Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 4 December 2015

Town brings back Nativity scene-- this time with Frosty and Reindeer
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Obama lights national tree, remembers California victims
(Alana Wise, Reuters)

"Prayer shaming" – The New York Daily News jumps in with both feet after San Bernardino
(Julia Duin, Get Religion (blog))

Prayer shaming after a mass shooting in San Bernardino
(Emma Green, The Atlantic)

What we lose when we prayer shame politicians after a mass shooting
(Russell Moore, The Washington Post)

‘Prayer shaming’ debate flares after California massacre
(Kara Bettis, New Boston Post)

First Family lights National Christmas Tree
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

In French elections, clashing visions of Muslim identity
(Elizabeth Bryant, Religion News Service)

Germany’s Merkel urges refugees to reject anti-Semitism
(Religion News Service)

The Attorney General on speech that ‘edges towards violence’ and ‘acts of anti-Muslim hatred, including rhetoric’
(Eugene Volokh, The Washington Post)

UN rights experts urge Saudi Arabia to halt execution of Palestinian poet Ashraf Fayadh
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

The radicalization of Israel
(Nurit Canetti, Al-Monitor: Israel Pulse)

Israel: Too soon to charge Jewish settlers in Duma arson attack
(Renee Lewis, Al Jazeera America)

EU mulls sending its own forces to control national borders
(Lisa De Bode, Al Jazeera America)

California massacre was 'act of terrorism,' says FBI as ISIL link probed
(Al Jazeera America)

Imperial comes together for Interfaith Week
(Jon Narcross, Imperial College London)

Interfaith leader calls for ‘bridges’ not ‘bludgeons’ in aftermath of shootings
(Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Americans less religious, but interfaith dialogue grows
(Galen Hull, The Tennessean)

‘Tolerance’ should not be alibi for denying religious freedom, says Vatican foreign minister
(Catholic World News)

A veiled threat to freedom (Ebrahimian v. France)
(Barbara Hewson, Spiked)

Court puts church freedom over government regulations (Nagy v. Hungary)
(Charisma News)

Equality law protections extended to religious-run schools and hospitals
(Irish Legal News)

Religious leaders chide lawmakers over Syrian refugees
(Sarah McCammon, NPR)

Kansas faith leaders urge Brownback to reverse ban on Syrian refugees
(Peter Hancock, Lawrence Journal World)

Marriage equality v religious freedom. They are not mutually exclusive
(Rodney Croome, The Guardian)

Texas state bar demands secularization of legal ethics training held at Catholic law school
(Adam Cassandra, The Cardinal Newman Society)

Michigan officials should ignore gay marriage ruling, lawmakers say at religious freedom rally
(Jonathan Oosting,

EVENT, 4 December 2015: Christian Martyrs Today: Help for the Persecuted
(Timothy Samuel Shah, Patrick E. Kelly, Nadine Maenza; co-hosted by Kathryn Jean Lopez and Roger Severino, The Heritage Foundation's Lehrman Auditorium, Washington, DC, 4 pm (or Watch Online))

EVENT, 4 December 2015: Religion and Democracy in Tension?
(Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)

WORKSHOP, 4 December 2014: Exploring religious accommodation: socio-legal and political perspectives on exemptions
(Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona)

Coalition of Kansas clergy petition Brownback to rescind order halting Syrian refugees
(The Kansas City Star)

The VA and limits on veterans' religious freedom
(Michael S. Goldstein, American Thinker)

Thursday, 3 December 2015

King tells Sephardic Jews Spain has missed them
(Associated Press, The World Post)

Yamethin election result prompts rival 'abuse of religion' complaints
(San Yamin Aung, Irrawaddy)

Interfaith crowd gathers at Denver Mosque to foil fear, bind ties
(Elizabeth Hernandez, Kieran Nicholson, The Denver Post)

A lodestar of religious liberty
(Arne Panula, The Wall Street Journal)

Attacks on religious liberty continue in the United States (Opinion)
(Randy W. Bright, Tulsa Beacon)

Community meeting on LGBT law is more civil Thursday night; religious liberty discussed
(David Bauerlein, The Florida Times-Union)

Atheists in uproar over Georgia sheriff's 'In God We Trust' love it or 'leave' sign
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Pastor launches witnessing campaign with 25,000 'Christmas is all about Jesus' yard signs
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Cameroon army kills 100 from Boko Haram, frees 900 hostages
(Reinnier Kaze, Agence France-Presse)

Israel arrests members of 'Jewish terror group' over West Bank arson attack
(Peter Beaumont, The Guardian)

France likely to close more than 100 mosques
(Anealla Safdar, Al Jazeera)

Governor stands by request that Catholic Church not resettle Syrian family in Indiana
(Maureen Groppe, The Indianapolis Star)

California Muslims condemn 'horrific' mass shooting
(Agence France-Presse)

'Daily News' provokes with cover on Calif. shooting: 'God isn't fixing this'
(Jessica Durando, USA Today)

European Commission appoints officials to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Church gets preliminary injunction under RLUIPA for zoning exclusion
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

FFRF, ACLU win injunction against Indiana school’s live nativity
(Press Release, Freedom From Religion Foundation)

Court issues preliminary injunction against school show's live nativity depiction
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Satanists to counter Nativity scene with ‘snaketivity’
(Justin A. Hinkley, Religion News Service)

