Law and Religion Headlines

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Church leaders in Ivory Coast raise awareness about sexuality, violence and HIV
(World Council of Churches)

Churches reflect on climate finance at UN Financing for Development Conference
(World Council of Churches)

WCC has key input at Global conference on religion and sustainable development
(World Council of Churches)

Taxing churches is a form of religious persecution — and liberals need to stand against it
(Damon Linker, The Week)

Thank you, Mark Oppenheimer
(Andrew Walker, First Things)

Church Statement on Assisted Suicide Bill
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Complaint of UK ban on assisted suicide held inadmissible: Nicklinson & Lamb
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Climate change and modern slavery
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

EVENT, 16 July 2015: Religious Freedom: Rising Threats to a Fundamental Human Right
(featuring Ken Starr, Keith Ellison, Katrina Lantos Swett, and Frank Wolf)

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

10th Circuit sides with HHS over Little Sisters of the Poor in contraception accommodation suit
(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)

Should faith schools select pupils based on their faith? Some CofE dioceses say no
(Ruth Gledhill, Christian Today)

Why critics of the Iran deal should hope Obama is like Neville Chamberlain
(Ami Eden, Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Keep the cops away from the radical clerics, be they Christian or Muslim
(Nick Cohen, The Spectator)

Turkish MP calls for free transport tolls on every religious holiday, not only Islamic ones
(Hurriyet Daily News)

Christian counsellor resigns from Wheaton College over support for same-sex relationships
(Ruth Gledhill, Christian Today)

OIC hopes signing of the agreement on Iran's nuclear file would lead to peace and stability in the region
(Organization of Islamic Cooperation)

Coexister attempts to break down religious stereotypes in French classrooms
(Alison Lesley, World Religion News)

S. African gov’t official threatens students who visited Israel with investigation
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Univ. of California regents to take up anti-Semitism issue in September
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Al-Azhar rethinks primary school teaching to encourage moderation
(Reham Mokbel, trans. Sahar Ghoussoub, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Egypt decides to rename square to honor slain prosecutor
(Maram Mazen, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Christians celebrate legacy of the man who brought Christianity to Russia
(Compiled by Massarah Mikati, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

EEOC: UPS discriminates with bans on beards, long hair
(Tom Hays, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Activists protest Hungary's building of anti-immigrant fence
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Prosecutors say Idaho man hoped to carry out terror attack
(Rebecca Boone, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

In search of jobs, Cameroonian women may end up as slaves in Middle East
(Inter Press Service)

Northern Cameroon announces ban on burkas and face veils
(Edwin Kindzeka Moki, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Burma: Reject discriminatory marriage bill
(Press Release, Human Rights Watch)

Rights group urges Burma's president to reject parliament's Buddhist women's marriage law
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

10th Circuit upholds ACA non-profit contraceptive coverage accommodation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

S. African gov’t official threatens students who visited Israel with investigation
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

ISIL recruiting new members in Khabarovsk Territory - local Muslims

Pastor to be released in Iran before term as Patriarch Kirill interceded for him

Kuwaiti officials charge 29 people in mosque bombing
(Middle East Eye)

Planned Parenthood blasted after secret video purports to show fetal tissue sales
(Reuters, Religion News Service)

Congressional, state investigations into Planned Parenthood underway after undercover video goes viral
(Abby Ohlheiser and Mike Debonis, The Washington Post)

The Taliban may be talking peace, but it hasn’t stopped fighting
(Sudarsan Raghavan, The Washington Post)

Raid in Shenyang 'points to terrorists spreading across China'
(Andrea Chen, South China Morning Post)

Prisoner scores small victory in struggle for Alevi rights in Turkey
(Sibel Hurtas, trans. Sibel Utku Bila, Al Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

EEOC sues UPS over religious discrimination
(Jacob Bogage, The Washington Post)

‘Hands off my church’ petition plays on French worries about Islam
(Tom Heneghan, Religion News Service)

Ukraine monuments on mass graves recognize Jews killed in Holocaust
(Michael Scaturro, Religion News Service)

Zimbabwe: Anglican churches help to launch Gender and Faith Network
(Anglican Communion News Service)

Negev Bedouin await forced evictions
(Ahmad Melhem, Al-Monitor: Palestine Pulse)

Scores of ISIL child soldiers 'killed' in Syria in 2015
(Al Jazeera)

Afghan Taliban leader backs peace talks with Kabul officials
(Al Jazeera America)

19 'gay' students are sent home
(Brian Ojamaa, The Star)

Religious liberty group threatens to sue over sweat lodge dispute at VA hospital in Wichita
(The Associated Press)

Pastor facing 12 years in prison for building a church gets 15-day release after family pays Iran $40K
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

