Law and Religion Headlines

Friday, 22 January 2016

Challenge to school religious activities dismissed on standing grounds
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court to atheists: religious people can help ex-convicts
(Press Release, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)

"No-aid" clause not violated by faith-based social service contracts
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

EEOC seeks comment on proposed guidance on retaliation
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

EEOC seeks public input on draft proposed enforcement guidance on retaliation and related issues
(Press Release, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

Department of Education answers HRC’s call for greater transparency on anti-LGBT religious exemption
(Press Release, Human Rights Campaign Blog)

Department of Education will publicize religious colleges that have obtained Title IX exemptions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

State Bar of Texas says discriminatory ruling against Christian law program a ‘miscommunication’
(Catholic Education Daily)

Texas Bar committee backs off refusal to certify Christian ethics CLE course
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

No marriage before 18, court rules

Zimbabwe's Constitutional Court says marriage under age 18 is banned without exceptions
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Faith leaders to hold conference on rights of religious minorities in Muslim countries
(Florence Taylor, Christian Today)

Religious exemptions or equal protection in education?
(Judith McDaniel, The Hill)

Archbishop Justin Welby reflects on Primates Meeting
(Archbishop Justin Welby, Episcopal News Service)

Russian Church insists on its right to approve Russian operation in Syria
(Interfax Religion)

S. Lanka president, cardinal stress role of religion in building national unity
(Vatican Radio)

Italy creating 'Italian Islam' by making new religion in line with 'Christian tradition'
(Lizzie Dearden, The Independent)

Voices of Faith: Should fringe religious groups (cults) be eliminated?
(Elder Donald D. Deshler and the Rev. Penny Ellwood, The Kansas City Star)

Tennessee launches review of social studies standards amid concerns over world religion studies
(Grace Tatter, Chalkbeat Tennessee)

Russian Foreign Ministry condemns attack on Iraqi ancient monastery, calls for more active coordination of anti-ISIL fight

Religion, heritage and war: To make a case against Islamic State's cultural vandalism, Western armies must set an example
(ERASMUS, The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Florida judge rejects atheist lawsuit meant to strip former inmate ministries of gov't funds
(Michael Gryboski, Christian Post)

Atheists sued to stop drug rehab program that uses ‘Biblical Principles.’ Here’s how a Florida court just reacted
(Billy Hallowell, The Blaze)

Singapore faith leaders call for more interfaith dialogue
(UCA News)

Public invited to see interfaith film at St. John's
(Kate Kompas, SC Times)

Critics compare Israel’s religious freedoms to Saudi Arabia: Rabbis deny 1 in 10 Jews the right to marry in Israel
(Jonathan Cook, Global Research)

Secular group asks again for Port Neches cross removal
(Michelle Heath, Beaumont Enterprise)

Georgia senator wants religious opt-out for gay marriage opponents
(Kristina Torres, Atlanta Journal Constitution)

Orthodox patriarchs gather in Geneva to prepare Great and Holy Council
(World Council of Churches)

Bishop George Bell – points on a complex case
(David Pocklington, Law & Religion UK)

Regulating out-of-school education: is the DfE having second thoughts?
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Roe v. Wade and the remaking of the pro-life movement
(Daniel K. Williams, OUPblog Religion)

Christian persecution in 2015
(Marcus Roberts, MercatorNet)

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Palestinians: Western media's ignorance and bias
(Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute)

Muslim leaders plan summit on protecting non-Muslims in their midst
(Lauren Markoe, Religion News Service)

Christian couple who lost adopted sons to gov't gets case reopened
(Leonardo Blair, The Christian Post)

Religion, social unawareness, and freedoms of belief and speech
(Amira El-Fekki, Daily News Egypt)

Religious reform: A community need faced by political detestation
(Amira El-Fekki, Daily News Egypt)

Sierra Leone: Religious leaders opposed to a proposed abortion law
(Vatican Radio)

At least 19 dead in Somalia Shebab restaurant attack: police
(France 24 International News)

France's criminalisation of Israel boycotts sparks free-speech debate
(Benjamin Dodman, France 24 International News)

Arkansas public school district to offer controversial Bible class next fall
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Atheist displays Satanic cross at Florida City Hall in opposition to manger scene
(Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post)

Denmark’s new front in debate over immigrants: children’s lunches
(Dan Bilefsky, The New York Times)

Chess forbidden in Islam, rules Saudi mufti, but issue not black and white
(Kareem Shaheen, The Guardian)

After his death, a Muslim Kenyan who shielded Christians is hailed as hero
(Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News Service)

Israel: Vandals target leader of secular Judaism group
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Israel arrests two Jewish teens for Jerusalem monastery vandalism

France to overhaul secularism teaching to help stop radicalisation
(Angelique Chrisafis, The Guardian)

Russia: Raids, charges, detentions and fines of Muslims continue
(Forum 18 News Service)

Religious diversity, school calendars and the quest for fairness
(Charles C. Haynes, Newseum Institute)

Child deaths bring urgency to debate over faith healers
(Nathan Brown, Times News)

