Law and Religion Headlines

Monday, 30 November 2015

Is Russia's intervention in Syria a 'holy war'? Russian Orthodox Church: 'yes'
(Fred Weir, The Christian Science Monitor)

Philippines lauds Pope’s int'l tour interfaith message
(Hader Glang, Anadolu Agency)

Blindfolded Kashmiri Pandit invites 'hugs' to promote brotherhood in Valley
(Indian Express)

Pope wraps up Africa visit with warning about religious conflicts
(Tonny Onyulo, USA Today)

Pope Francis: 'Christians and Muslims are brothers'
(BBC News)

Cellist says Asheville Symphony discriminated on religion
(The Charlotte Observer)

Northern Ireland abortion law breaches Article 8 ECHR: Re NI Human Rights Commission
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Italian Prime Minister Renzi criticizes headmaster for banning Christmas concert
(Deutsche Welle)

Italians outraged after headmaster scraps Christmas carol concert following Paris attacks
(Alice Philipson, The Telegraph)

Italy PM slaps down headmaster who banned Christmas carols

Italian school head provokes controversy by canceling Christmas concert in favor of winter musical in January
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Dieudonne sentenced to prison for anti-Semitic jokes

Belgian court sentences French comedian for anti-Semitic remarks
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

On retrial Saudi court sentences poet to death for apostasy
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Turkish Islamists out to kill interfaith dialogue
(Abdullah Bozkurt, Today's Zaman)

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Humanity biggest religion: HP Governor
(Business Standard)

Law & Religion UK in the ABA Journal's Best Blogs list. Congratulations, Frank and David!
(The 9th Annual Blawg 100)

Law and religion round-up – 29th November: "An astonishingly busy week ...."
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Religious freedom takes Apec route

The wall separating faith and public life must be torn down
(Orrin Hatch, The Washington Times)

Saturday, 28 November 2015

'Muslim-Free Zone': Gun-shop owner wins case
(Bob Unruh, WND)

African American clergy squabble publicly over planned endorsements of Donald Trump
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

After KRG formally welcomes Jews back to Iraq, will their numbers increase?
(Mustafa Saadoun, trans. Pasquale el-Khoury, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Amended religious endowments laws too struck down
(Krishna Prasad, The Hindu)

British court says religious education curriculum must include non-religious beliefs
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Canadian synagogue invites Muslims to pray in building after local mosque is fire-bombed in suspected hate-crime
(Rose Troup Buchanan, The Independent)

Cellist says symphony discriminated on religion
(Leah Buletti, Citizen-Times)

Challenge to gun store's "Muslim Free Zone" dismissed for lack of imminent injury
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Coptic Pope Tawadros’s Jerusalem visit ‘will create huge firestorm in Egypt’
(Ariel Ben Solomon, The Jerusalem Post)

Court upholds headscarf ban for French social worker
(Margaret Neighbour, The Scotsman)

Egyptian pope makes rare visit to Holy Land
(Ramadan Al Sherbini, Gulf News)

European Court upholds French hospital's hijab ban
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Federal court grants AFLC’s motion to dismiss CAIR lawsuit against Florida gun store’s “Muslim Free Zone”
(Press Release, American Freedom Law Center)

Judge rules Government broke the law in excluding Humanism from school curriculum
(Press Release, British Humanist Association)

Pope honors Ugandan Christians burnt alive last century
(Los Angeles Times)

Refugee debate stokes tensions in Hamtramck, America's Muslim capital
(Nick Allen, The Telegraph)

Sikhism in India: Seeking justice
(The Economist)

Two Popes impact delicate international decisions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Utah faith leaders send a message: We stand with our Muslim friends
(Peggy Fletcher Stack, The Salt Lake Tribune)

Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1863
(Abraham Lincoln, What So Proudly We Hail)

Happy 226th birthday to Washington’s Thanksgiving proclamation!
(National Constitution Center, Constitution Daily)

Presidential Proclamation -- Thanksgiving Day, 2015
(Press Release, The White House)

President issues proclamation for Thanksgiving 2015
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Catholics furious after artist writes ‘paedo’ in stolen communion wafers
(Jessica Jones, The Local)

Spain's Catholic lawyers sue over art exhibit
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

The Economist explains: What Islamic scholars have to say about attacking civilians
(The Economist)

Opinion after Paris: What Muslims think of Islamic State
(The Economist)

Opinion: Same-sex marriage debate goes to the heart of our democracy
(Paul Kelly, The Australian)

'Interfaith Dialogue for Ladies' held in Hamburg
(Mehr News Agency)

EVENT, 28 November 2015: The Magna Carta after 800 Years, Day Conference
(Julian Burnside AO QC and Augustuo Zimmermann, Centre for the Study of Western Tradition, Campion College Australia)

