuit Judges, United States 10th Circuit Court of Appeals)

Second suit filed against Kentucky clerk who is refusing to issue marriage licenses
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

India’s third-gender ‘hijra’ community balances acceptance with religious identity
(Yasmine Canga-Valles and Olivia Lace-Evans, Religion News Service)

Religion and Ebola: Learning from experience
(Katherine Marshall, Sally Smith, Lancet via Berkley Forum)

'Canada didn't want them': Ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect vows never to return as abuse allegations linger
(Rachel Browne, VICE)

Gay marriage and the future of Evangelical colleges
(David R. Wheeler, The Atlantic)

Jehovah’s Witnesses take to the streets as busy heathens are rarely home
(Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian)

Mixed feelings in Macedonia as a Russian Orthodox church rises
(Elisabeth Braw, Radio Free Europe)

Lithuanian rabbi pushes back against excavation of mass grave
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Finding organ donors among Qatar's Muslim community
(Shafik Mandhai, Al Jazeera)

Prominent Tibetan monk dies in Chinese prison
(Katie Hunt and Wayne Chang, CNN)

Church of England governing body approves divestment policy
(Andrew Brown, The Guardian)

La Miviludes a diffamé Tradition, Famille et Propriété (TFP)
(Coordination des Associations & Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience)

Court rules that MIVILUDES has defamed ‘Tradition, Family and Property’
(translation by Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Catholic church labels UK welfare policy heartless and cold
(Patrick Butler, The Guardian)

Turkish court annuls law closing schools linked to cleric
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Nigerian leader fires military chiefs to fight extremists
(Bashir Adigun and Michelle Faul, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia predicts degradation to the USA in result of legalizing same-sex 'marriages'

Georgia House speaker: Same-sex marriages make pastor protection law necessary
(Aaron Gould Sheinin, The Albany Herald)

High school student prevails against religious discrimination
(Shaheryar Gill, American Center for Law and Justice)

The King’s Chapel and the King’s Court: Richard Nixon, Billy Graham, and White House Church Services
(Kevin M. Kruse, Religion & Politics: Fit For Polite Company)

Obergefell and the end of religious reasons for lawmaking
(Micah Schwartzman, Richard Schragger and Nelson Tebbe, Religion & Politics: Fit For Polite Company)

Religious liberty rights are for individuals, not just churches
(Bryan Fischer, RenewAmerica)

After same-sex marriage ruling, broadening the quest for gay rights
(Editorial, Los Angeles Times)

Bill of Rights’ most important liberty: Religion
(Bethany Blankley, Western Journalism)

Deaths at India religious festival stampede
(Al Jazeera)

Why Orthodox Judaism needs to be the law of Israel's land
(Rabbi Avi Shafran, Haaretz)

Small businesses oppose anti-LGBT bias of religious freedom laws, poll finds
(Jana Kasperkevic, The Guardian)

Imprisoned Christian Asia Bibi may not avoid death even if acquitted by Pakistan's high court
(Vincent Funaro, The Christian Post)

Missouri county decides to lower flags to mourn legalisation of same-sex marriage
(Andre Mitchell, Christian Today)

South Sudan: 'The brutality and violence is indescribable'
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

ISIS plotting attack on Christian sites in Europe using female jihadists disguised as tourists, says Syrian expert
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

How empowering women helps HIV response
(Danai Majaha, Key Correspondents)

Ten commandments under attack in Montana
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Libya: IS forecourt in North Africa
(Diana Hodali, Deutsche Welle)

Israel arrests Palestinian hunger-striker
(Agence France-Presse)

Bahrain rights campaigner Nabeel Rajab freed from jail
(BBC News)

China set to try jailed U.S. missionary near North Korea border
(Megha Rajagopalan, Reuters)

Stampede kills 27 during religious bathing festival in India
(Omer Farooq, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Texas county clerk opposed to same-sex marriage resigns
(Reporting by Jon Herskovitz and Lisa Maria Garza in Dallas; Editing by Eric Walsh, Reuters)

'Religious freedom' bill picks up momentum in House
(Scott Wong, The Hill)

Myanmar law restricting marriage of Buddhist women blasted by EU, rights groups
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Iran grants imprisoned pastor Fathi early release
(Baptist Press)

Christian colleges divided on response to SCOTUS
(David Roach, Baptist Press)

