Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 19 October 2015

The Government’s new counter-extremism strategy: a summary
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

General secretary affirms churches’ commitment to justice and peace in the Middle East News
(World Council of Churches)

‘God have mercy on currency’: Zambia holds national prayer day to hold Kwacha from record drop
(RT News)

Zambia tries to solve financial crisis through day of prayer
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Muslims states displeased with Russia's actions in Syria can sponsor Islamic underground in RF - expert

Ex-members of church where teens were beaten say it was vibrant but declined under new leader
(Mary Esch, Associated Press)

Article traces church where teen killed by parents and others in counseling session
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Churches sue Calif. agency for forcing them to provide abortion coverage
(Press Release, Alliance Defending Freedom)

Churches sue in challenge to California mandate for health insurance abortion coverage
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

State Duma to debate law on immunity of holy texts from jurisdiction on Friday

Representatives of Spiritual Muslim Board working to prevent recruitment of Russians by extremists during hajj

Despite the odds, one doctor promotes family planning in Muslim Nigeria
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Indonesia's Aceh province tears down churches after religious violence
(Kanupriya Kapoor, Reuters)

Republican candidates appeal to religious conservatives
(David Jackson, Religion News Service)

Court reinstates lawsuit against NYPD Muslim spying, citing history of racist scares
(Mint Press News)

Court refuses to recognize Saudi custody decree, because Saudi Sharia law is inconsistent with American public policy
(Eugene Volokh, The Washington Post)

Anglian bishops take on UK's David Cameron over refugee crisis
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Research and analysis: How to deal with refugees' plight in Europe?
(Ecumenical News)

Sudan and South Sudan ecumenical bodies hear of churches’ role in regional peace
(Anglican Communion News Service)

Islamist party to boycott Egyptian parliamentary election
(Ahmed Ateyya, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Rabbi Kogan surprised with critics of USA addressed to Russia for violating religious freedoms and urges Americans not to worry

As unrest expands, Gaza's women rise up
(Asmaa al-Ghoul, Al-Monitor: Palestine Pulse)

Israeli forces remove illegal Jewish worshippers after shrine clash
(Al Jazeera America)

Indian mob kills Muslim for alleged beef smuggling
(Al Jazeera America)

In fact: Equality, freedom the key issues in continuing Uniform Civil Code debate
(Utkarsh Anand, The Indian Express)

Religious freedom: MWM activists protest restrictions on ‘firebrands’
(The Express Tribune)

Religious freedom under threat in Vietnam
(Laura Southgate, Global Risk Insights)

Slovenia blocks flow of migrants entering its borders
(Deutsche Welle)

Croatia diverts migrants to Slovenia after Hungary closes border
(Aeksandar Vasovic and Marja Novak, Reuters)

Muslims condemn Britain's plans to combat extremism
(Michael Holden and Paul Sandle, Reuters)

Blasphemy laws upheld, in Malaysia and Poland
(Eugene Volokh, The Washington Post)

Law and religion round-up – 18th October
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

EVENT, 19 October 2015: The Conservative Case for Marriage Equality: The Future of Religion and the LGBTQ Movement
(Harvard University Institute of Politics)

WATCH, 15-19 October: The Parliament of the World's Religions: LIVE STREAMING from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
(The Global Interfaith Movement)

LIVE STREAMING: The Parliament of the World's Religions (Watch Now)

LIVE STREAMING of the Parliament of the World's Religions, on now in Salt Lake City, Utah

The PARLIAMENT APP: Your Key to the 2015 Parliament
(Parliament of the World's Religions)

The PARLIAMENT APP: Your Key to the 2015 Parliament
(Parliament of the World's Religions)

African bishops play a major role, for first time, at contentious Vatican summit
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Catholic bishops debating family issues still split on divorcees, gays
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

The plot to change Catholicism
(Ross Douthat, Op-Ed Columnist, The New York Times Sunday Review)

Who is leading the intifada?
(Adnan Abu Amer, trans. Sami-Joe Abboud, Al-Monitor: Palestine Pulse)

Pope says Church needs more decentralization, changes to papacy
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

Sunday, 18 October 2015

A veil ban, 'barbaric practises', and Canada's election
(Sonya Fatah, Al Jazeera)

Egyptians are voting for the first time since Sisi took power, so what do you need to know?
(Al Bawaba)

Made in Moscow: Religious freedom abuses continue in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine
(Mary Ann Glendon and Katrina Lantos Swett, Atlantic Council)

Oprah’s new ‘Belief’ series shows how dramatically the nature of faith is shifting
(Diana Butler Bass, The Washington Post)

Do team chaplains infringe on religious freedom? A nonprofit says yes, but an Alabama lawmaker disagrees
(Jamon Smith, Tuscaloosa News)

Biden says religious freedom key to fighting extremists
(Radio Free Europe)

Saturday, 17 October 2015

China's atheist leaders confront the growth of religion
(Dick Hughes, Statesman Journal)

