Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 26 October 2015

Saudi court upholds death sentence for Shi'ite cleric

Officials: Suicide bomber targets Shiite pilgrims, killing 7
(Vivian Salama, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Palestinians suspicious of al-Aqsa monitoring promoted by Kerry
(Ali Sawafta, Reuters)

Tense Vatican summit ends by opening door for divorced, punting on welcome to gays
(David Gibson, Religion News Service)

Invasive autopsies and religious objections: Rotsztein v HM Senior Coroner for Inner London [revised]
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

The round up: a battle of ideas and freedom of expression
(Charlotte Bellamy, UK Human Rights Blog)

Law and religion round-up – 25th October
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Baroness says no one has a ‘right not to be offended’
(David Knowles, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

No charges for attackers of Pakistani headmaster
(Asif Aqeel, World Watch Monitor)

Israel-Palestine peace process 'kidnapped by religious zealots'
(Uri Savir, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Ben Carson would ‘love’ to see abortion outlawed
(Al Jazeera America)

‘Strong evidence’ of genocide in Myanmar, finds Al Jazeera investigation
(Al Jazeera America)

Decision expected in Illinois over trans rights in school locker rooms
(Azure Gilman, Al Jazeera America)

Netanyahu mulls revoking rights for some Palestinians in East Jerusalem
(Al Jazeera America)

Could Egypt be the key to political situation in Syria?
(Ahmen Fouad, trans. Mohammad Khalil, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Bishops’ religious liberty chair urges Congress to defend religious liberty at House Judiciary Committee hearing
(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Will Supreme Court hear Little Sisters’ case?
(Brian Fraga, National Catholic Register)

Christian Movement launches
(Ghana Web)

Religion not at the heart of many world conflicts, scholars say
(Mark Pattison, Catholic Courier)

Christian groups cheer State Department’s latest religious liberty report
(Julia A. Seymour, World Magazine)

Kenya to ‘re-integrate’ hundreds of returning al-Shabab recruits
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Trump isn’t apologizing for questioning Carson’s religion
(Marisa Schultz, New York Post)

Catholic paper on family is hailed on all sides, raising fears of disputes
(Elisabetta Povoledo, The New York Times)

Trump questions Carson's religious beliefs
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Amish man sues challenging photo ID requirement to buy firearms
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Texas riders deliver Ten Commandments to Oklahoma governor
(Associated Press)

Replica of removed Oklahoma 10 Commandments given to Oklahoma Governor
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Mikveh OK in area zoned for places of worship
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Fire department's grooming rules upheld
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Jerusalem grand mufti: Temple Mount never had Jewish Temple
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Burgos religious liberty resolution to go before school board
(Amber Stewart, Brentwood Home Page)

Palestinians suspicious of Al-Aqsa monitoring promoted by Kerry
(Reuters, Religion News Service)

Murderous religious intolerance in the Middle East
(Michael Curtis, American Thinker)

Saturday, 24 October 2015

How religious will the world be in 2050?
(Brian J. Grim, World Economic Forum)

Children also have the right to freedom of religion or belief, and that must be protected
(Heiner Bielefeldt, UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Religion or Belief, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights)

Children's right to freedom of belief must be protected, UN hears
(Ecumenical News)

Children's right to freedom of religion or belief must be protected, says UN expert
(UN News Centre)

The impact religious diversity will have on the world's economic growth
(Matthew Brown, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

Protecting religious freedoms will strengthen our global economy
(Brian J. Grim, Brian W Walsh, Forbes)

Synod on the Family: Press Briefing Day 17
(Vatican Radio)

Synod on the Family - Latest News
(Catholic News Agency)

Pope Francis: Synod was about affirming family, indissoluble marriage
(Catholic News Agency)

Final synod document strongly backs Church teaching, beauty of family life
(Elise Harris, Catholic News Agency)

Remarks at a UN Security Council open debate on the Middle East
(Ambassador Samantha Power (as delivered), United States Mission to the United Nations)

The Arab World’s Challenge
(Marwan Muasher, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

Islamic State puts out first terror video in Hebrew
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Bombing at mosque in Pakistan kills 10 on eve of Shi'ite holy day
(Gul Yousufzai, Reuters)

Suicide bombers kill 42 in 2 northeast Nigerian mosques
(Ibrahim Abdulaziz and Haruna Umar, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Religious violence flares in Indonesia as mob torches Aceh church
(Kate Lamb, The Guardian)

Alaska tribal members get back totem pole taken by actor
(Jennifer Sinco Kelleher, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Feds confiscate lethal-injection drugs imported by 2 states
(Astrid Galvan and Justin Pritchard, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Man accused in Parma mosque threats pleads not guilty to new charges
(Cory Shaffer, The Plain Dealer)