Anger in a Palestinian town feeds a cycle of violence
(Steven Erlanger, The New York Times)

‘Marrakesh Express’ aims to prove that ISIS is not the real face of Islam
(John L. Allen, Jr., Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

Jail to jihad: Indonesian prisons a breeding ground for militancy
(Randy Fabi and Kanupriya Kapoor, Reuters)

Israel’s ‘Religious Zionists’ grapple with extremists in their midst
(Michele Chabin, Religion News Service)

Militants storm Pakistan university, kill at least 20
(Jibran Ahmad and Mehreen Zahra-Malik, Reuters)

Islamic State razing of Iraq monastery condemned
(Martha Mendoza, Maya Alleruzzo, and Bram Janssen, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Wheaton faculty council unanimously asks college to keep Larycia Hawkins
(Morgan Lee, Christianity Today)

Americans may be getting less religious, but feelings of spirituality are on the rise
(David Masci and Michael Lipka, Pew Research Center Fact Tank)

Why shout 'Allahu Akbar!' when killing other Muslims? Did journalists answer that question?
(Terry Mattingly, Get Religion (blog))

New report examines perception of religion and looks at ways to increase dialogue and trust across faiths
(United Nations Academic Impact)

Lawsuit claims native Hawaiian religion being restricted behind bars
(Rui Kaneya, Honolulu Civil Beat)

CAIR: Interfaith coalition calls on Maryland University to offer balance to speaker’s anti-Muslim views
(Council on American-Islamic Relations)

Burma to host World Buddhist Peace Summit amid interfaith woes at home
(Lawi Weng, The Irrawaddy)

Interfaith group wants cabinet to end unilateral conversions now

ASU student organization fights for on-campus interfaith prayer and meditation center
(Alexis Egeland, The State Press)

Protecting religious freedom is "good for business," says Adventist leader.
(Bettina Krause, Adventist News Network)

What happened when religious freedom and gay rights actually clashed in court
(Emma Green, The Atlantic)

Idaho Senate Democrats introduce Add the Words legislation
(Harrison Berry, Boise Weekly)

Anglicans and religious liberty
(Peter J. Leithart, First Things (blog))

Raids, charges, detentions and fines of Muslims continue
(Forum 18 News Service)

Religious Challenges to the birth control benefit, explained
(Imani Gandy and Jessica Mason Pieklo, RH Reality Check)

Fate of Orthodox Christianity’s Great and Holy Council hangs in the balance
(Nicolas Kazarian, The University of Chicago Divinity School: Sightings)

What are the implications of being a Church-controlled charity in the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church?
(Guest Post: Robert Meakin, Law & Religion UK)

Kyrgyzstan may build a prison for religious extremists

In India, one case of anti-Christian violence every day
(Anto Akkara, World Watch Monitor)

EVENT, 21 January, 2015: Religion, environment, and social conflict in contemporary Latin America, Washington, D.C.
(Washington Office on Latin America)

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Turkey 'acting illegally' over Syria refugees deportations
(Mark Lowen, BBC News)

At start of trial against FLDS towns, both sides claim religious discrimination
(Jude Joffe-Block, Fronteras Desk)

Erdoğan’s Turkey: anti-terror crackdown claims freedom as its victim
(Ahmet Erdi Ozturk, The Conversation)

David Cameron should celebrate Muslim women, not strip them of their identity
(Sadia Habib, The Conversation)

Members of controversial religion flee Indonesian isle
(Kristoff Saunders, Fulton News)

Pakistan confronts extremism: Job half-done
(The Economist)

What will happen to Iraq’s Mandaeans?
(Saad Salloum, trans. Pascale el-Khoury, Al-Monitor: Iraq Pulse)

Lebanon’s Christian foes become friends
(Jean Aziz, trans. Pascale el-Khoury, Al-Monitor: Lebanon Pulse)

New church laws spur debate in Kenya
(Deutsche Welle)

Christians helped educate Malaysians, MCA chief reminds Hadi
(Ida Lim, MalayMail Online)

Recalibrating Morocco’s approach to Salafism
(Salim Hmimnat, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

What we know about the Islamic State’s influence in Indonesia
(Patrick Winn, Global Post)

'Embrace the art of dialogue' to fight radicalisation in schools
(David Knowles, Lapido Media: Centre for Religious Literacy in World Affairs)

WCC/UN conference calls for coordinated action on refugee crisis
(World Council of Churches)

Atheist seeks removal of ‘God’ from US currency — again
(Kimberly Winston, Religion News Service)

US Supreme Court rejects Arkansas bid to revive abortion law
(Andrew DeMillo, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Manufacturer stands by policy on Muslim prayer breaks
(Greg Moore, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Deadly standoff leaves Burkina Faso stunned
(Dionne Searcey, The New York Times)

Czech leader says Muslim integration 'practically impossible' in Europe
(Agence France-Presse)

Afghanistan: Attack on journalists threatens media freedom
(Human Rights Watch)

Senate Democrats block Syrian refugee bill from advancing
(Al Jazeera America)

Christians and Muslims unite against Boko Haram in Cameroon
(Deutsche Welle)

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