Law and Religion Headlines

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

L.E. v. Greece: Human trafficking and states’ positive obligations
(Vladislava Stoyanova, Strasbourg Observers)

4 Phoenix city councilmen trying to block Satanist prayer
(Dustin Gardiner, The Arizona Republic)

Supreme Court to hear ‘Little Sisters’ case March 23
(Michael O'Loughlin, Crux: Covering all things Catholic)

In Iowa, campaign season finds Muslims caught in a harsh spotlight
(David McGuffin, NPR)

Texas top court sides with cheerleaders in Bible banner suit
(David Warren, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Monday, 1 February 2016

Belgorod and Stary Oskol communities of Jehovah's Witnesses face elimination
(SOVA Center for Information and Analysis)

Russia: Misuse of anti-extremism in December 2015
(SOVA Center for Information and Analysis)

What makes 'religion' news?
(Martin E. Marty, The University of Chicago Divinity School: Sightings)

Shias, Catholics and Protestants: Sectarian splits are widening in Islam and lessening in Christianity
(ERASMUS, The Economist [Erasmus: Religion and public policy])

Islamic State releases 16 Christian hostages north Syria
(ARA News)

Pakistani cleric says he’s willing to review disputed blasphemy law
(Reuters FaithWorld)

Obama to make first visit of his presidency to a U.S. mosque next week
(Michelle Boorstein and Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post)

White House: Obama's mosque visit 'fits in constellation' of religious freedom events
(Bridget Johnson, PJ Media)

Obama to visit a mosque, and wade deeper into America's war over Islam
(Stephen Prothero, CNN)

Israeli Justice Minister Shaked: 'We will not commit suicide'
(Interview Conducted By Nicola Abé and Ronen Bergman, Spiegel Online)

European leaders investigate religious rights situation in Crimea
(RIA Novosti, Russia Religion News)

Muslim protectors: The untold story of the Holocaust
(Wardah Khalid, HuffPost Religion)

Moving beyond tolerance
(Rev. Victor H. Kazanjian, Jr., HuffPost Religion)

Religious Leaders in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley offer support for Muslims
(Lloyd Steffen, HuffPost Religion)

South Carolina close to passing formal ban on Sharia law
(Robert Fowler, Opposing Views)

South Carolina “religious freedom” bill being revised
(Charleston Gazette-Mail)

FHSAA 'legal and wise' on prayer issue, religious freedoms organization says
(Jeffrey S. Solocheck, Tampa Bay Times)

Fierce battles in southeast Turkey hedge in Christians
(World Watch Monitor)

Nations gather in Rome to discuss anti-Islamic State push, Libya
(Arshad Mohammed, Reuters)

Germany's Merkel under increasing pressure to reduce refugee numbers: ally
(Matthias Inverardi and Michael Nienaber, Reuters)

Anti-immigration protest turns violent In Britain
(Michaela Whitton, Mint Press News)

PM says Australian vote to decide gay marriage
(Al Jazeera America)

More than 10,000 refugee children missing in Europe
(Al Jazeera)

Israel to allow non-Orthodox Jewish prayer at the Western Wall
(Al Jazeera America)

Wisconsin tribe fights city hall over sacred burial mounds
(Tristan Ahtone, Al Jazeera America)

Nigeria: Faith against corruption
(Katherine Marshall, HuffPost Religion)

D.C. Circuit revives Holocaust survivors' expropriation claims against Hungary
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

No winners in Ashers cake case
(Belfast Telegraph)

Opposite-sex civil partnerships and judicial review: Steinfeld & Anor v S of S for Education
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Explainer: What are the Heritage Foundation and the Alliance Defending Freedom?
(Nicole Hemmer, The Conversation)

The '1 percent' in mainline Protestantism? Congregations attracting young adults
(David Briggs, The ARDA (Association of Religion Data Archives))

Italians rally against rights for gay couples
(Al Jazeera America)

Britain approves controversial gene-editing technique
(Maria Cheng, AP Medical Writer, ABC News)

Turkey country with second highest number of ECtHR convictions
(Murat Yilmaz, Cihan News Agency)

Children from non-religious homes 'discriminated against in Irish schools'
(Mark O'Regan, Irish Independent)

Battle joined over place of faith in education
(Caroline Wyatt, BBC News)

'What if your daughter married a Muslim?' - poll shocks France
(Sam Ball, France 24)

Shani temple row: Ramdev Baba against discrimination of women in religion
(Daily News & Analysis)

Chief Rabbi of Moscow: We're facing a religious world war
(Arutz Sheva)

Muslims donate Bibles, praying mats to churches in Kaduna
(Olamide Oni,

Sectarian tensions at home
(Raihan Ismail, OUPblog Religion)

World churches leader hails Muslim scholars' declaration on religious minorities' rights
(Peter Kenny, Ecumenical News)

Antisemitism continues unabated across the EU
(FRA (European Agency for Fundamental Rights))

FRA publishes first monthly update on fundamental rights and migration
(European Agency for Fundamental Rights)

Suit over Chabad house in historic district survives almost all motions to dismiss
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Texas top court sides with cheerleaders in Bible banner suit
(David Warren, Associated Press)