Senior Catholic official praises immigration for reviving Christianity in the UK
(Ray Nothstine, The Christian Post)

Christian families return to Indian village as Hindu extremists vow to kick them out
(Monica Cantilero, Christian Today)

Taliban leader Mullah Omar hails peace talks to end Afghanistan war
(Agence France-Presse)

Anyone wearing 'burka' veil faces arrest in Chad following Boko Haram suicide attack
(Monica Cantilero, Christian Today)

Extremists out to kill Muslim leader and teacher who turned to Christ in Uganda
(Monica Cantilero, Christian Today)

Sudan: Christian pastors' defence team close their case
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Iraqi Christians plead for greater protection following Baghdad killings
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Have Christians joined Boko Haram?
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

Are Americans ready for a Muslim president? New poll suggests maybe
(Julie Poucher Harbin, Religion News Service)

Missouri carries out first execution since Supreme Court ruling on lethal injection
(Mark Berman, The Washington Post)

Religious groups weigh support for Boy Scouts after vote to end ban on gay leaders
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Circuit court rules contraception mandate doesn't violate religious freedom
(Mark A. Kellner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Court: New health law doesn't infringe on religious freedom
(Kristen Wyatt, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

My prayer: Iran deal will help millennials in US and Iran bridge the divides (Commentary)
(Serene Jones, Religion News Service)

Oregon Christian bakers forced to pay $135k by Monday or lien may be placed on home; husband now works as trash collector

Five Protestants imprisoned in Mexico
(CSW, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Religious identity and power: preserving the status quo
(Mark Barwick, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

Church voices highlight significance of tax reforms at UN conference in Addis Ababa
(World Council of Churches)

Russian Constitutional Court affirms Russian Constitution’s supremacy over ECtHR decisions
(Maria Smirnova, EJIL:Talk!)

General Synod: Carbon capture, fracking and fasting
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Analysis: The surge in UK's concern for international religious freedom
(Jayson Casper, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

EVENT: 6-8, 13-15 July 2015, The Libertas Project: Year Two (Villanova University School of Law)
(Marc O. DeGirolami, CLR Forum at St. John's University School of Law)

Is Pope Francis a Marxist prophet?
(Robert Barron, Real Clear Religion)

IRS seeks comments on Form 990 used by non-profits
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Form 990 and Related Schedules
(A Notice by the Internal Revenue Service on 07/14/2015, Federal Register: The Daily Journal of the United States Government)

Suit alleges discrimination against same-sex spouse constitutes "sex" discrimination
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Planned Parenthood and the trafficking of aborted fetuses
(Dominic Bouck, O.P., First Things)

Suit against Wal-Mart follows marriage-equality ruling
(Sheir Qualters, The National Law Journal)

Walmart sued over denying benefits to employee's same-sex spouse
(Renee Lewis, Al Jazeera America)

Russia says it can override European rights court rulings

The Coalition’s quagmire with Syrian Kurds
(Denise Natali, Al-Monitor Week in Review)

Terrorists turn month of peace into time for war
(Brenda Stoter, Al-Monitor: Syria Pulse)

Myanmar must remove laws that punish the few
(Sholto Byrnes, The National Opinion)

Congress asking right questions on Central Asia
(Steve Swerdlow, The Hill)

Lengthy pre-trial detention of foreign suspects a problem in Malta
(Duncan Barry, Independent)

Pentagon changing ban on service by transgender individuals
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Religious discrimination suit filed after engineer fired for anti-gay comment on company's intranet
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Humanist group stops Mississippi school from sponsoring prayer and distributing Bibles
(Press Release, American Humanist Association)

Mississippi school district held in contempt of decree on religion in schools
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court case on marriage licenses in Rowan County may not be decided until August
(Linda B. Blackford,

Further comments on churches withdrawing from solemnising marriages
(Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)

Religious responses to the Iran deal: Will we be safer or sorry?
(Lauren Markoe and Sara Weissman, Religion News Service)

Global ecumenical leaders endorse call for bilateral ceasefire in Colombia
(World Council of Churches)

Thy will be done
(R.R. Reno, First Things)

Iran and world powers clinch historic nuclear deal
(Reuters, The Forward)

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (Vienna Treaty / Iran nuclear deal) - Full Text

Iran president says nuclear deal meets 'all objectives', 'God has accepted the nation's prayers
(Agence France-Press, Yahoo! News)

Does this deal prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon?
(Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute)

Netanyahu: Iran deal a ‘stunning historic mistake’
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Israel blasts Iran deal as ‘one of the darkest days in history’
(William Booth and Ruth Eglash, The Washington Post)

Iranian pastor Saeed Abedini's release not part of Iran deal
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

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