Pope to make first Africa trip in November amid security concerns
(Philip Pullella, Reuters)

Future of chapel buildings in Wales
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Indian village mob beats Muslim man to death for 'smuggling cows'
(Lizzie Dearden, The Independent)

EVENT, 17 October 2015: Inform Autumn Seminar - Children, Minority Religions, and the Law
(London School of Economics)

Friday, 16 October 2015

Almost 2,500 Russian citizens fighting for Islamic State - Russian interior ministry data

Holidays, public schools and what it means to be “American”
(Charles C. Haynes, Newseum Institute)

Moscow Patriarchate condemns another seizure by schismatics of church in Ukraine

Puritans, Victorians, post-war Catholics: images from America’s sexual history
(Allan C. Carlson, Mercator Net)

U.S. State Dept's religious freedom report politicized, full of flaws - Russian diplomat

Zimbabwe's Lembas push for circumcision
(Yael Eveb-Or, Forward)

America and religious liberty: Religious freedom retreats in many countries, but not all
(ERASMUS, The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

“Academisation”, Ofsted and Multi-Academy Trusts
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Deafening silence: Palestinian terrorism in Israel
(Rachel Huebner, The Harvard Crimson)

The unreasonableness of ‘reasonable accommodation’
(Stephen Evans, National Secular Society Blogs & Opinion)

ISIS Beheads, crucifies man accused of helping people escape caliphate
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

ISIS terrorist abandons jihad after witnessing 'love of Christians' at Jordanian refugee camp, aid group says
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Hundreds of Palestinian rioters torch Biblical patriarch Joseph's tomb in West Bank
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

20,000 ISIS fighters killed but militants haven't lost ground
(Leonardo Blair, The Christian Post)

'Convert or die': Assyrian Christians in Sweden targeted by ISIS
(Benge Nsenduluka, The Christian Post)

Israel’s chief Rabbi says falsehoods are fuel for the latest violence
(Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times)

Pakistani pilgrims flock to crocodile shrine as Taliban threat recedes
(Syed Raza Hassan, Reuters)

Jewish-Muslim women's network is launched with government support
(Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian)

France in stalemate with Vatican over nomination of envoy said to be gay
(Aurelien Breeden, The New York Times)

Palestinians set fire to Jewish shrine; Israeli soldier stabbed
(Ari Rabinovitch, Reuters)

New Mexico town of Belen in fight to keep Nativity scene
(Russell Contreras, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

UK man gets 20 years in U.S. prison over Oregon militant camp
(Nate Raymond and Joseph Ax, Reuters)

Male Adventist pastors forgo ordination credentials in solidarity with unordained women
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Congregants were abused and shamed at church where fatal beating occurred, ex-member says
(Benjamin Mueller, The New York Times)

Police: Teen son was beaten for trying to leave his church
(Carolyn Thompson, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

UK agency forbids religious Jewish school to require Halachic compliance
(The Jewish Press)

British agency orders government funded Jewish high school to change admission requirement
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Georgia’s religious minorities file lawsuit with Constitutional Court
(Democracy and Freedom Watch)

Minority religious groups sue in nation of Georgia challenging unequal tax obligations
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Indian ruling party official urges Muslims to give up eating beef
(Rajesh Kumar Singh, Reuters)

Malaysia arrests hacker for supplying U.S. targets to Islamic State
(Yantoultra Ngui and Mark Hosenball, Reuters)

Suu Kyi urges supporters not to let race, religion dominate election
(Timothy McLaughlin and Than Win Han, Reuters)

Myanmar's Suu Kyi campaigns in Rakhine, but will avoid Rohingya areas
(Al Jazeera America)

Sikhs, knives, and religious exemptions
(Eugene Volokh, The Washington Post)

Thor and his followers come to the Northern California hills
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

Syria partition and 'Holy War' talk worries UN officials
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Chad arrests 62 women for wearing veils after bombings
(Al Jazeera)

Turkey rebuffs EU on refugee deal, accuses bloc of 'political bribery'
(Al Jazeera America)

Palestinian Day of Rage turns deadly as tension gives way to violence
(Al Jazeera America)

EVENT, 16-17 October 2015: International Center of Law and Religion Studies: 3 panels at the The Parliament of the World's Religions in Salt Lake City

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Mosul pilgrims barred from returning home
(Vivian Salama and Bram Janssen, Associated Press, The Big Story)

Pakistan: Over 1400 cases of blasphemy in a year
(Agenzia Fides)

Islam in Britain: David Cameron goes too far in equating theology and terror
(ERASMUS, The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

October 15 Muslims celebrate the beginning of New Year 1437 according to Hijri
(Religious Information Service of Ukraine)

Melkite archbishop urges British not to support militants in Syria
(Simon Caldwell, Catholic Herald)

Devotees of 50 faith traditions come together as Parliament of the World's Religions gets underway
(Marjorie Cortez, Deseret News)

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