Law and Religion Headlines

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Elder Oaks transcript at Court and Clergy Conference
(Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Mormon Newsroom)

Mormon apostle: Kim Davis was wrong not to issue same-sex marriage licenses
(Peggy Fletcher Stack, Religion News Service)

Amnesty International says Rohingya death toll higher than UN estimates
(Philip J. Victor, Al Jazeera America)

EU calls migrant mini-summit as Balkans buckle under refugee crisis
(Bojan Kavcic (AFP), Digital Journal)

Dutch stop recognising child marriages abroad
(AFP, Digital Journal)

'Halal tourism' emerges as businesses serve Muslim travelers
(Aya Batrawy, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Indian Jain monk seeks eight months to walk 2,200 km to court
(BBC News)

Arkansas' highest court keeps executions on hold, for now
(Claudia Lauer, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Okla. library revises book-signing policy after Satanist asks to read from book
(Greg Horton, Religion News Service)

Texas teen arrested for homemade clock to move to Qatar
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

St. Louis police add patrols trying to crack string of fires set at churches
(Christine Byers, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

ACLU appeals ruling against trans student in Va. ‘bathroom bully’ case
(Ned Resnikoff, Al Jazeera America)

Razing of Indonesian churches denounced after sectarian tension flares
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

EVENT, 21 October 2015: Marriage Equality and Religious Freedom in Israel and America
(Sharon Abraham-Weiss and Judi O'Kelley, Jewschool)

EVENT, 21 October 2015: Religion and Violence: Developing Research and Building Networks
(Debora Tonelli, Katherine Marshall, Drew Christiansen SJ, Leo Lefebure SJ, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Canada’s new leader to pull planes from anti-Islamic State coalition
(DeNeen L. Brown, The Washington Post)

Trudeau says Canada will withdraw from anti-ISIL coalition
(Al Jazeera America)

Anger at Netanyahu claim Palestinian grand mufti inspired Holocaust
(Peter Beaumont, The Guardian)

In France, Marie Le Pen's trial for inciting hatred towards Muslims begins
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Ethnicity and Myanmar’s elections
(Kyaw San Wai, Naoko Kumada, RSIS Commentaries)

UNICEF applauds joint call from four main religions in Myanmar for religious tolerance for the sake of children

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Breaking down the decentralization debate at the 2015 Synod of Bishops
(John L. Allen Jr., Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

In Egypt vote, ultraconservative Islamists try balancing act
(Brian Rohan, Associated Press, The Big Story)

Kim Davis lawyers charge associated press with placing lives in danger
(Austin Ruse, Breitbart)

Buddhist nationalism divides Myanmar
(News 24)

Le Pen goes on trial for Muslim prayers rant
(The Local)

Marine Le Pen accuses French government of persecution
(Angelique Chrisafis, The Guardian)

Video: LGBTQ faith leaders ‘speak up’ at Salt Lake City conference
(Rich Kane, The Salt Lake Tribune)

WCC concerned about increasing violence in Jerusalem
(Anglican Communion News Service)

Church of England, UK gov't in row over 50,000 refugees
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post World)

Islamist hard-liners attack Indonesian churches
(Benjamin Soloway, Foreign Policy)

UN Chief visits Israel in bid to halt violence
(Ori Lewis, Forward)

Church attack routs thousands of Indonesian Christians
(World Watch Monitor)

Indonesia's Aceh province tears down churches after religious violence
(Kanupriya Kapoor, Reuters)

Christian churches demolished in Indonesia to appease mob of enraged Muslims
(Samuel Smith, The Christian Post)

The birth of the Bab 2015: Bahá'ís remember a prophet
(Carol Kuruvilla, Huffington Post)

Kyrgyzstan: Police impunity for torturing people at religious meeting?
(Forum 18 News Service)

Anniversary of France’s niqab ban passes almost unnoticed
(Tom Heneghan, Religion News Service)

Evangelicals soften death penalty stance
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

ISIS' ethnic cleansing forces 100,000 Christians to flee city in single night
(Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post)

Aussie tourists harassed in India for Hindu goddess tattoo
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

France: Marine Le Pen goes on trial over Muslim remarks
(BBC News)

Jews fleeing violence in France find it in Israel
(Shira Rubin, USA Today)

German anti-Islam protest swells on fears about refugee influx
(Michelle Martin, Reuters)

Saudi Arabia hajj disaster death toll at least 2,177
(Jon Gambrell, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Police say Detroit pastor released after fatal shooting
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Indiana University expels student in attack on Muslim woman
(Rick Callahan, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

With song and celebration, mosque chips away at Sunni-Shiite divide
(Hana Baba, NPR)

109 whooping cough cases strike Brooklyn ultra-Orthodox neighborhood
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Religious leaders oppose DA who says Bible OKs death penalty
(Cain Burdeau, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