End to ban on gay Boy Scout leaders will go to national board vote
(Reuters, Religion News Service)

5 ways faith can help parents of teens raise healthy, compassionate young adults
(David Briggs, The Association of Religion Data Archives)

Survey: American evangelicals stand behind Israel
(Bob Smietana, Baptist Press)

Christian group opposes allowing gay leaders for Boy Scouts of America
(Andre Mitchell, Christian Today)

Monday, 13 July 2015

Orthodoxy's inconvenient truths
(Ezra Glinter, The Forward)

Can court clerks decline to do gay marriages? How it's playing out in the states
(Ken McIntyre, The Daily Signal)

Pentagon to lift transgender ban in the military: One study estimated that 15,500 transgender people currently serve
(Eliza Gray, Time)

Statement by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter on DOD Transgender Policy
(U.S. Department of Defense)

Ellen or Wojtyla? A priest decides
(Carl R. Trueman, First Things)

Samsung subsidiaries’ CEOs slam anti-Semitism in wake of merger debate
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

1st European Forum on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Expression
(Organized by the Asociación Miraísmo®Internacional)

Some religious NGOs working in N. Caucasus to be added to 'patriotic stop-list'
(International Center for Law and Religion Studies)

Mohammed VI Foundation for African Ulema to instill values of open, moderate Islam in Africa – OpEd
(Said emsamani, Eurasia Review)

Libya: Talks continue as Islamic State advances
(MISNA, Eurasia Review)

Iraqi Christians join Muslim forces in last stand against ISIS to liberate Iraq
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Safeguarding, the C of E and deposition from orders
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Churches in Zimbabwe establish Gender and Faith Network
(World Council of Churches)

Young Christians in Pakistan form group to protect their churches from terrorist attacks
(Andre Mitchell, Christian Today)

Are Muslim countries really unreceptive to religious freedom?
(Daniel Philpott, The Washington Post)

U.S. mother and son allegedly denied entry to Israel over Black Hebrews ties
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Family of six hacked to death for witchcraft in eastern India
(Jatindra Dash, Reuters)

Russians tend to see Islamic State as threat to country's security - poll

Karimov urges creation of special UN body to tackle IS problem

Religious freedom experts worry about their First Amendment rights after marriage ruling
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Churches opposed to gay marriage would be protected from IRS under proposed House Republican bill
(Ray Nothstine, The Christian Post)

US drone strike kills top ISIS leader in Afghanistan; Islamic State bombs Italian consulate in Cairo
(Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post)

Two Indonesian pilots 'radicalised' by ISIS pose threat to global security — Australia
(Andre Mitchell, Christian Today)

Anti-conversion laws threaten religious freedom in Nepal
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Younger generation of British Muslims showing shift in attitude to gender roles
(Aisha Gani, The Guardian)

Turkish fury with China grows over the plight of the Muslim Uighurs
(Ishaan Tharoor, The Washington Post)

Boy Scouts executive committee endorses ending ban on gay leaders
(Mark Berman, The Washington Post)

After Confederate flag comes down, Charleston church starts new chapter
(Jessica Ravitz, CNN)

Church of England failing to promote minority ethnic clergy, says bishop
(Andrew Brown, The Guardian)

How the pig changed Israeli society
(Ishay Rosen-Zvi, Haaretz)

Are Nigeria's 'Middle Belt' Christians victims of ethnic cleansing?
(World Watch Monitor)

Alabama Supreme Court upholds preliminary injunction in church election case
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

US businessman convicted of fraud over halal beef exports
(Arab News)

Implementing health reform: The final preventive services regulations
(Timothy Jost, Health Affairs Blog)

Final accommodation rules adopted for religious objectors to ACA contraceptive coverage
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Birth control coverage rules announced by Obama administration
(Louise Radnofsky, The Wall Street Journal)

Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari replaces military chiefs
(BBC News)

Jewish extremists arrested over Galilee church arson attack
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Israel arrests suspects in arson attack on famous church
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Israeli police arrest 'Jewish suspects' for 'loaves and fishes' church arson
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Baghdad bombings reportedly kill at least 21 and wound 62 during Ramadan
(Agence France-Presse)

Can clerks refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses? A guide to the legal debate
(Tobin Grant, RNS Blog: Corner of Church and State)

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