Friday, 27 November 2015

Church threatened for supporting refugees host interfaith Thanksgiving meal for needy
(Alejandra Molina, The Press Enterprise)

Interfaith address by Dr Asma Mustafa
(St. Hugh's College, University of Oxford)

Imagine there’s no religion
(Mario Rustan, Jakarta Post)

RSS is distorting definition of Hindu religion: Ashok Vajpeyi
(The Indian Express)

Trip to Israel benefited two religions
(JoAnne Viviano, The Columbus Dispatch)

Religious leaders to join week-long peace celebrations
(Pamela Jay F. Orias, Sun Star)

Interfaith community condemns mosque vandalism
(Wes Rapaport, Everything Lubbock)

Why Tolerate Religion? by Brian Leiter
(Rafael Domingo, reviewer, First Things)

Ban on Lord's Prayer cinema advert is 'objectionable' restriction of religious freedom, says Chief Rabbi
(The Jewish Chronicle Online)

‘Civil rights’ means anti-gay for some Republicans
(Jay Michaelson, The Daily Beast)

Faith-based coalition comes together for 16 days of activism to overcome gender-based violence
(World Council of Churches)

In our opinion: Trump unmatched as a candidate in blatant contempt for basic 1st Amendment freedoms
(Editorial - Opinion, Deseret News)

Women not portrayed equally by news media, shows extensive study
(World Council of Churches)

Fast for the Climate
(World Council of Churches)

Ebrahimian v France: headscarf ban upheld for entire public sector
(Eva Brems, Strasbourg Observers)

The myth of the Caliphate: The political history of an idea
(Nick Danforth, Foreign Affairs)

The Kremlin’s Holy Warrior
(Marc Bennetts, Foreign Policy)

Our reaction to terrorism is more dangerous than the terrorists
(David Rothkopf, Foreign Policy: Voice)

The Democrats’ problem with ‘radical Islam’
(Kim Ghattas, Foreign Policy: Voice)

The Czar vs. the Sultan
(Julia Ioffe, Foreign Policy: Voice)

Religious education in England 'needs overhaul'
(Judith Burns, BBC News)

Azerbaijani theologian said to have been plotting coup
(Liz Fuller, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty)

Religious symbols at issue in Bergenfield and New Milford as holidays near
(Philip Devencentis, North Jersey)

Special Report: Violence against women
(World Watch Monitor)

Don’t distort secularism: Rajnath
(Nistula Hebbar, The Hindu)

Church of England votes for military action to protect refugee routes
(David Knowles, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

Niqabs, hijabs and hospitals: Ebrahimian v France
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Judgment Ebrahimian v. France - non-renewal of contract of a social assistant refusing to remove her veil
(Press Release, European Court of Human Rights)

Ebrahimian v. France
(European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg Consortium Case Portal)

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Apocalypse and The Hunger Games
(Anthony O'Hear and Natasha O'Hear, OUPblog Religion)

Challenges of fundamentalism in theological education raised at Brazil consultation
(World Council of Churches)

Christian and Muslim leaders in Cyprus join to deplore violence in the name of religion
(World Council of Churches)

Consistory court judgments – November
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Forcible conversions be declared a crime: Senate body
(The International News)

From godless to godly: How religion is reshaping Russia’s relations with the West
(Jekatyerina Dunajeva, Daniel Philpott: Arc of the Universe: Ethics and Global Justice)

Pope Francis on interfaith dialogue: ‘It is not something extra or optional’
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Sultans and tsars: Russia has always had an ambivalent relationship with Islam
(ERASMUS, The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

The end of banns in England?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Top European court upholds France's headscarf ban
(Deutsch Welle)

UN Climate summit results vital for world’s future
(World Council of Churches)

Uzbekistan: Police raid, torture, steal and plant drugs
(Mushfig Bayram, Forum 18 News Service)

WCC praises Church of South India as a truly united church
(World Council of Churches)

Thanksgiving as the basis for freedom
(C. C. Pecknold, First Things)

Thanksgiving message of `religious liberty’ especially timely
(Rabbi Joshua M. Davidson, The Jewish Week)

For most Americans, Thanksgiving isn’t the only time for thankfulness
(Claire Gecewicz, Pew Research Center FactTank)

The Catholic origins of Thanksgiving
(Dale Ahlquist, The Catholic World Report)

The pilgrims at Plymouth Rock were refugees
(Jake Flanagin, Quartz)

How Thanksgiving became all dinner, no worship
(Bruce David Forbes, Religion Dispatches)

Texas groups concerned refugee suspension violates religious freedom
(Emma Margolin, MSNBC)

ECHR upholds decision to ban veils for public officials
(Hürriet Daily News)

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