The National Association of Evangelicals has changed its position on the death penalty
(Sarah Pulliam Bailey, The Washington Post)

The ‘un-mosquing’ of American Muslims
(Miranda Kennedy, The Atlantic)

Christianity was the only way out, says North Korean defector
(Ed Pilkington, The Guardian)

Pope Francis to meet poor, Muslims, and evangelicals in Africa
(Nicole Winfield, Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

Utah football: Whittingham responds after Washington group says coach-led LDS classes violate separation of church and state
(Matthew Piiper, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Washington, D.C., group requests that Utah football coaches stop teaching religion classes
(Aaron Shill, Deseret News)

Witness says clash over witchcraft preceded fatal beating at church
(Jesse McKinley, Benjamin Mueller, and Rick Rojas)

Open doors and lingering pain at Charleston church where 9 were killed
(Richard Fausset, The New York Times)

GOP candidates make pitches to evangelical voters
(Karen Tumulty, The Washington Post)

Facebook to be sued for ‘promoting terror’
(World Religion News)

Saudi Arabia hajj disaster death toll at least 2,177
(Jon Gambrell, Associated Press)

Death count from hajj stampede now believed to be over 2,100
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Westboro Baptist Church protests Kim Davis
(Mike Wynn, The (Louisville, Ky.) Courier-Journal)

Anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church pickets anti-gay marriage Kim Davis
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

SUNO professors accuse administration of religious, ethnic bias
(Jed Lipinski, The Times-Picayune)

Science faculty charge university with discrimination against Muslims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Muslim women’s group demands ‘gender just reform’ in personal law
(The Hindu)

English bishops urge greater UK response to refugee crisis
(Episcopal News Service)

More “At Risk” CofE Buildings in 2015
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Experts object to Russia’s banning of JW.ORG
(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

EVENT, 20 October 2015: Secular revolutions and religious counterrevolutions
(Michael Walzer, José Casanova, Jocelyne Cesari, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, Georgetown University)

Monday, 19 October 2015

ISIS in Afghanistan: A growing threat to Pakistan?
(Sara Mahmood, RSIS Commentaries)

ISIS’ Southeast Asia Unit: Raising the security threat
(Jasminder Singh, V. Arianti, RSIS Commentaries)

One thing 75 Jewish leaders — from right to left — can all agree on
(J.J. Goldberg, Forward - Opinion)

Canadian Prime Minister uses anti-Muslim comments to garner votes
(Herb Scribner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

O Canada! Say no to Muslim-bashing, eh?
(Dean Obeidallah, The Daily Beast)

Hungary's church law modifications are unacceptable
(European Liberties Platform)

ADF helps church fight zoning law
(Charlie Butts, One News Now)

Religious freedom abuses at risk of increasing in Vietnam
(Carey Lodge, Christian Today)

European court says Armenian genocide denial protected by freedom of expression
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Criminal conviction for denying the Armenian genocide in breach with freedom of expression, Grand Chamber confirms
(Dirk Voorhoof, Strasbourg Observers)

The Court delivers its Grand Chamber judgment in the case of Perinçek v. Switzerland
(Press Release - Registrar of the Court, European Court of Human Rights)

Religious Freedom in Focus, Volume 64 - October/2015
(Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice)

The misplaced fear of religion in classrooms
(Melinda D. Anderson, The Atlantic)

Orthodox Judaism and school admissions policy: Hasmonean High School
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

International religious freedom ambassador says greatest threat to extremism is girls reading books
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Interfaith lovefest ‘brings hearts and minds together’
(Kristen Moulton, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Women's Assembly re-imagines traditions at Parliament of the World's Religions
(Marjorie Cortez,

Fighting ‘the OK racism of our time’ — Islamophobia
(Sean P. Means, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Religions parliament calls for peace, justice
(Muneeb Nasir, OnIslam)

Parliament of World's Religions attendees reflect on conventions message
(Aldo Vazquez, Good4Utah)

Religion feeds all comers because ‘we are all equal human beings’
(Peggy Fletcher Stack, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Parliament of the World's Religions attendees break bread together at Sikh community's langar
(Marjorie Cortez, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Parliament of the World’s Religions: Cities should make compassion a guiding value, mayors say
(Kristen Moulton, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Religious leaders told to use moral authority to fight greed and poverty
(Marjorie Cortez, Deseret News)

WCC expresses concern over renewed violence in Jerusalem
(World Council of Churches)

Adventists under fire for Sabbath as religious freedom shrinks worldwide
(Bettina Krause, Adventist Review)

California church threatened with $500 per day fine after gospel choir accused of excessive noise — but they’re fighting back
(Billy Hallowell, The Blaze)

Could Christianity be facing extinction in the Middle East?
(Earle Cornelius, Lancaster Online)

Counter-Extremism Strategy: Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Home Department by Command of Her Majesty
(Counter-Extremism Directorate, Her Majesty's Government)

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