Texas Supreme Court: Cheerleaders' battle with school district not moot
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Report on mass graves of Yazidis in Sinjar
(Matthew Barber, Syria Comment (Joshua Landis))

EVENT, 1 February 2016: Colloquium in Law and Religion, St. John's Law School, Queens, NY. Brett Scharffs presenting
(Mark Movsesian, First Things)

EVENT, 1 February 2015: The Urgency of Knowing Each Other, Institute for Global Engagement's Faith & International Affairs Conference Call Series.
(Ambassador Akbar Ahmed, Institute for Global Engagement)

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Afghan religious scholars issue fatwa against peace talks
(Tahir Khan, The Express Tribune)

What you need to know about ‘religious liberty’ bills in Georgia
(Aaron Gould Sheinin, Atlanta Journal Constitution)

No religion has taught us to be intolerant: Mamata
(The Statesman)

Al-Ahsa killers ‘have no religion’
(Sultan Al-Sughair and Abdul Hannan Tago, Arab News)

Boko Haram ‘burns children alive’ in northeast Nigeria
(Associated Press and Reuters, The National World)

Marrakech Declaration historic and inspiring
(Dr. Robert P. Sellers, A Report from the Chair of the Parliament of the World's Religions)

Heterosexual civil partnership refusal not a human rights breach
(Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog)

Law and religion round-up – 31st January
(Frank Cranmer, Law & Religion UK)

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Law column: Handling religion in the workplace
(Wilford H Stone, The Gazette)

Supreme Court sets date for birth-control mandate showdown
(Tom Howell, Jr., The Washington Times)

Suit seeks to bring marijuana under American Indian Religious Freedom Act
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Tennessee appeals court invokes ecclesiastical abstention in church property dispute
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Texas Supreme Court rules in favor of Bible banner cheeleaders
(Lana Shadwick, Breitbart News)

Legally accepted religious marriages in Latvia
(Eurel: Sociological and legal data on religions in Europe)

Muslims call for removal of baptism preference in schools
(RTE News)

Italian Constitution of 1947 - Article 7, concerning the relationship between the State and the Catholic Church
(Francesco Alicino, Eurel: Sociological and legal data on religions in Europe)

Reforms of the Catholic Church Law in Marital Nullity Trials
(Vera Valente, Eurel: Sociological and legal data on religions in Europe)

Formation à la laïcité: In recent years, some universities have set up a university degree (diplôme d’université) in "laïcité"
(Eurel: Sociological and legal data on religions in Europe)

More is needed to beat ISIS, Pentagon officials conclude
(Michael S. Schmidt and Helene Cooper, The New York Times)

Muslim leaders vow to protect rights of religious minorities
(Tom Gjelten, NPR)

France to recognize Palestinian state if deadlock with Israel remains
(AFP, Reuters, Deutsche Welle)

Italy could finally allow civil unions — but what will the pope say?
(Anthony Faiola, The Washington Post)

Poland to fund private college run by controversial priest
(The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Happy hour and drinks are still flowing in the Gambia, the newest Islamic state
(Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian)

Prime minister says Australian vote to decide gay marriage
(Rod McGuirk, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

U.S. insists no change in 'made in West Bank' labeling order
(Nathan Guttman, Jewish Daily Forward)

Death-row inmate's case targets Georgia's strict secrecy law
(Kate Brumback, The Associated Press, The Big Story)

Ga. GOP struggle with number of religious exemption bills
(Johnny Kauffman, WABE)

Friday, 29 January 2016

IU Law professor: Do not repeal RFRA
(Daniel O. Conkle, Indianapolis Star)

State senator sees hate crimes bill as follow-up to Utah nondiscrimination, religious rights law
(Dennis Romboy, KSL)

France changing secularism teaching to combat extremism
(Corey Barnett, World Religion News)

Panel strikes 'death of unborn child'
(Andy Davis, Northwest Arkansas Democrat)

Arkansas Board of Health rejects legislature's description of abortion
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Atheists can move ahead with challenge to Florida county Ten Commandments monument
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Court refuses to allow amended complaint on building code application to home Bible study groups
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

Thomas More Law Center files federal lawsuit on behalf of Marine dad banned from school property after he objected to Islamic indoctrination of daughter
(Press Release, Thomas More Law Center)

'Don't link wrong interpretation to particular religion'
(The Statesman)

Suit challenges high school history unit on Islam
(Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)

The BBC must lead the effort against religious illiteracy
(Aaqil Ahmed, Open Democracy)

Texas Supreme Court sides with HS cheerleaders in religious freedom case

Public chimes in on religious freedom bill
(Pamela Pritt, The Register-Herald)

President Fischer to visit KAICIID during World Interfaith Harmony Week
(KAICIID Dialogue Centre)

From temple to mosque, a multifaith meeting place
(Kristin E. Holmes,

Catholics, Jews, Humanists and Muslims meet: Confronting interfaith dialogue 50 years later
(Ben Greenberg, My Jewish Learning)

Interested in a March event with James Davis and lots of other religion-beat talent?
(Terry Mattingly, Get Religion (blog))

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