Friday, 23 October 2015

Germany: Asylum seekers make demands
(Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute)

Historical is not enough
(Carl R. Trueman, First Things)

Sweden close to collapse
(Ingrid Carlqvist, Gatestone Institute)

The struggle of memory against forgetting:
(Rod Dreher, The American Conservative)

Confusion over Confucius? Zimbabwe's Mugabe wins Chinese peace prize
(Robert Marquand, The Christian Science Monitor)

Catholics in Cuba call on government to remove religious restrictions
(Catholic News Agency)

GM beats U.S. workers' lawsuit over religious holidays, for now
(Business Insurance)

Amish man challenges photo ID requirement to buy firearm as violation of his religious beliefs
(John Beauge, Penn Live)

When religious violence can't escape exemption
(Francie Diep, Pacific Standard)

Bill to restrain ‘discriminatory’ Sharia law debated in Lords
(The Christian Institute)

House of Lords debates bill to outlaw gender discrimination in UK sharia ‘courts’
(National Secular Society Blogs & Opinion)

Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill [HL] 2015-16

Fighting perceptions, evangelicals and Muslims commit to oppose religious bigotry
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Texas Congressman says we should take in Christian refugees, avoid Muslims
(Emily Atkin, Mint Press News)

Religious events in Iraq become show of force
(Adnan Abu Zeed, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Unraveling Islamic State’s Turkish recruitment scheme
(Mahmut Bozarslan, trans.Timur Göksel, Al-Monitor: Turkey Pulse)

NY to expand anti-bias rules to include gender identity
(Al Jazeera America)

Church Commissioners sign PRI Montreal Pledge
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

The “Islamic State” as a security problem for Russia: The nature and scale of the threat
(Ekaterina Stepanova, PNARS Eurasia)

Israel lifts restrictions on Muslims’ access to Temple Mount
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

When prayer becomes provocation on the Temple Mount
(Jane Eisner, Forward | Opinion)

UN disciplines Palestinian staffers for anti-Semitic Facebook posts
(JTA, Forward)

Clashes erupt as new day of rage' hits Israel
(Maayan Lubell, Forward)

France court upholds 'BDS is discrimination' ruling
(JTA, Forward)

Opposition MP makes pitch for burqa ban, condemns veil as ‘repressive’
(Tim Diacono, Malta Today)

U.S. court restores Muslim childcare worker's discrimination suit against Cook County Court
(Associated Press)

7th Circuit upholds Muslim woman's hostile work environment and retaliation claims
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Two men awarded $240K in suit alleging religious discrimination by trucking company
(Andy Kravetz, Journal Star)

$240,000 jury award to Muslim truck drivers who were fired for refusing to transport alcohol
(Eugene Volokh, The Washington Post)

Jury awards fired Muslim drivers $240,000 in damages
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

GM beats U.S. workers' lawsuit over religious holidays, for now
(Daniel Wiessner, Reuters)

Court denies class certification in Title VII religious accommodation suit against GM
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

EVENT, 23 October 2015: USFMEP Second Buddhist Muslin Dialogue
(Mrs. Sally Kader, H.H. Dharma Master Hsin Tao, Imam Shamsi Ali, UN Headquarters New York City)

EVENT, 23 October 2015: FIU Law Review Religion and the Law Symposium
(Florida International University)

EVENT, 22-23 October 2015: Comparative and International Perspectives against the Background of the Annual Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief
(New York City)

Dutch chief rabbi: Refugees’ anti-gay abuse requires tolerance education
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

China rejects US criticism of religious freedom
(The Times of India)

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Dutch politician Geert Wilders kicks-off anti-Islam party in Australia
(Deutsche Welle)

Islamic State meets the laws of economics
(Felix Imonti, Geopolitical Monitor)

Leading Catholic European Federation receives 2015 EU Family Values Award
(Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Newsroom United Kingdom)

Massive raid against Hizb ut-Tahrir: 100 people brought to Moscow region police stations for checks and 22 arrests
(Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

66 missionaries must leave UK after Operation Mobilization loses license
(Morgan Lee, Christianity Today)

Women fear their voices will be sidelined in Catholic synod’s final report
(Rosie Scammell, Religion News Service)

5 facts about the interplay between religion and science
(Cary Funk and David Masci, Pew Research Center FactTank)

J.K. Rowling, 150 prominent Brits come out against boycotting Israel
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Israel needs cultural bridges, not boycotts – letter from JK Rowling, Simon Schama and others
(The Guardian)

Muslim migrants, meet Christian gypsies
(Jillian Mechior, The Wall Street Journal)

An Indiana imam and his non-Muslim friend want to fight ISIS with viral videos
(Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post)

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