Pastor pens verses on gun violence sung to the tune of church hymns
(Adelle M. Banks, Religion News Service)

Muslim Americans fear demonization of Islam after mass shooting
(Religion News Service)

Japan’s churches call for end to racial discrimination
(Gavin Drake, Anglican Communion News Service)

Bishops express concern at extension of UK’s anti-Daesh airstrikes
(Gavin Drake, Anglican Communion News Service)

Forum examines question: 'Is faith under attack?'
(Stephanie Wang, IndyStar)

Egypt’s new masters are wrecking its long tradition of religious freedom
(Jack Shenker, The Guardian)

Bahrain: Violations of religious freedoms on the rise
(Al Wefaq)

Hatch affirms that religion is indispensable to Democracy

Richardson interfaith group aims to support beleaguered local mosque
(Daniel Houston, The Dallas Morning News)

GKI Yasmin prepares for interfaith Christmas celebration
(Marguerite Afra Sapiie, The Jakarta Post)

Opinion: Governments should turn to academics for advice on radicalisation, religion and security
(Tristram Riley-Smith, The Conversation)

Terrorism has no religion, says Shia leader
(Imran Gowhar, The Hindu)

Interfaith workshop calls for justice and compassion in finance
(World Council of Churches)

The 'war" on Christmas: What would Santa think?
(RNS Staff, Religion News Service)

Jewish refugees from Arab lands seek justice at United Nations
(Cathryn J. Prince, The Times of Israel)

Mass murder and the problem with prayer
(Jonathan Merritt, RNS Blog: On Faith & Culture)

Ireland passes bill removing religious exemptions from LGBT equality law
(Nick Duffy, Pink News)

'Troubling distance between Muslims and the British media' says broadcaster at book launch
(Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

Interfaith Dialogue: An international expert (Marco Ventura) at the lead of the Center for Religious Studies
(Press Release, Fondazione Bruno Kessler)

Manipulating religion for political gain in Pakistan: Consequences for the U.S. and the region
(Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies)

IWU President worries over impact of religious freedom battles
(Randall E. King, Chronicle-Tribune)

France shuts mosque, arrests man in crackdown after attacks
(Religion News Service)

Clergy discipline and employment rights: Károly Nagy v Hungary
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Emergency situation in Nardaran: villagers not allowed to hold a Shia ceremony
(Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers International)

£24 million church roof fund now open
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

These are the 14 religious holidays believers celebrate in December
(Herb Scribner, Deseret News National Edition | Faith)

France shuts down three 'radical' mosques in wake of Paris attacks
(France 24)

EVENT, 3 December 2015: The State of Religious Freedom in the US and Europe
(David N. Saperstein, Alisha Rahman, Engy Abdelkader, KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights (Washington, D.C.))

EVENT, 3 December 2015: Muslim Voices Against the Islamic State and Islamist Extremism
(Naser Khader, Farahnaz Ispahani, Asra Nomani; moderated by Dr. M Zuhdi Jasser; hosted by Walter Lohman, The Heritage Foundation's Lehrman Auditorium, Washington, DC, 3 pm (or Watch Online))

EVENT, 3 December 2015: The Magna Carta and the Human Rights Tradition 800 Years On
(Rev Dr Mark Barwick and Mark Hill QC, Chapelle de la Résurrection, Chapelle pour l'Europe, Brussels)

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

'Significant discrimination on religious grounds' in schools, Dail told
(Kevin Doyle,

Judge bans Concord High School from performing live Nativity scene this year
(Michelle Sokol, The Elkhart Truth)

Kansas clergy denounce Sam Brownback's edict on Syrian refugees
(Tim Carpenter, Topeka Capital-Journal)

Texas state bar demands Catholic law school offer secularized legal ethics training
(Life Site News)

The dubious “mastermind”: Abdelhamid Abaaoud and the Paris attacks
(John Rosenthal, Geopolitical Monitor)

The value of teaching religious literacy
(Ulrich Rosenhagen, The Chronicle of Higher Education)

Israel’s ban of an Islamic group carries risk
(Diaa Hadid, The New York Times)

Pastors want 'Christmas is all about Jesus' signs statewide
(Tony Centonze, The Leaf-Chronicle)

For gays under IS rule, isolation and fear of a cruel death
(Bassem Mroue, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Divorced and widowed Saudi women to get greater legal powers
(Reporting By Angus McDowall; Editing by Dominic Evans and Raissa Kasolowsky, Reuters)

France calls for 'enlightened Islam' against jihadist ideology
(Tom Heneghan, Reuters)

Congress should not bar entry of Syrian refugees
(Freedom House)

Anglican Commission on Human Rights formed to protect Central American refugees
(Anglican Communion News Service)

Coptic Pope's Jerusalem visit sparks backlash in Egypt
(George Mikhail, Al-Monitor: Egypt Pulse)

Meet the anti-Islamic organizer who set off an FBI manhunt
(Aaron Ernst, Al Jazeera America)

Britain votes to join airstrikes against ISIL
(Al Jazeera America)

New religion in Iceland seeks to end tax support of churches
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Nativity pageant challengers may sue anonymously
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

ISIS antidote? New York Times examines moderate Indonesian Muslim group
(Jim Davis, Get Religion (blog))

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